Adj - 16(751-800)

Mercurial (adj):  mer-kyoor-ee-uhl
If you describe someone as mercurial, you mean that they frequently change their mind or mood without warning  = fickle
Harbhajan Singh’s mercurial temperament landed him in trouble from time to time

Meretricious (adj):  mer-i-trish-uhs
If you describe something as meretricious, you disapprove of it because although it looks attractive it is actually of little value = gaudy, flashy
The showroom is filled with meretricious products for the attraction of tourists

Metaphysical (adj):  met-uh-fiz-i-kuhl
pertaining to speculative philosophy
A metaphysical world view raises the question of why you attracted that event

Meteoric (adj):  mee-tee-awr-ik
If you use meteoric when you are describing someone’s career, you mean that they achieved success very quickly = brilliant, flashing
This magnificient show charts his meteoric rise from ‘small town’ country singer to top international Rock idol

Meticulous (adj):   muh-tik-yuh-luhs (755)
If you describe someone as meticulous, you mean that they do things very carefully and with great attention to detail = careful
This project will require meticulous planning

Migrant (adj):  mahy-gruhnt
A migrant is a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work = changing its habitat, wandering
Time to be looking for summer migrants

Migratory (adj):  mahy-gruh-tawr-ee
Migratory means relating to the migration of people, birds, fish, or animals = wandering
There are lots of birds, both resident and migratory, and other wildlife

Militant (adj):  mil-i-tuhnt
You use militant to describe people who believe in something very strongly and are active in trying to bring about political or social change, often in extreme ways that other people find unacceptable = combative, bellicose
After the assassination of Martin Luther King, black leaders became more militant

Minatory (adj):  min-uh-tawr-ee
I am not the type of person who can be deterred by such minatory finger-wagging

Mincing (adj):  min-sing (760)
affected elegance
The model walked across the stage with mincing steps

Mnemonic  (adj):  ni-mon-ik
A mnemonic is a word, short poem, or sentence that is intended to help you remember things such as scientific rules or spelling rules For example, ‘i before e, except after c’ is a mnemonic to help people remember how to spell words like ‘believe’ and ‘receive’
He used mnemonic tricks to master new words

Modish (adj):  moh-dish
Something that is modish is fashionable = fashionable
She discards all garments that are no longer modish

Molten (adj):  mohl-tn
Molten rock, metal, or glass has been heated to a very high temperature and has become a hot thick liquid = hot
The workers carefully ladled the molten iron into the bell-shaped mold

Momentous (adj):  moh-men-tuhs
If you refer to a decision, event, or change as momentous, you mean that it is very important, often because of the effects that it will have in the future = significant
The past three years have been among the most momentious in world history

Monetary (adj):  mon-i-ter-ee (765)
Monetary means relating to money, especially the total amount of money in a country = pertaining to money
In 1990’s the Narsimha Rao government introduced widespread changes in the monetary system

Monotheism (adj):  mon-uh-thee-iz-uhm
belief in one God
What our country needs for religious harmony is monotheism

Moot  (adj):  moot
If a plan, idea, or subject is mooted, it is suggested or introduced for discussion = debatable
Our tariff policy is a moot subject

Morbid (adj):  mawr-bid
If you describe a person or their interest in something as morbid, you mean that they are very interested in unpleasant things, especially death, and you think this is strange
= unhealthy, diseased
He has a morbid interest in extremely violent movies
Syn : macabre, gruesome

Mordant (adj):  mawr-dnt
Mordant humour is very critical and often mocks someone or something = biting, sarcastic
The serial ha a mordant sense of humor about the high class mentality

Morganatic (adj):  mawr-guh-nat-ik (770)
describing a marriage between a member of a royal family and a commone

Moribund (adj): mawr-uh-buhnd, mor-
If you describe something as moribund, you mean that it is in a very bad condition = dying
How can the HR  department be  revived from its present moribund state ?

Morose  (adj):  muh-rohs
Someone who is morose is miserable, bad-tempered, and not willing to talk very much to other people = ill-humored, sullen
Why are so morose these days? cheer up man!

