Adj - 15(701-750)

Libidinous (adj): li-bid-n-uhs
People who are libidinous have strong sexual feelings and express them in their behaviour = lascious, lustful
The girls are everyday harassed by men making libidinous advances

Licentious (adj):  lahy-sen-shuhs
If you describe a person as licentious, you mean that they are very immoral, especially in their sexual behaviour = debauched
The female staff decided to complain about the licentious behaviour of their supervisor

Limpid (adj):  lim-pid
If you say that something is limpid, you mean that it is very clear and transparent = very clear, transparent
Her eyes were limpid enough for one to be able to see one’s reflection in them

Linguistic (adj):  ling-gwis-tik
Linguistic abilities or ideas relate to language or linguistics = pertaining to language
Hearing difficulties can slow down a child's linguistic development

Lissome (adj):  lis-uhm (705)
Easily bent or flexible

Lithe (adj):  lahyth
A lithe person is able to move and bend their body easily and gracefully = supple, flexible
Gymnats are the best examples of a lithe, athletic body

Livid (adj):  liv-id
Someone who is livid is extremely angry = furious
I was livid with rage for his crude remark about my family background

Loath (adj):  lohth, lohth
If you are loath to do something, you do not want to do it = hate
I am loathe to disturb you while you’re busy with your work

Loquacious (adj): loh-kwey-shuhs
If you describe someone as loquacious, you mean that they talk a lot = talkative
We wondered why the normally loquacious and exuberant Sruthi was so silent today

Loutish (adj):  lou-tish (710)
If you describe a man or a boy as loutish, you are critical of them because their behaviour is impolite and aggressive = rude
The young boy loutish behaviour often granted him punishments from his teacher

Lucent (adj):  loo-suhnt
shining; bright
The moon’s lucent rays silvered the river

Lucid (adj):  loo-sid
Lucid writing or speech is clear and easy to understand = very clear
His explanation was lucid and to the point

Lucrative (adj):  loo-kruh-tiv
A lucrative activity, job, or business deal is very profitable = profitable
She dropped out of college and took  up a lucrative modeling career

Ludicrous (adj):   loo-di-kruhs
If you describe something as ludicrous, you are emphasizing that you think it is foolish, unreasonable, or unsuitable = ridiculous, trifling
It’s a completely ludicrous idea

Lugubrious (adj):  loo-goo-bree-uhs, -gyoo- (715)
If you say that someone or something is lugubrious, you mean that they are sad rather than lively or cheerful = mournful
Her lugubrious tear-stained face is drawing pity

Luminous  (adj):  loo-muh-nuhs
Something that is luminous shines or glows in the dark = shiny
The sun is a luminous body

Lunar (adj):  loo-ner
pertaining to the moon
The prospect of servicing and repairing such equipment under lunar conditions is simply frightening

Lurid (adj):  loor-id
If you say that something is lurid, you are critical of it because it involves a lot of violence, sex, or shocking detail = wild, sensational
The lurid stories he told shocked his listeners

Luscious (adj):  luhsh-uhs
Luscious food is juicy and very good to eat = juicy
If you describe a woman or something about her as luscious, you mean that you find her or this thing sexually attractive
The cherris in the farms are simply luscious this year
What I like most about her is her luscious lips!

Lustrous  (adj):  luhs-truhs (720)
Something that is lustrous shines brightly and gently, because it has a smooth or shiny surface = shining
Her hair was beautifully dark and lustrous

Luxuriant (adj):  luhg-zhoor-ee-uhnt, luhk-shoor-
Luxuriant plants, trees, and gardens are large, healthy, and growing well = flourishing
The luxuriant garden did well to hide the treasure

Macabre (adj): muh-kah-bruh
You describe something such as an event or story as macabre when it is strange and horrible or upsetting, usually because it involves death or injury = horrible
People are stunned with the macabre series of murders

Machiavellian (adj):  mak-ee-uh-vel-ee-uhn
If you describe someone as Machiavellian, you are critical of them because they often make clever and secret plans to achieve their aims and are not honest with people = devious, crafty; double-dealing
A Machiavellian plot was suspeted behind the incumbent’s winning the election

Magnanimous (adj):  mag-nan-uh-muhs
If you are magnanimous, you behave kindly and generously towards someone, especially after defeating them or being treated badly by them = generous
The philanthropist was most magnanimous

Magniloquent (adj): mag-nil-uh-kwuhnt (725)
boastful of bombastic = pompous
The magniloquent attitude of the billionaire didn’t please anyone

