Surveillance (n): ser-vey-luhns
Surveillance is the careful watching of someone, especially by an organization such as the police or the army = guarding
He was arrested after being kept under constant surveillance
Sustenance (n): suhs-tuh-nuhns
Sustenance is food or drink which a person, animal, or plant needs to remain alive and healthy = means of support, food, nourishment
The state provided a basic quantity of food for daily sustenance, but little else
Suture (n): soo-cher
A suture is a stitch made to join together the open parts of a wound, especially one made after a patient has been operated on = stitch
The doctor put six sutures for the wound on his face
Sybarite (n): sib-uh-rahyt
A person who is self-indulgently fond of sensuous luxury
Not all rich people are sybarite by nature
Sycophant (n): sik-uh-fuhnt (1355)
A sycophant is a person who behaves in a sycophantic way = servile flatterer
The gullible minister was befooled by the sycophant
Syllogism (n): sil-uh-jiz-uhm
A logical formula utilizing a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion
He used illogical syllogism to reach at the absurd conclusion
Symmetry (n): sim-i-tree
Something that has symmetry is symmetrical in shape, design, or structure
The symmetry between increasing number of burglaries and rising unemployment isn’t just coincidental
Synthesis (n): sin-thuh-sis
A synthesis of different ideas or styles is a mixture or combination of these ideas or styles
This Book is a synthesis of the work of authors
Talisman (n): tal-is-muhn
A talisman is an object which you believe has magic powers to protect you or bring you luck = charm
He has worn the ring as a talisman ever since he survived the fatal accident
Talon (n): tal-uhn (1360)
The talons of a bird of prey are its hooked claws = claw of bird
The eagle sank its talons into the rat
Tantrum (n): tan-truhm
If a child has a tantrum, they lose their temper in a noisy and uncontrolled way If you say that an adult is throwing a tantrum, you are criticizing them for losing their temper and acting in a childish way = fit of petulance, caprice
The boy had a tantrum because his mother didn’t buy him a chocolate
Taper (n): tey-per
If something tapers, or if you taper it, it becomes gradually thinner at one end
She lit the gas with a taper
Tarantula (n): tuh-ran-chuh-luh
A tarantula is a large hairy spider which has a poisonous bite = venomous spider
He once did a show on an Amazonian tarantula that occasionally eats birds
Tarn (n): tahrn
A tarn is a small lake in an area of mountains
On the road back to the tarn we passed a cluster of cottages
Tatterdemalion (n): tat-er-di-meyl-yuhn (1365)
A person in tattered clothing
Tautology (n): taw-tol-uh-jee
Tautology is the use of different words to say the same thing twice in the same statement `The money should be adequate enough' is an example of tautology = unnecessary repetition, pleonasm
Tedium (n): tee-dee-uhm
If you talk about the tedium of a job, task, or situation, you think it is boring and rather frustrating = boredom
She longed for something to relieve the tedium of everyday life
Teleology (n): tel-ee-ol-uh-jee
A doctrine of final causes
Temerity (n): tuh-mer-i-tee
If you say that a person has the temerity to do something, you are annoyed about something they have done which you think showed a lack of respect
He had the temerity to call me a liar
Temperament (n): tem-per-uh-muhnt (1370)
Your temperament is your basic nature, especially as it is shown in the way that you react to situations or to other people
Dhoni is praised for his cool temperament
Tempo (n): tem-poh
The tempo of a piece of music is the speed at which it is played = speed of music
Both teams played the match with great tempo
Tenacity (n): tuh-nas-i-tee
If you have tenacity, you are very determined and do not give up easily = firmness
It is extremely difficult to overcome the tenacity of a habit such as smoking
Tenet (n): ten-it
The tenets of a theory or belief are the main principles on which it is based = principle, doctrine
The judge’s ruling was based on the simple commensense tenet that no man is above the law
Tenure (n): ten-yer
Tenure is the legal right to live in a particular building or to use a particular piece of land during a fixed period of time
The company has doubled in value during his tenure
Tergiversation (n): tur-ji-ver-sey- shun (1375)
Using evasive language
Termagant (n): tur-muh-guhnt
A woman who is always arguing and fighting = brawling woman
Terminology (n): tur-muh-nol-uh-jee
The terminology of a subject is the set of special words and expressions used in connection with it
It was an interesting programme, which gave the facts without using too much scientific terminology
Terminus (n): tur-muh-nuhs
On a bus or train route, the terminus is the last stop, where the bus or train turns round or starts a journey in the opposite direction = last stop of railroad
Mumbai’s Victoria Trminus is the busiest terminus in India
Terrapin (n): ter-uh-pin
A terrapin is a reptile which has a thick shell covering its body and which lives partly in water and partly on land
Testator (n): tes-tey-ter (1380)
If one thing is a testament to another, it shows that the other thing exists or is true
He was trying to prove that the testator was under duress
Thaumaturge (n): thaw-muh-turj
A worker of wonders or miracles; magician
Theocracy (n): thee-ok-ruh-see
A theocracy is a society which is ruled by priests who represent a god
Vatican city is a perfect example of theocracy
Theosophy (n): thee-os-uh-fee
wisdom in divine things
Thrall (n): thrawl
If you say that someone is in thrall to a person or thing, you mean that they are completely in their power or are greatly influenced by them = bondage
The captured soldier was held in thrall by the conquering army
Threnody (n): thren-uh-dee (1385)
A song of lamentation = dirge
Throes (n): throh
If someone is experiencing something very unpleasant or emotionally painful, you can say that they are in the throes of it, especially when it is in its final stages
Despite being in the throes, the lady could make it to the hospoital all alone
Thyme (n): tahym
Thyme is a type of herb used in cooking
Let cool and stir in thyme, marjoram, savvy, and chives
Timbre (n): tam-ber
The timbre of someone's voice or of a musical instrument is the particular quality of sound that it has
His voice had a deep timbre
Timidity (n): tim-id
Timid people are shy, nervous, and have no courage or confidence in themselves= lack of self-confidence
The President’s critics say he has been too timid in responding to changing international developments
Timorous (n): tim-er-uhs (1390)
If you describe someone as timorous, you mean that they are frightened and nervous of other people and situations
= timid
Some delegates believe the final declaration is likely to be too timorous
Tirade (n): tahy-reyd
A tirade is a long angry speech in which someone criticizes a person or thing = verbal attack
She launched into a tirade of abuse against politicians
Tithe (n): tahyth
A tithe is a fixed amount of money or goods that is given regularly in order to support a church, a priest, or a charity = tax of one-tenth
Tocsin (n): tok-sin
Alarm bell
Toga (n): toh-guh
A toga is a piece of clothing which was worn by the ancient Romans = Roman outer robe
Tome (n): tohm (1395)
A tome is a very large, heavy book = large volume
Tonsure (n): ton-sher
Shaving of the head, especially by person entering religious orders
Hindus tonsure their heads at Tirupathi Balaji as a mark of sacrifice
Topography (n): tuh-pog-ruh-fee
Topography is the study and description of the physical features of an area, for example its hills, valleys, or rivers, or the representation of these features on maps
The topography of Andaman and Nicobar Islands has changed significantly after tsunami disaster
Torpor (n): tawr-per
Torpor is the state of being completely inactive mentally or physically, for example because of illness or laziness
In the heat, they sank into a state of torpor
Torque (n): tawrk
Torque is a force that causes something to spin around a central point such as an axle
With her wrench she applied sufficient torque to the nut to loosen it
Torso (n): tawr-soh (1400)
Your torso is the main part of your body, and does not include your head, arms, and legs
Excavators have found a torso, which they claim of an ancient king