Abase (v): uh-beys
to behave in a way that shows you accept that someone has complete power over you = degrade, humiliate
He felt abased after he was caught copying by the teacher
Abate (v): uh-beyt
If something bad or undesirable abates, it becomes much less strong or severe = decrease, subside, lessen
The storms had abated by the time they reached Jaipur
Abdicate (v): ab-di-keyt
If a king or queen abdicates, he or she gives up being king or queen = renounce
She was forced to abdicate the throne of Spain
Abet (v): uh-bet
If one person abets another, they help or encourage them to do something criminal or wrong Abet is often used in the legal expression ‘aid and abet’ = help
He was abetted in the deception by his wife
Abhor (v): ab-hawr
If you abhor something, you hate it very much, especially for moral reasons = hate, loathe, detest
I abhor snakes
Abjure (v) : ab-joor, -jur
If you abjure something such as a belief or way of life, you state publicly that you will give it up or that you reject it = give up, swear off
He adjured his religion and became a non- believer
Abrade (v): uh-breyd
To abrade something means to scrape or wear down its surface by rubbing it = erode
The only way to shape it is to abrade it with even harder surfaces
Abrogate (v): ab-ruh-geyt
If someone in a position of authority abrogates something such as a law, agreement, or practice, they put an end to it = revoke, abolish, cancel
Our information is that the next prime minister could abrogate the treaty
Abscond (v): ab-skond
If someone absconds from somewhere such as a prison, they escape from it or leave it without permission = leave
The boy absconded from a children's home
Absolve (v): ab-zolv, -solv (10)
If a report or investigation absolves someone from blame or responsibility, it formally states that he or she is not guilty or is not to blame = set free, exonerate, exculpate
The investigation report absolved him from all the blames
Abstain (v): ab-steyn
If you abstain from something, usually something you want to do, you deliberately do not do it = refrain
According to doctors, pregnent women must abstain from smoking and drinking
Abut (v): uh-buht
When land or a building abuts something or abuts on something, it is next to it = adjoin
The farmers built a fence where their field abut
Accede (v): ak-seed
If you accede to someone’s request, you do what they ask = agree
India would not accede to pakistan’s demands
Accelerate (v): ak-sel-uh-reyt
If the process or rate of something accelerates or if something accelerates it, it gets faster and faster = move faster
The government is to accelerate its privatisation programme
Acclimate (v): ak-luh-meyt, uh-klahy-mit
to accustom or become accustomed to a new climate or environment = adjust
It took us complete 2 months to acclimate to the cold weather in Simla
Accost (v): uh-kawst, uh-kost
If someone accosts another person, especially a stranger, they stop them or go up to them and speak to them in a way that seems rude or threatening = comeup, greet
I went up to the policeman and complained that, that man had accosted me in the street
Accoutre (v): uh-koo-ter
to equip or outfit, esp with military clothes, equipment, etc = equip
The fisherman was accoutred with the best that the sporting goods store could supply
Accrue (v): uh-kroo
If money or interest accrues or if you accrue it, it gradually increases in amount over a period of time = build up
Interest will accrue if you keep your money in a savings accounts
Acknowledge (v): ak-nol-ij
If someone’s achievements, status, or qualities are acknowledged, they are known about and recognized by a lot of people, or by a particular group of people= recognize, admit
He is also acknowledged as an excellent leg spinner
Acquiesce (v): ak-wee-es (20)
If you acquiesce in something, you agree to do what someone wants or to accept what they do = assent, agree
She explained her plan and he reluctantly acquiesced
Actuate (v): ak-choo-eyt
If a person is actuated by an emotion, that emotion makes them act in a certain way If something actuates a device, the device starts working = activate, motivate
They were actuated by desire
Adapt (v): uh-dapt
If you adapt to a new situation or adapt yourself to it, you change your ideas or behaviour in order to deal with it successfully = alter, modify
The ability to adapt is a definite asset in this job
Addle (v): ad-l
If something addles someone’s mind or brain, they become confused and unable to think properly = to mudle, confuse
I suppose the shock had addled his poor old brain
Adjure (v): uh-joor
to order or try to persuade someone to do something
His father adjured him to be truthful
Admonish (v): ad-mon-ish (25)
If you admonish someone, you tell them very seriously that they have done something wrong = to warn
We admonished the boys not to be noisy