Motley (adj):  mot-lee
a motley collection/crew/assortment etc a group of people or things that are very different from each other and do not seem to belong together = multifarious, mixed
This is a motely collection of vans, old buses, cattle-trucks, and even a fire engine

Multifarious  (adj):  muhl-tuh-fair-ee-uhs
If you describe things as multifarious, you mean that they are many in number and of many different kinds = varied
The actor has appeared in multifarious roles

Multilingual (adj):  muhl-tee-ling-gwuhl (775)
Multilingual means involving several different languages = having many languages
The European Union has rolled in itself a multilingual culture

Mundane (adj):  muhn-deyn, muhn-deyn
Something that is mundane is very ordinary and not at all interesting or unusual = banal, dull
She was tired of her mundane lifestyle and decided to join an adventure club

Munificent (adj):  myoo-nif-uh-suhnt
A munificent person is very generous = very generous, lavish
A former student has donated munificent sum of money to IIM Kanpur

Musky (adj):  muhs-kee
A musky smell is strong, warm, and sweet
She dabbed a drop of the musky perfume behind each ear

Musty (adj):  muhs-tee
Something that is musty smells old and damp = stale
Your musty room is making me sick

Mutable (adj):  myoo-tuh-buhl (780)
changing in form; fickle
Truth is a mutable commodity, even among its purveyors

Mutinous (adj):  myoo-nif-uh-suhnt
If someone is mutinous, they are strongly dissatisfied with a person in authority and are likely to stop obeying them = rebellious
The mutinous army refused to withdraw even though the commander asked it to do so

Myopic (adj):  mahy-op-ik
If you describe someone as myopic, you are critical of them because they seem unable to realize that their actions might have negative consequences = = short-sighted, nearsighted
The Government still has a myopic attitude to spending

Nascent (adj):  nas-uhnt
Nascent things or processes are just beginning, and are expected to become stronger or to grow bigger  = budding, incipient; coming into being
The space industry is still in its nascent stage

Natal (adj):  neyt-l
pertaining to birth
The solution is Pre natal screening and termination to stop some genital diseases

Nautical (adj):  naw-ti-kuhl (785)
Nautical means relating to ships and sailing
Little about the stateroom was nautical

Neap (adj):  neep
Col: A neap tide

Nebulous (adj):  neb-yuh-luhs
If you describe something as nebulous, you mean that it is vague and not clearly defined or not easy to describe= vague, unclear
The forecast for the day presented by the meteorological department is nebulous

Nefarious (adj):  ni-fair-ee-uhs
If you describe an activity as nefarious, you mean that it s wicked and immoral = very wicked, villainous, iniquitous
The company has been banned for its nefarious activities

Niggardly (adj):  nig-erd-lee
If you describe someone as niggardly, you are criticizing hem because they do not give or provide much of something = mean, stingy
Although the company registered huge profits, a niggardly 05% increase ws offered to the employees

Nihilistic (adj):  nahy-uh-liz-tik (790)
If you describe someone as nihilistic, you mean they donot trust political and religious authority and place their faith in the individual = skeptic
Her father was nihilistic and lost no  opportunity in criticizing the political bodies of the state

Nocturnal (adj):  nok-tur-nl
Nocturnal means occurring at night = done at night
Most bats and owls are nocturnal

Noisome (adj):  noi-suhm
If you describe something or someone as noisome, you mean that you find them extremely unpleasant = unpleasent
The noisome smell coming from his socks made it unberable for us to stay in the room

Nomadic (adj):  noh-mad-ik
Nomadic people travel from place to place rather than living in one place all the time = wandering
They are essentially a rural and nomadic people

Nonchalant (adj):   non-shuh-lahnt
If you describe someone as nonchalant, you mean that they appear not to worry or care about things and that they seem very calm = phlegmatic
He gave a nonchalant look when asked of his successive failures

Noncommittal (adj):  non-kuh-mit-l (795)
You can describe someone as noncommittal when they deliberately do not express their opinion or intentions clearly = neutral; unpledged; undecided
Sylvia's face was noncommittal

Nostalgic (adj):  no-stal-juh
Nostalgic things cause you to think affectionately about the past = longing for past
He remained nostalgic about his early days in the college

Notorious (adj):   noh-tawr-ee-uhs
To be notorious means to be well-known for something bad = ill fame
Captain Kidd was notorious pirate

Noxious (adj):  nok-shuhs
A noxious gas or substance is poisonous or very harmful  = harmful, very unpleasant
The noxious gases passed through the windows and the door

Nubile (adj):  noo-bil, -bahyl, nyoo-
A nubile woman is young, physically mature, and attractive = marriageable
Mrs Bennet, in the book ‘Pride and  Prejudice’ by Jane Austen, was  worried about finding suitable husbands for her five nubile daughters

Nugatory (adj):  noo-guh-tawr-ee (800)
Of little value = worthless
The student presented a nugatory and pointless observation