
Poultice (n):  pohl-tis
A poultice is a piece of cloth with a soft, often hot, substance such as clay or a mixture of herbs on it It is put over a painful or swollen part of someone's body in order to reduce the pain or swelling

Preamble (n):  pree-am-buhl
A preamble is an introduction that comes before something you say or write = introductory statement
James gave him the news without preamble

Precedent (n):  pres-i-duhnt
If there is a precedent for an action or event, it has happened before, and this can be regarded as an argument for doing it again
UN involvement in the country's affairs would set a dangerous precedent

Precept (n):   pree-sept
A precept is a general rule that helps you to decide how you should behave in particular circumstances =  principle
“Love they neighbor as thyself” is a worthwhile precept

Preciosity (n):  presh-ee-os-i-tee (1105)
An overrefinement in art or speech

Precursor (n):  pri-kur-ser
A precursor of something is a similar thing that happened or existed before it, often something which led to the existence or development of that thing
The company said that the deal should not be seen as a precursor to merger

Predicament (n):  pri-dik-uh-muhnt
If you are in a predicament, you are in an unpleasant situation that is difficult to get out of = dilemma
The decision will leave her in a  pecular predicament

Predilection (n):  pred-l-ek-shuhn
If you have a predilection for something, you have a strong liking for it =  fondness
The artist had a predilection for bright colours

(n):  prel-yood
You can describe an event as a prelude to a more important event when it happens before it and acts as an introduction to it = introduction, forerunner
Most unions see privatisation as an inevitable prelude to job losses

Premonition (n):  pree-muh-nish-uhn (1110)
If you have a premonition, you have a feeling that something is going to happen, often something unpleasant = forewarning
He has an unshakable premonition that he would die

Preponderance (n):  pri-pon-der-uhns
If there is a preponderance of one type of person or thing in a group, there is more of that type than of any other = superiority of power, quantity, etc
There is a preponderance of women in music classes

Prerogative (n):  pri-rog-uh-tiv
If something is the prerogative of a particular person or group, it is a privilege or a power that only they have  = privilege, unquestionable right
Education was once the prerogative of the elite only

Prescience (n):  presh-uhns
If you say that someone or something was prescient, you mean that they were able to know or predict what was going to happen in the future = foresight
She showed great prescience in selling her shares just before the  market crashed

Presentiment (n):   pri-zen-tuh-muhnt
A presentiment is a feeling that a particular event, for example someone's death, will soon take place = premonition, foreboding
I had a presentiment that he represented a danger to me

Prestige (n):  pre-steezh (1115)
If a person, a country, or an organization has prestige, they are admired and respected because of the position they hold or the things they have achieved
Hosting the Olympic Games would add to our country's international prestige

Presumption (n):  pri-zuhmp-shuhn
A presumption is something that is accepted as true but is not certain to be true  = assumption, arrogance, effrontery
On the presumption that the doctor knows best, I took the medicine

Primogeniture (n):  prahy-muh-jen-i-cher
The system by which property that is owned by a man goes to his oldest son after his death
In Indian dynastic history, by virtue of primogeniture, the first-born child had the privilege of becoming the next king

Probity (n):  proh-bi-tee
Probity is a high standard of correct moral behaviour = prightness, integrity
He asserted his innocence and his financial probity

Proboscis (n):  proh-bos-is
The long thin nose of some animals such as an elephant

Proclivity (n):  proh-kliv-i-tee (1120)
A proclivity is a tendency to behave in a particular way or to like a particular thing, often a bad way or thing = disposition
The government has a proclivity for spending money

Prodigy (n):  prod-i-jee
A prodigy is someone young who has a great natural ability for something such as music, mathematics, or sport
The Russian tennis prodigy is well on the way to becoming the youngest world champion of all time

Profusion (n):  pruh-fyoo-zhuhn
If there is a profusion of something or if it occurs in profusion, there is a very large quantity or variety of it =  abundance
The house was overflowing with a profusion of strange ornaments

Progenitor (n):  proh-jen-i-ter
A progenitor of someone is a direct ancestor of theirs
He was the progenitor of a distinguished family

Progeny (n):  proj-uh-nee
You can refer to a person’s children or to an animal’s young as their progeny
Davis was never boastful on the subject of his progeny

Prognosis (n):  prog-noh-sis (1125)
A prognosis is an estimate of the future of someone or something, especially about whether a patient will recover from an illness = a prediction, forecasting
The hospital physiotherapist’s prognosis was that James might walk within 12 months

