Declivity (n): dih-kliv-i-tee
downward slope
Decorum (n): dih-kawr-uhm, -kohr-
Decorum is behaviour that people consider to be correct, polite, and respectable = politeness, decorous
He was disciplined for breaching the Senate's rules of decorum
Decoy (n): dee-koi
If you refer to something or someone as a decoy, you mean that they are intended to attract people’s attention and deceive them, for example by leading them into a trap or away from a particular place = trick
The decoy successfully entrapped the corrupt official
Decrepitude (n): dih-krep-i-tood
Decrepitude is the state of being very old and in poor condition = weak
The building had a general air of decrepitude and neglect
Defamation (n): def-uh-mey-shuhn] (405)
Defamation is the damaging of someone’s good reputation by saying something bad and untrue about them = libel
He sued the newspaper for defamation of character
Default (n): dih-fawlt
If a person, company, or country defaults on something that they have legally agreed to do, such as paying some money or doing a piece of work before a particular time, they fail to do it = failure to do
The credit card business is down, and more borrowers are defaulting on loans
Defection (n): dih-fek-shuhn
you use defection, when you leave your country, political party, or other group, and join an opposing country, party, or group = leave
recent changes in the policy have resulted in large-scale defections from the party
Deference (n): def-er-uhns
Deference is a polite and respectful attitude towards someone, especially because they have an important position = respect
The flags were lowered out of deference for the bereaved family
Deity (n): dee-i-tee
A deity is a god or goddess.
Delineation (n): pih-lin-ee-ey-shuhn (410)
Delirium (n): dih-leer-ee-uhm
If someone is suffering from delirium, they are not able to think or speak in a sensible and reasonable way because they are very ill and have a fever = restless
In her delirium, she had fallen to the floor several times
Deluge (n): del-yooj
A deluge of things is a large number of them which arrive or happen at the same time = flood
When the snow melts, the mountain stream becomes a deluge
Delusion (n): dih-loo-zhuhn
A delusion is a false idea = misconception
It is a delusion to think, success can be achieved without effort
Demagogue (n): dem-uh-gog, -gawg
If you say that someone such as a politician is a demagogue you are criticizing them because you think they try to win people’s support by appealing to their emotions rather than using reasonable arguments = politician
Many people regard Hitler as having been a demagogue
Demeanour (n): dih-mee-ner (415)
Your demeanour is the way you behave, which gives people an impression of your character and feelings = manner
He maintained a professional demeanour throughout
Demesne (n): dih-meyn
in the past, a large house and the land that belonged to it
Royal charters bore witness to renewed vigour outside the demesne as in it
Demise (n): dih-mahyz
The demise of something or someone is their end or death = death
The sudden demise of MS subbalaxmi has created a void that cannot be filled by anyone else
Demolition (n): dem-uh-lish-uhn
The demolition of a building is the act of deliberately destroying it, often in order to build something else in its place = destruction
The project required the total demolition of the old bridge
Denizen (n): den-uh-zuhn
A denizen of a particular place is a person, animal, or plant that lives or grows in this place = inhabitant of
Grasshoppers and other locusts are the denizens of fields and forests
Denotation (n): dee-noh-tey-shuhn (420)
the actual meaning of a word, rather than the feelings or ideas connected with the word = meaning
The practice of denotation of soldiers and army horses started in medieval times
Denouement (n): dey-noo-mahn
In a book, play, or series of events, the denouement is the sequence of events at the end, when things come to a conclusion = outcome, final
Everyone enjoyed throughly as the match had an exciting denouement
Depose (n): dih-pohz
If a ruler or political leader is deposed, they are forced to give up their position = oust
After the jury gave its decision, the president of the committee was deposed from the post
Deposition (n): dep-uh-zish-uhn
A deposition is a formal written statement, made for example by a witness to a crime, which can be used in a court of law if the witness cannot be present = affirmation
He made his deposition in the judge’s chamber
Depravity (n): dih-prav-i-tee
Depravity is very dishonest or immoral behaviour = corruption, wickedness
The elderly man wondered what depravities have engulfed the society
Depredation (n): dep-ri-dey-shuhn (425)
The depredations of a person, animal, or force are their harmful actions, which usually involve taking or damaging something = destroy
The depredations of the terrible disease could be seen only too clearly in her extreme emaciation and feebleness
Derelict (n): der-uh-likt
