Verbs - 11 (251-275)

Embroil (v):  em-broil
If someone embroils you in a fight or an argument, they get you deeply involved in it = involve in difficulty
Meenakshi is quite adept at getting embroiled in problems

Empathize (v):  em-puh-thahyz
If you empathize with someone, you understand their situation, problems, and feelings, because you have been in a similar situation = understand
Parents must make use of their natural ability to empathize

Emulate (v):  em-yuh-leyt
If you emulate something or someone, you imitate them because you admire them a great deal = imitate
People often try to emulate their favorite movie stars

Encumber (v):  en-kuhm-ber
If you are encumbered by something, it prevents you from moving freely or doing what you want = burdened
He committed suicide, heavily encumbered with debt

Encompass (v):  en-kuhm-puhs (255)
If something encompasses particular things, it includes them= surround, embrace
The report encompasses the social, political, and economic aspects of the situation

Energize (v):  en-er-jahyz
To energize someone means to give them the enthusiasm and determination to do something = invigorate
He helped energize and mobilize millions of people around the nation

Enervate (v):  en-er-veyt
to make you feel tired and weak = weaken, debilitate
The hot sun enervated her to the point of collapse

Enjoin (v):  en-join
If you enjoin someone to do something, you order them to do it If you enjoin an action or attitude, you order people to do it or have it = command, order
She enjoined me strictly not to tell anyone else

Engross (v):  en-grohs
if something engrosses you, it interests you so much that you do not notice anything else = occupy fully
The scene was stunning, and for a time engrossed all our attention

Endue (v):  en-doo, -dyoo (260)
If you describe something bad as undue, you mean that it is greater or more extreme than you think is reasonable or appropriate = endow, provide
He was endued with a lion’s courage

Enfranchise  (v):  en-fran-chahyz
To enfranchise someone means to give them the right to vote in elections = giving rights
The newly enfranchised shareholders used their voting right in the AGM

Engender  (v):  en-jen-der
If someone or something engenders a particular feeling, atmosphere, or situation, they cause it to occur = produce
The women’s reservation issue has engendered a lot of controversy

Enhance (v):  en-hans, -hahns
To enhance something means to improve its value, quality, or attractiveness = advance, improve
Your chances for promotion in this department will be enhanced if you take some more courses in evening school

Enrapture (v):  en-rap-cher
If something or someone enraptures you, you think they are wonderful or fascinating = attract
The place at once enraptured me

Erode (v):  ih-rohd (265)
If rock or soil erodes or is eroded by the weather, sea, or wind, it cracks and breaks so that it is gradually destroyed = eat away
The rocks have gradually eroded away

Ensconce  (v):  en-skons
to settle yourself in a place where you feel comfortable and safe = settle
Nick was comfortably ensconced in front of the TV set

Ensue (v):  en-soo
If something ensues, it happens immediately after another event, usually as a result of it = follow
A brief but embarrassing silence ensued

Enthral (v):  en-thrawl
If you are enthralled by something, you enjoy it and give it your complete attention and interest = captivate
His performance enthralled all those who were present

Entice (v):  en-tahys
To entice someone to go somewhere or to do something means to try to persuade them to go to that place or to do that thing = lure, attract
The official found the deal too enticing to be able to refuse

Entreat (v):  en-treet (270)
If you entreat someone to do something, you ask them very politely and seriously to do it  = plead
She entreated her father to pay for her vacation

Enunciate (v):  ih-nuhn-see-eyt
When you enunciate a word or part of a word, you pronounce it clearly = pronounce clearly
If you do not enunciate, how do you expect people to accept your point

Equivocate (v):  ih-kwiv-uh-keyt
When someone equivocates, they deliberately use vague language in order to deceive people or to avoid speaking the truth = prevaricate, mislead
He equivocated and gave a lot of weak excuses and wasted my time

Eschew (v):  es-choo
If you eschew something, you deliberately avoid doing it or becoming involved in it  = avoid
The prime minister advocated that wasteful expenditure be eschewed

Espouse (v):  ih-spouz
If you espouse a particular policy, cause, or belief, you become very interested in it and give your support to it = adopt, support
He espoused a variety of scientific, social and political causes

Eulogise (v):  yoo-luh-jahyz (275)
If you eulogize someone or something, you praise them very highly = praise
The devotee eulogized his favorate god in high tone