Adj - 18(851-900)

Pastoral (adj):  pas-ter-uhl
A pastoral place, atmosphere, or idea is characteristic of peaceful country life and scenery = rustic, rural
He made painted screens showing pastoral scenes with red houses

Patent (adj):  pat-nt
A patent is an official right to be the only person or company allowed to make or sell a new product for a certain period of time = open for the public to read; obvious
He held a number of patents for his many innovations

Pathetic (adj):  puh-thet-ik
If you describe a person or animal as pathetic, you mean that they are sad and weak or helpless, and they make you feel very sorry for them = causing sadness,  compassion, pity, touching
She now looked small, shrunken and pathetic

Pathological  (adj):  path-uh-loj-i-kuhl
You describe a person or their behaviour as pathological when they behave in an extreme and unacceptable way, and have very powerful feelings which they cannot control = related to disease
As we study the pathological aspects of this disease, we must not overlook the psychological elements

Pecuniary (adj):  pi-kyoo-nee-er-ee (855)
Pecuniary means concerning or involving money = fiscal
It seems that the two brothers have a dispute over a pecuniary matter

Pedantic (adj):  puh-dan-tik
If you think someone is pedantic, you mean that they are too concerned with unimportant details or traditional rules, especially in connection with academic subjects = bookish
His lecture was pedantic and uninteresting

Pejorative (adj):  pi-jawr-uh-tiv
A pejorative word or expression is one that expresses criticism of someone or something = disparaging, derogatory
I don’t think ‘negro’ is a pejorative term

Pell-mell (adj):  pel-mel
If you move pell-mell somewhere, you move there in a hurried, uncontrolled way = in confusion, disorderly
All three of us rushed pell-mell into the kitchen

Pellucid  (adj): puh-loo-sid
Something that is pellucid is extremely clear = transparent
His pellucid writings are clearly for masses

Pendant (adj):   pen-duhnt (860)
hanging down from something
Her pendant earrings are shining in the light

Pendent (adj):  pen-duhnt
Pendent branches of lush green trees can be seen everywhere in this garden

Pendulous (adj):  pen-juh-luhs
Something that is pendulous hangs downwards and moves loosely, usually in an unattractive way = hanging, suspended
The pendulous lamp is moving wildly in the breeze as if it was about to fall from ceiling

Penitent (adj):  pen-i-tuhnt
Someone who is penitent is very sorry for something wrong that they have done, and regrets their actions = repentant, sorrowful, contrite
The teacher found it hard to be angry with the boy when he looked so penitent

Pensive  (adj):  pen-siv
If you are pensive, you are thinking deeply about something, especially something that worries you slightly = deep thinking
He suddenly became pensive looking at the picture of his girlfriend

Perceptive (adj):  per-sep-tiv (865)
If you describe a person or their remarks or thoughts as perceptive, you think that they are good at noticing or realizing things, especially things that are not obvious = wise
His perceptive ability made him one of the most successful person

Peremptory (adj):  puh-remp-tuh-ree
Someone who does something in a peremptory way does it in a way that shows that they expect to be obeyed immediately = final
The landlord told the tenant to vacate his house in a permeptory voice

Perennial (adj):  puh-ren-ee-uhl
You use perennial to describe situations or states that keep occurring or which seem to exist all the time; used especially to describe problems or difficulties= long lasting
The country is facing a perennial problem of water shortage

Perfidious (adj):  per-fid-ee-uhs
If you describe someone as perfidious, you mean that they have betrayed someone or cannot be trusted = treacherous, faithless
She now sees the public sector as full of perfidious politicians and cowardly civil servants

Perforce (adj):  per-fawrs
Perforce is used to indicate that something happens or is the case because it cannot be prevented or avoided = of necessity
New ways, he believed, must perforce be antagonistic to the photographic image

Perfunctory (adj):  per-fuhngk-tuh-ree (870)
A perfunctory action is done quickly and carelessly, and shows a lack of interest in what you are doing= cursory, superficial, shallow
She gave the list only a perfunctory glance

Peripatetic (adj):  per-uh-puh-tet-ik
If someone has a peripatetic life or career, they travel around a lot, living or working in places for short periods of time = moving, roaming, itinerant
Her father was in the army and the family led a peripatetic existence

Peripheral  (adj):   puh-rif-er-uhl
A peripheral activity or issue is one which is not very important compared with other activities or issues = outer
The talks made progress on peripheral issues, but failed to resolve the main dispute between the two sides

Perjury  (adj):   pur-juh-ree
If someone who is giving evidence in a court of law commits perjury, they lie = lying under oath
He was charged with perjury for making a false statement in the court

