Nutrient (adj): noo-tree-uhnt
Nutrients are substances that help plants and animals to grow
Obdurate (adj): ob-doo-rit, -dyoo-
If you describe someone as obdurate, you think that they are being unreasonable in their refusal to change their decision or opinion = unmanageable, stubborn
Obese (adj): oh-bees
If someone is obese, they are extremely fat = fat
Obligatory (adj): uh-blig-uh-tawr-ee
If something is obligatory, you must do it because of a rule or a law = compulsory, binding; required
Oblique (adj): uh-bleek (805)
If you describe a statement as oblique, you mean that is not expressed directly or openly, making it difficult to understand = indirect, slopping, direction
Obnoxious (adj): uhb-nok-shuhs
If you describe someone as obnoxious, you think that they are very unpleasant = offensive
Obsequious (adj): uhb-see-kwee-uhs
If you describe someone as obsequious, you are criticizing them because they are too eager to help or agree with someone more important than them = flattering, submissive
Obsolete (adj): ob-suh-leet
Something that is obsolete is no longer needed because something better has been invented = outmoded
Obstreperous (adj): uhb-strep-er-uhs
If you say that someone is obstreperous, you think that they are noisy and difficult to control = boisterous, noisy
Obtrusive (adj): uhb-troo-siv (810)
If you say that someone or something is obtrusive, you think they are noticeable in an unpleasant way = pushing toward
Obtuse (adj): uhb-toos, -tyoos
Someone who is obtuse has difficulty understanding things, or makes no effort to understand them = stupid
Occult (adj): uh-kuhlt, ok-uhlt
The occult is the knowledge and study of supernatural or magical forces = misterious
Odious (adj): oh-dee-uhs
If you describe people or things as odious, you think that they are extremely unpleasant = extremely bad, repulsive
Odoriferous (adj): oh-duh-rif-er-uhs
giving off an odor
Odorous (adj): oh-der-uhs (815)
having an odor
Officious (adj): uh-fish-uhs
If you describe someone as officious, you are critical of them because they are eager to tell people what to do when you think they should not = bossy
Olfactory (adj): ol-fak-tuh-ree
Olfactory means concerned with the sense of smell
Ominous (adj): om-uh-nuhs
If you describe something as ominous, you mean that it worries you because it makes you think that something unpleasant is going to happen= memacing, threatening
Omnipotent (adj): om-nip-uh-tuhnt
Someone or something that is omnipotent has complete power over things or people = all-powerful
Omnipresent (adj): om-nuh-prez-uhnt (820)
Something that is omnipresent is present everywhere or seems to be always present = universal, ubiquitous
Omniscient (adj): om-nish-uhnt
If you describe someone as omniscient, you mean they know or seem to know everything = all knowing
Omnivorous (adj): om-niv-er-uhs
An omnivorous person or animal eats all kinds of food, including both meat and plants
Onerous (adj): on-er-uhs, oh-ner-
If you describe a task as onerous, you dislike having to do it because you find it difficult or unpleasant = burdensome
Opalescent (adj): oh-puh-les-uhnt
Opalescent means colourless or white like an opal, or changing colour like an opal = changing color, iridescent
Opaque (adj): oh-peyk (825)
If an object or substance is opaque, you cannot see through it = obscure, vague, not transparent
Opportune (adj): op-er-toon
If something happens at an opportune time or is opportune, it happens at the time that is most convenient for someone or most likely to lead to success = timely; well chosen
Opportunistic (adj): op-er-too-nis-tik, -tyoo
If you describe someone’s behaviour as opportunistic, you are critical of them because they take advantage of situations in order to gain money or power, without thinking about whether their actions are right or wrong
Opprobrious (adj): uh-proh-bree-uhs
An oppressor is a person or group of people that is treating another person or group of people cruelly or unfairly = disgraceful, abusive
Optimum (adj): op-tuh-muhm
The optimum or optimal level or state of something is the best level or state that it could achieve = most favorable
Orotund (adj): awr-uh-tuhnd (830)
If someone is rotund, they are round and fat
Ornate (adj): awr-neyt
An ornate building, piece of furniture, or object is decorated with complicated patterns or shapes = decorated
Ostensible (adj): o-sten-suh-buhl
Ostensible is used to describe something that seems to be true or is officially stated to be true, but about which you or other people have doubts = pretended
Ostentatious (adj): os-ten-tey-shuhs, -tuhn-
If you describe something as ostentatious, you disapprove of it because it is expensive and is intended to impress people = showy
Outright (adj): out-rahyt
You use outright to describe behaviour and actions that are open and direct, rather than indirect.
