Indefatigability (n): in-di-fat-i-guh-buhl
Indefatigability is a quality of a person who never gets tired of doing something = tireless, determination
Indemnity (n): in-dem-ni-tee
If something provides indemnity, it provides insurance or protection against damage or loss
The government was asked by the court to pay a hefty indemnity to the family of the dead passenger
Indenture (n): in-den-cher
a formal contract, especially in the past, between an apprentice and his master (=employer), or the act of arranging this
The workers were held by their employers by spurious indentures
Indignity (n): in-dig-ni-tee
If you talk about the indignity of doing something, you mean that it makes you feel embarrassed or unimportant = humiliation
The freedom fighters were subjected to all sorts of indignities
Indigence (n): in-di-juhns (755)
Indolence (n): in-dl-uhns
He outgrew his youthful indolence to become a model of industry and alertness on the job
Inebriety (n): in-i-brahy-i-tee
Someone who is inebriated has drunk too much alcohol = habitual intoxication
Scott was obviously inebriated by the time the dessert was served
Inequity (n): in-ek-wi-tee
If you refer to the inequity of something, you are criticizing it because it is unfair or unjust = unfairness, unfairness
There are inequities in wealth distribution
Inertia (n): in-ur-shuh
If you have a feeling of inertia, you feel very lazy and unwilling to move or be active = lethargy
It is nothing else but inertia that has kept him confined in that same one-room appartment for years
Inference (n): in-fer-uhns (760)
An inference is a conclusion that you draw about something by using information that you already have about it = conclusion
There were two inferences to be drawn from her letter
Infidel (n): in-fi-dl
If one person refers to another as an infidel, the first person is hostile towards the second person because that person has a different religion or has no religion = atheist
The orthodox religious factions tend to be very intolerant of infidels
Ingenue (n): an-zhuh-noo
An ingenue is a young, innocent girl in a play or film, or an actress who plays the part of young, innocent girls
I don't want any more ingenue roles
Infirmity (n): in-fur-mi-tee
A person with infirmity is weak or ill, and usually old
Infirmity didn’t prevent him from taking part in the marathon
Infraction (n): in-frak-shuhn
Infraction is an act of breaking a rule or law
Jumping red lights is an infraction of traffic rules
Ingrate (n): in-greyt (765)
An ungrateful person
Inkling (n): ingk-ling
If you have an inkling of something, you have a vague idea about it = hint
I had no inkling of his real purpose until much later
Innovation (n): in-uh-vey-shuhn
An innovation is a new thing or a new method of doing something = change; introduction off something new
The vegetarian burger was an innovation which was rapidly exported to Britain
Innuendo (n): in-yoo-en-doh
Innuendo is indirect reference to something rude or unpleasant = insinuation, indirect refrence
The report was based on rumours, speculation, and innuendo
Insolvency (n): in-sol-vuhn-see
Insolvency is the state of not having enough money to pay your debts = bankruptcy, lack of ability to repay debts
The bank, facing insolvency was rescued by the government
Insomnia (n): in-som-nee-uh (770)
Someone who suffers from insomnia finds it difficult to sleep = wakefulness, inability to sleep
He is suffering from insomnia lately
Insularity (n): in-suh-ler
narrow-mindedness; isolation
The insularity of the islanders manifested itself in their suspicion of anything foreign
Insurrection (n): in-suh-rek-shuhn
An insurrection is violent action that is taken by a large group of people against the rulers of their country, usually in order to remove them from office = uprising, insurgency
There was an insurrection against the feudal system in the 17th century
Integrity (n): in-teg-ri-tee
If you have integrity, you are honest and firm in your moral principles = wholeness; purity, uprightness
I have always regarded him as a man of integrity
Integument (n): in-teg-yuh-muhn
outer covering or skin
He keeps fat in the limpid integument Reflections live on
Interloper (n): in-ter-lohp, in-ter-lohp (775)
If you describe someone as an interloper, you mean that they have come into a situation or a place where they are not wanted or do not belong = intruder
They managed to catch the interloper before the could escape
Interstices (n): in-tur-stis
A small or narrow space or interval between parts or things
Intellect (n): in-tl-ekt
Intellect is the ability to understand or deal with ideas and information = higher mental powers
Do the emotions develop in parallel with the intellect?
