Bolster (v): bohl-ster
If you bolster something such as someone’s confidence or courage, you increase it = boost, support, reinforce
Failling interest rates may help to bolster up the economy
Bowdlerize (v): bohd-luh-rahyz
To bowdlerize a book or film means to take parts of it out before publishing it or showing it = remove
They decided to bowlderize the film by cutting out all the nude scenes when it was shown on television
Broach (v): brohch
When you broach a subject, especially a sensitive one, you mention it in order to start a discussion on it = introduce
I broached the subject of his past
Brook (v): brook
to not allow or accept something: = to bear, endure, toleragte
She would brook no criticism of her son
Browbeat (v): brou-beet
If someone tries to browbeat you, they try to force you to do what they want = to frighten, threaten
They were browbeaten into accepting the offer
Bungle (v): buhng-guhl
If you bungle something, you fail to do it properly, because you make mistakes or are clumsy = to mismanage, botch
The novice policeman totally bungled the investigation
Burgeon (v): bur-juhn
If something burgeons, it grows or develops rapidly = grow
The market for touch screen mobile phones is burgeoning
Burlesque (v): ber-lesk
A burlesque is a performance or a piece of writing that makes fun of something by copying it in an exaggerated way
Most popular movies today burlesque political characters
Burnish (v): bur-nish
To burnish the image of someone or something means to improve their image = polish
The New engineering college needs a principal who can burnish its image
Cajole (v): kuh-johl (110)
If you cajole someone into doing something, you get them to do it after persuading them for some time = coax, urge
He really knows how to cajole people to get things done
Canvass (v): kan-vuhs
If you canvass for a particular person or political party, you go around an area trying to persuade people to vote for that person or party = campaign
I’m canvassing for the Congress Party
Capitulate (v): kuh-pich-uh-leyt
If you capitulate, you stop resisting and do what someone else wants you to do = to submit, yield
He finally capitulated to his son’s demand for a bike
Captivate (v): kap-tuh-veyt
If you are captivated by someone or something, you find them fascinating and attractive = enthrall, delight
He was captivated by her beauty
Carp (v): kahrp
to complain a lot, especially about things that are not important = fault finding
She’s always carping at her children
Castigate (v): kas-ti-geyt
If you castigate someone or something, you speak to them angrily or criticize them severely = criticise
The student was severely castigated by the college authorities for conducting ragging activities in the campus
Cauterize (v): kaw-tuh-rahyz
If a doctor cauterizes a wound, he or she burns it with heat or with a chemical in order to close it up and prevent it from becoming infected = burn
We need to cauterize the snake bite
Cavil (v): kav-uhl
If you say that someone cavils at something, you mean that they make criticisms of it that you think are unimportant or unnecessary = protest
Several countries caviled at the cost of the project
Cede (v): seed
If someone in a position of authority cedes land or power to someone else, they let them have the land or power, often as a result of military or political pressure = yield, give in
Hong Kong was ceded to Britain in 1842
Censure (v): sen-sher
If you censure someone for something that they have done, you tell them that you strongly disapprove of it = criticize
He was officially censured for his handling of the situation
Chafe (v): cheyf (120)
If your skin chafes or is chafed by something, it becomes sore as a result of something rubbing against it = wear down
The bracelet was so tight that it chafed my wrist
Champ (v): champ, chomp
chew noisily
We were amused by the manner in which he champed on his sandwich
Chasten (v): chey-suhn
If you are chastened by something, it makes you regret that you have behaved badly or stupidly = punish
The defeat was a chastening experience for the old politician
Chastise (v): chas-tahyz
If you chastise someone, you speak to them angrily or punish them for something wrong that they have done = reprimand, punish
'I am a fool,' she chastised herself
Chide (v): chahyd
If you chide someone, you speak to them angrily because they have done something wicked or foolish = to criticise, scold
The mother chided the son for his bad manners
Chronicle (v): kron-i-kuhl (125)
To chronicle a series of events means to write about them or show them in broadcasts in the order in which they happened = record
The book chronicles the events leading up to the war