1 A place or building that is derelict is empty and in a bad state of repair because it has not been used or lived in for a long time = untidy
2 Someone who has no home or money
In every large city, there is a neighborhood that serves as a refuge for derelicts who have failed to come to terms with society
Derision (n): dih-rizh-uhn
If you treat someone or something with derision, you express contempt for them = disdain, ridicule
His speech was greeted with derision by opposition leaders
Dermatologist (n): dur-muh-tol-uh-jist
A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in the study of skin and the treatment of skin diseases
He was advised to visit a dermatologist after rashes skin diseases
Desideratum (n): dih-sid-uh-rey-tuhm
Something that is wanted or needed
International peace is a desideratum
Desport (n): des-puht, -pot (430)
A despot is a ruler or other person who has a lot of power and who uses it unfairly or cruelly = tyrant, dictator
The king was generally regarded as having been a despot
Despotism (n): des-puh-tiz-uhm
Despotism is cruel and unfair government by a ruler or rulers who have a lot of power = tyranny
The people rebelled against the despotism of the king
Desuetude (n): des-wi-tood, -tyood
disused condition
The machinery in the idle factory was in a state of desuetude
Deterrent (n): dih-tur-uhnt
A deterrent is something that prevents people from doing something by making them afraid of what will happen to them if they do it
The small fines for this type of crime do not act as much of a deterrent
Detergent (n): dih-tur-juhnt
Detergent is a chemical substance, usually in the form of a powder or liquid, which is used for washing things such as clothes or dishes = cleansing agent
Detonation (n): det-n-ey-shuhn (435)
A detonation is a large or powerful explosion = explosion
Detour (n): dee-toor
If you make a detour on a journey, you go by a route which is not the shortest way, because you want to avoid something such as a traffic jam, or because there is something you want to do on the way = deviation, diversion
The detour was a blessing in disguise as it provided us an opportunity to see the village
Detraction (n): dih-trak-shuhn
He is offended by your frequent detractions of his ability as a leader
Detriment (n): de-truh-muhnt
If something happens to the detriment of something or to a person's detriment, it causes harm or damage to them = harm, damage
Children spend too much time on schoolwork, to the detriment of other activities
Diadem (n): dahy-uh-dem
A diadem is a small crown with precious stones in it = coronet
The kings diadem had jewels embedded in it
Dialectic (n): dahy-uh-lek-tik (440)
People refer to the dialectic or dialectics of a situation when they are referring to the way in which two very different forces or factors work together, and the way in which their differences are resolved = art of debate
All advocates are not as skilled in dialectic as they should be
Diatribe (n): dahy-uh-trahyb
A diatribe is an angry speech or article which is extremely critical of someone’s ideas or activities = a bitter speech, tirade
He launched a bitter diatribe against the younger generation
Dichotomy (n): dahy-kot-uh-mee
If there is a dichotomy between two things, there is a very great difference or opposition between them = difference
A dichotomy between his public and private lives is clearly perceived
Dictum (n): dik-tuhm
A dictum is a saying that describes an aspect of life in an interesting or wise way = saying, authoritative and weighty statement
Descartes' famous dictum: 'I think; therefore, I am'
Diffusion (n): dih-fyoo-zhuhn
If something such as knowledge or information is diffused, or if it diffuses somewhere, it is made known over a wide area or to a lot of people = spread
Their ideas diffused quickly across Europe
Dilemma (n): dih-lem-uh (445)
A dilemma is a difficult situation in which you have to choose between two or more alternatives = problem
He was faced with the dilemma of whether or not to return to his country
Dilettante (n): dil-i-tahnt
You can use dilettante to talk about someone who seems interested in a subject, especially in art, but who does not really know very much about it = amatuer
He was not serious in his painting; he was rather a dilettante
Diminution (n): dim-uh-noo-shuhn
A diminution of something is its reduction in size, importance, or intensity = reduction, lessening; reduction in size
Despite a slight diminution in asset value, he is still rich
Dint (n): dint
If you achieve a result by dint of something, you achieve it by means of that thing
By dint of hard work and persistence, she had got the job of manager
Dipsomaniac (n): dip-suh-mey-nee-ak
one who has a strong craving for intoxicating liquor
The dispomaniac’s family life was ruined as his wife and children left him
Disappobation (n): dis-ap-ruh-bey-shuhn (450)
disapproval of someone or something because you think they are morally wrong
The bill could not pass in parliament because of opposition’s disapprobation