Intelligentsia (n): in-tel-i-jent-see-uh
The intelligentsia in a country or community are the most educated people there, especially those interested in the arts, philosophy, and politics
He was born into intelligentsia - his mother was a doctor and his father a writer
Interim (n): in-ter-uhm
Interim is used to describe something that is intended to be used until something permanent is done or established
She was sworn in as head of an interim government in March = meantime
JLNehru was appointed the head of the interim government that was sat up for the period before the country’s first free elections
Interment (n): in-tur-muhnt (780)
The interment of a dead person is their burial = burial
Intransigence (n): in-tran-si-juhnse
If you talk about someone’s intransigence, you mean that they refuse to behave differently or to change their attitude to something = stubbornness
He accused the government of intransigence
Introvert (n): in-truh-vurt
An introvert is a quiet, shy person who finds it difficult to talk to people
Intuition (n): in-too-ish-uhn
Your intuition or your intuitions are unexplained feelings you have that something is true even when you have no evidence or proof of it = instinct
Her intuition was telling her that something was wrong
Invective (n): in-vek-tiv
Invective is rude and unpleasant things that people shout at people they hate or are angry with = abusive language
We should refrain from using invectives in our speeches
Inviolability (n): in-vahy-uh-luh-buhl (785)
Inviolablity of a right, law, principle etc is extremely important and should be treated with respect and not broken or removed
Parliament has recognised the inviolability of the current border
Iota (n): ahy-oh-tuh
If you say that there is not an iota or not one iota of something, you are emphasizing that there is not even a very small amount of it = jot, very small quantity
He's never shown an iota of interest in any kind of work
Irony (n): ahy-ruh-nee
Irony is a subtle form of humour which involves saying things that you do not mean = hidden sarcasm or satire
The tragic irony is that the drug was supposed to save lives
Isotope (n): ahy-suh-tohp
Isotopes are atoms that have the same number of protons and electrons but different numbers of neutrons and therefore have different physical properties = varying form of an element
There is also a section on isotope dilution analysis
Itinerary (n): ahy-tin-uh-rer-ee, ih-tin-
An itinerary is a plan of a journey, including the route and the places that you will visit = schedule, planned route
The next place on our itinerary was Shimla
Itinerary (n): ahy-tin-uh-rer-ee (790)
An itinerary is a plan of a journey, including the route and the places that you will visit = plan of a trip
The next place on our itinerary was Silistra
Jargon (n): jahr-guhn
You use jargon to refer to words and expressions that are used in special or technical ways by particular groups of people, often making the language difficult to understand = language used by special group, gibberish
The manual is full of the jargon and slang of self-improvement courses
Jaunt (n): jawnt, jahnt
A jaunt is a short journey which you go on for pleasure or excitement = a short trip
We enjoyed our weekend jaunt
Jeopardy (n): jep-er-dee
If someone or something is in jeopardy, they are in a dangerous situation where they might fail, be lost, or be destroyed = danger
Thousands of jobs are in jeopardy
Jeremiad (n): jer-uh-mahy-uhd
a long speech or piece of writing that complains about a situation, or says that bad things will happen
Jingoism (n): jing-goh-iz-uhm (795)
Jingoism is a strong and unreasonable belief in the superiority of your own country = extreme patriotism
The jingoism of the Nazis proved to be the undoing of Germany
Jubilation (n): joo-buh-ley-shuhn
Jubilation is a feeling of great happiness and pleasure, because of a success = rejoicing
His resignation was greeted by jubilation on the streets of Sofia
Juncture (n): juhngk-cher
At a particular juncture means at a particular point in time, especially when it is a very important time in a process or series of events = crisis; joining point
India and Pakistan are at an important juncture in the negotiations
Junket (n): juhng-kit
If you describe a trip or visit by an official or businessman as a junket, you disapprove of it because it is expensive, unnecessary, and often has been paid for with public money = journey
Politicians usually go off on junkets to Europe in summers
Junta (n): Jhoon-tuh, juhn-, huhn-
A junta is a military government that has taken power by force, and not through elections
Several South American countries are ruled by Junta
Jurisprudence (n): joor-is-prood-ns (800)
Jurisprudence is the study of law and the principles on which laws are based = science of law
He showed his jurisprudence and awoke the government by his advocacy