Prognostication (n):  prog-nos-ti-key-shuhn
A prognostication is a statement about what you think will happen in the future = prediction, forecast
The country is currently obsessed with gloomy prognostications about its future

Projectile (n):  pruh-jek-til
A projectile is an object that is fired from a gun or other weapon = missile
Let us suppose an engineer wishes to fire a projectile faster than light

Proletarian (n):  proh-li-tair-ee-uhn
The class of workers who own no property and work for wages, especially in factories, building things etc - used in socialist writings, Proletarian means relating to the proletariat
The Russian Revolution is considered a proletarian revolution

Promontory (n):  prom-uhn-tawr-ee
A promontory is a cliff that stretches out into the sea = headland

Propellants (n):  pruh-pel-uhnt (1130)
Propellant is a substance that causes something to move forwards
This propellant combination performs well and permits a fairly compact vehicle design

Propensity (n):  pruh-pen-si-tee
A propensity to do something or a propensity for something is a natural tendency that you have to behave in a particular way = tendency
Mr Bint has a propensity to put off decisions to the last minute

Propinquity (n):  proh-ping-kwi-tee
Prophylactic means concerned with preventing disease=
nearness, kinship, proximity
Here the rich and the poor live in close propinquity

Propriety (n):  pruh-prahy-i-tee
Propriety is the quality of being socially or morally acceptable = decorum, decency
I do not think that your reply fits into the propriety of the shop

Proscenium (n):  proh-see-nee-uhm
A proscenium or a proscenium arch is an arch in a theatre which separates the stage from the audience
We were having them simply marching across the proscenium curtain

Prosody (n):  pros-uh-dee
The patterns of sound and rhythm in poetry and spoken language, or the rules for arranging these patterns

Protege (n):  proh-tuh-zhey (1135)
The protege of an older and more experienced person is a young person who is helped and guided by them over a period of time = apprentice
He had been a protege of Captain James

Protocol  (n):  proh-tuh-kawl
Protocol is a system of rules about the correct way to act in formal situations
Foreign service officers and their spouse must learn the rules of protocol

Prototype (n):  proh-tuh-tahyp
A prototype is a new type of machine or device which is not yet ready to be made in large numbers and sold = model
The Humayun Tomb in Delhi is considered a prototype of the famous Taj Mahal

Provenance (n):  prov-uh-nuhns
The provenance of something is the place that it comes from or that it originally came from = pedigree
I am not interested in its provenance; I am more concerned with its usefulness than with its source

Provender (n):  prov-uhn-der
Animal fodder, food

Proviso (n):  pruh-vahy-zoh (1140)
A proviso is a condition in an agreement You agree to do something if this condition is fulfilled = stipulation
I am ready to accept your proposal with the proviso that you meet your obligations within the next two weeks

Provocation (n):  prov-uh-key-shuhn
If you describe a person's action as provocation or a provocation, you mean that it is a reason for someone else to react angrily, violently, or emotionally
She has a tendency to burst into tears at the slightest provocation

Proximity (n):  prok-sim-i-tee
Proximity to a place or person is nearness to that place or person  =  nearness
We chose the house for its proximity to the school

(n):  prok-see
If you do something by proxy, you arrange for someone else to do it for you = authorized agent
Those not attending the meeting may vote by proxy

Pseudonym (n):  sood-n-im
A pseudonym is a name which someone, usually a writer, uses instead of his or her real name
He writes under the pseudonym “Baapu”

Psyche (n):  sahyk (1145)
In psychology, your psyche is your mind and your deepest feelings and attitudes = soul, mind
It is difficult to delve into the psyche of a human being

Psychiatrist (n):  si-kahy-uh-trist
A psychiatrist is a doctor who treats people suffering from mental illness

Psychosis (n):  sahy-koh-sis
Psychosis is mental illness of a severe kind which can make people lose contact with reality = mental disorder
He may have some kind of neurosis or psychosis later in life

Pterodactyl (n):  ter-uh-dak-til
An extinct flying reptile

Pugilist (n):  pyoo-juh-list
A pugilist is a boxer  = a boxer
The pugilist was knocked down in 1st round itself

Pugnacity (n):  puhg-ney-shuhs (1150)
Pugnacity is the quality of being pugnacious  = combativeness, aggression
He is legendary for his fearlessness and pugnacity