Permeable (adj):  pur-mee-uh-buhl
If a substance is permeable, something such as water or gas can pass through it or soak into it = penetrable
Glass is permeable to light

Pernicious (adj):  per-nish-uhs (875)
If you describe something as pernicious, you mean that it is very harmful = harmful, detrimental, inimical
The violence shown in the films has a pernicious effect on the society

Perspicacious (adj):  pur-spi-key-shuhs
Someone who is perspicacious notices, realizes, and understands things quickly = very keen, alert, shrewd
The brilliant lawyer is famous for his perspicacious deductions

Perpetual  (adj):  per-pech-oo-uhl
A perpetual feeling, state, or quality is one that never ends or changes = everlasting
Mankind’s worry for money is perpetual

Personable (adj):  pur-suh-nuh-buhl
Someone who is personable has a pleasant appearance and character = attractive
The people I met were intelligent, mature, personable

Perspicuous (adj):  per-spik-yoo-uhs
plainly expressed
The brilliant lawyer is famous for his perspicacious deductions

Perspicacious (adj):  pur-spi-key-shuhs (880)
Someone who is perspicacious notices, realizes, and understands things quickly = perceptive, having insight
The brilliant lawyer is famous for his perspicacious deductions

Pert (adj):  purt
If someone describes a young woman as pert, they mean that they like her because she is lively and not afraid to say what she thinks This use could cause offence = impertinent, forward
The company appointed a pert girl as the front office attendant

Pertinacious (adj):  pur-tn-ey-shuhs
Someone who is pertinacious continues trying to do something difficult rather than giving up quickly = stubborn, persistent
He is bound to succeed because his pertinacious nature will not permit him to quit

Pertinent  (adj):  pur-tn-uhnt
Something that is pertinent is relevant to a particular subject = relevant, suitable
The lawyer wanted to know all the pertinent details

Pervasive (adj):  per-veyd
Something, especially something bad, that is pervasive is present or felt throughout a place or thing = everywhere
Corruption is all - pervasive

Perverse (adj):  per-vurs (885)
Someone who is perverse deliberately does things that are unreasonable or that result in harm for themselves = stubborn, intractable
It would be perverse to stop this healthy trend

Pervious (adj):  pur-vee-uhs
A previous event or thing is one that happened or existed before the one that you are talking about = penetrable
He has no previous convictions

Pestilential (adj):  pes-tl-en-shuhl
Pestilential is used to refer to things that cause disease or are caused by disease = causing plague, baneful
Good job too, a young thing like her oughtn't to be out late on a pestilential night like this

Petulant (adj):  pech-uh-luhnt
Someone who is petulant is unreasonably angry and upset in a childish way = ill-tempered
He was petulant after the hard-day’s work

Pharisaical (adj):  far-uh-sey-ik
pertaining to the Pharisees; self-righteous; hypocritical

Phlegmatic (adj):  fleg-mat-ik (890)
Someone who is phlegmatic stays calm even when upsetting or exciting things happen =  calm and composed
Doctors and nurses are real phlegmatic persons, unperturbed in the face of sudden emergiencies

Physiological (adj):  fiz-ee-uh-loj-i-kuhl
Physiology is the scientific study of how people's and animals' bodies function, and of how plants function
Humor is an almost physiological response to fear

Picaresque (adj):  pik-uh-resk
A picaresque story is one in which a dishonest but likeable
We are being swept away on a tide of picaresque Euromovies

Piebald (adj):  pahy-bawld
A piebald animal has patches of black and white on it = mottled, spotted
I had a piebald puppy

Pied (adj):  pahyd
variegated; multicolored
A delightful small pied bird appeared

Pinioned (adj):  pin-yuhn (895)
If you are pinioned, someone prevents you from moving or escaping, especially by holding or tying your arms = restrained
At nine next morning, the criminal was pinionned and hanged

Pious (adj):  pahy-uhs
Someone who is pious is very religious and moral = devout
She is a quite, pious lady

Piquant (adj):  pee-kuhnt
Food that is piquant has a pleasantly spicy taste = spicy
The piquant sauce added to our enjoyment of the meal

Piscatorial (adj):  pis-kuh-tawr-ee
pertaining to fishing
He spent hours at the lake in his piscatorial activities

Pithy (adj):  pith-ee
A pithy comment or piece of writing is short, direct, and full of meaning = short saying
His pithy advice to students was, ‘Hard work pays’

Placid (adj):  plas-id (900)
A placid person or animal is calm and does not easily become excited, angry, or upset = calm
She was a placid child who rarely cried