Maladroit (adj):  mal-uh-droit
If you describe someone as maladroit, you mean that they are clumsy or handle situations badly  = awkward, clumsy
The delivery boy was an awkward maladroit

Malevolent (adj):   muh-lev-uh-luhnt
A malevolent person deliberately tries to cause harm or evil = evil
Be careful with that person with beard, he is malevolent

Malicious (adj):  muh-lish-uhs
If you describe someone’s words or actions as malicious, you mean that they are intended to harm people or their reputation, or cause them embarrassment and upset = bad
She sent a malicious email to her boss about her collegue

Malignant (adj):  muh-lig-nuhnt
A malignant tumour or disease is out of control and likely to cause death = harmful
In cancer, malignant cells must be quickly spotted and destroyed

Malleable (adj):  mal-ee-uh-buhl (730)
If you say that someone is malleable, you mean that they are easily influenced or controlled by other people = flexible
He was young enough to be malleable

Malodorous (adj):  mal-oh-der-uhs
Something that is malodorous has an unpleasant smell = fetid, reeking, putrid
The outskirts of city are filled with tons of malodorous garbage

Mammoth (adj):  mam-uhth
You can use mammoth to emphasize that a task or change is very large and needs a lot of effort to achieve = massive, gigantic
Absolutely mammoth, the book never bores

Mandatory  (adj):  man-duh-tawr-ee
If an action or procedure is mandatory, people have to do it, because it is a rule or a law = compulsory
Helmets are mandatory for motorcyclists

Maniacal (adj):  muh-nahy-uh-kuhl
If you describe someone's behaviour as maniacal, you mean that it is extreme, violent, or very determined, as if the person were insane = raving mad
He was almost maniacal in his pursuit of sporting records 

Manifest (adj):  man-uh-fest (735)
If you say that something is manifest, you mean that it is clearly true and that nobody would disagree with it if they saw it or considered it  = patent, understandable; clear
The virus needs two weeks to manifest itself

Manifold (adj):  man-uh-fohld
Things that are manifold are of many different kinds = numerous, varied
Some females are firm in monogamy, but many more go in for manifold males

Marital (adj):  mar-i-tl
Marital is used to describe things relating to marriage = pertaining to marriage
Age, sex and marital status all affect earnings and income

Maritime (adj):  mar-i-tahym
Maritime is used to describe things relating to the sea and to ships = bordering on the sea; nautical
The decision caused rejoicing in maritime and royalist circles

Martial (adj):  mahr-shuhl
Martial is used to describe things relating to soldiers or war = warlike
The martial forces have played a big role in our neighbors, viz, Pakistan and Myanmar

Maternal (adj):  muh-tur-nl (740)
Maternal is used to describe feelings or actions which are typical of those of a kind mother towards her child = motherly
I get sort of maternal when I'm aroun

Maudlin (adj):  mawd-lin
If you describe someone as maudlin, you mean that they are being sad and sentimental in a foolish way, perhaps because of drinking alcohol = sentimental, mawkish
My friend turns into a maudlin after three drinks

Mauve (adj):  mohv
Something that is mauve is of a pale purple colour = pale purple
It bears clusters of mauve flowers in early summer

Mawkish (adj):  maw-kish
You can describe something as mawkish when you think it is sentimental and silly = sentimental, maudlin
The movie was too mawkish for my liking

Meddlesome  (adj):  med-l-suhm
If you describe a person as meddlesome, you are criticizing them because they try to influence or change things that do not concern them = interfering
They say he is not nearly as meddlesome as we all might suspect

Mediocre (adj):  mee-dee-oh-ker (745)
If you describe something as mediocre, you mean that it is of average quality but you think it should be better = ordinary, commonplace
His school record was mediocre

Mellifluous (adj):  muh-lif-loo-uhs
A mellifluous voice or piece of music is smooth and gentle and very pleasant to listen to = euphonious
Her low mellifluous voice is liked by all

Mendacious (adj):  men-dey-shuhs
A mendacious person is someone who tells lies A mendacious statement is one that is a lie  = not truthful, lying
Most of the Indian politicians are mendacious

Menial (adj):  mee-nee-uhl
Menial work is very boring, and the people who do it have a low status and are usually badly paid = suitable for servants, low
The Indians are now looking ahead of the menial factory jobs

Mercantile (adj):  mur-kuhn-teel
Mercantile means relating to or involved in trade = concerning trade
The 21st century has seen a rise in the mercantile class all over India

Mercenary (adj):   mur-suh-ner-ee (750)
If you describe someone as mercenary, you are criticizing them because you think that they are only interested in the money that they can get from a particular person or situation
He has a mercenary scheme to marry a wealthy widow