Overbearing (adj): oh-ver-bair-ing (835)
An overbearing person tries to make other people do what he or she wants in an unpleasant and forceful way = bossy
Overt (adj): oh-vurt
An overt action or attitude is done or shown in an open and obvious way = open
Overweening (adj): oh-ver-wee-ning
If you want to emphasize your disapproval of someone's great ambition or pride, you can refer to their overweening ambition or pride = presumptuous, arrogan
Palatable (adj): pal-uh-tuh-buhl
If you describe food or drink as palatable, you mean that it tastes pleasant = agreeable; pleasing to the taste
Palatial (adj): puh-ley-shuhl
A palatial house, hotel, or office building is very large and impressive = magnificent
Pallid (adj): pal-id (840)
Someone or something that is pallid is pale in an unattractive or unnatural way = pale
Palpable (adj): pal-puh-buhl
You describe something as palpable when it is obvious or intense and easily noticed = tangible, obvious
Paltry (adj): pawl-tree
A paltry amount of money or of something else is one that you consider to be very small = insignificant, petty
Pandemic (adj): pan-dem-ik
A pandemic is an occurrence of a disease that affects many people over a very wide area = widespread
Parallel (adj): par-uh-lel
If something has a parallel, it is similar to something else, but exists or happens in a different place or at a different time If it has no parallel or is without parallel, it is not similar to anything else = equal
Parlous (adj): pahr-luhs (845)
If something is in a parlous state, it is in a bad or dangerous condition = dire, dangerous, perilous
Parochial (adj): puh-roh-kee-uhl
If you describe someone as parochial, you are critical of them because you think they are too concerned with their own affairs and should be thinking about more important things = narrow-minded
Parsimonious (adj): pahr-suh-moh-nee-uhs
Someone who is parsimonious is very unwilling to spend money = stingy, miserly
Partisan (adj): pahr-tuh-zuhn
Someone who is partisan strongly supports a particular person or cause, often without thinking carefully about the matter = one-sided
Passé (adj): pa-sey
If someone describes something as passé, they think that it is no longer fashionable or that it is no longer effective = old hat, old-fashioned, past the prime
Passive (adj): pas-iv (850)
If you describe someone as passive, you mean that they do not take action but instead let things happen to them = not active
Nutrients are substances that help plants and animals to grow
Egg contains valuable nutrients
Obdurate (adj): ob-doo-rit, -dyoo-
If you describe someone as obdurate, you think that they are being unreasonable in their refusal to change their decision or opinion = unmanageable, stubborn
The finance minister remained obdurate on the question of implementing VAT
Obese (adj): oh-bees
If someone is obese, they are extremely fat = fat
At least 25% of Americans are considered obese
Obligatory (adj): uh-blig-uh-tawr-ee
If something is obligatory, you must do it because of a rule or a law = compulsory, binding; required
Use of seat belts in cars is obligatory in metro cities
Oblique (adj): uh-bleek (805)
If you describe a statement as oblique, you mean that is not expressed directly or openly, making it difficult to understand = indirect, slopping, direction
The CBI director gave an oblique warning, talking of the dangers of sudden attack
Obnoxious (adj): uhb-nok-shuhs
If you describe someone as obnoxious, you think that they are very unpleasant = offensive
The people at my table were so obnoxious that I simply had to change my seat
Obsequious (adj): uhb-see-kwee-uhs
If you describe someone as obsequious, you are criticizing them because they are too eager to help or agree with someone more important than them = flattering, submissive
She gave an obsequious smile to the manager
Obsolete (adj): ob-suh-leet
Something that is obsolete is no longer needed because something better has been invented = outmoded
Pagers are now obsolete after the invention of Cell phones
Obstreperous (adj): uhb-strep-er-uhs
If you say that someone is obstreperous, you think that they are noisy and difficult to control = boisterous, noisy
Customer care executives are adept in handling obstreperous customers
Obtrusive (adj): uhb-troo-siv (810)
If you say that someone or something is obtrusive, you think they are noticeable in an unpleasant way = pushing toward
The moving human body is large, obtrusive and highly visible
Obtuse (adj): uhb-toos, -tyoos
Someone who is obtuse has difficulty understanding things, or makes no effort to understand them = stupid
He surely is an obtuse person not to answer that simple question
Occult (adj): uh-kuhlt, ok-uhlt
The occult is the knowledge and study of supernatural or magical forces = misterious
He became interested in the occult and magic after meeting an old man
Odious (adj): oh-dee-uhs
If you describe people or things as odious, you think that they are extremely unpleasant = extremely bad, repulsive
An odious little man has come to stay in our neighbor hood
Odoriferous (adj): oh-duh-rif-er-uhs
giving off an odor
The odoriferous spices stimulated their hunger
Odorous (adj): oh-der-uhs (815)
having an odor
This variety of hybrid Tea is odorous than you have
Officious (adj): uh-fish-uhs
If you describe someone as officious, you are critical of them because they are eager to tell people what to do when you think they should not = bossy
When people put on uniforms, their attitude become more confident and their manner more officious
Olfactory (adj): ol-fak-tuh-ree
Olfactory means concerned with the sense of smell
Animals have far more olfactory power than the humans
Ominous (adj): om-uh-nuhs
If you describe something as ominous, you mean that it worries you because it makes you think that something unpleasant is going to happen= memacing, threatening
She picked up the phone but there was an ominous silence at the other end
Omnipotent (adj): om-nip-uh-tuhnt
Someone or something that is omnipotent has complete power over things or people = all-powerful
Azim Hashim Premji is still amnipotent in Wipro
Omnipresent (adj): om-nuh-prez-uhnt (820)
Something that is omnipresent is present everywhere or seems to be always present = universal, ubiquitous
God is omnipresent and omniscient
Omniscient (adj): om-nish-uhnt
If you describe someone as omniscient, you mean they know or seem to know everything = all knowing
We all expect teachers to be omniscient
Omnivorous (adj): om-niv-er-uhs
An omnivorous person or animal eats all kinds of food, including both meat and plants
Crow is an omnivorous bird
Onerous (adj): on-er-uhs, oh-ner-
If you describe a task as onerous, you dislike having to do it because you find it difficult or unpleasant = burdensome
Parents have the onerous task of bringing up children
Opalescent (adj): oh-puh-les-uhnt
Opalescent means colourless or white like an opal, or changing colour like an opal = changing color, iridescent
The fascinating opalescent nature of diamonds attracts everyone
Opaque (adj): oh-peyk (825)
If an object or substance is opaque, you cannot see through it = obscure, vague, not transparent
You can always use opaque glass if you need to block a street view
Opportune (adj): op-er-toon
If something happens at an opportune time or is opportune, it happens at the time that is most convenient for someone or most likely to lead to success = timely; well chosen
The timing of the meetings was opportune
Opportunistic (adj): op-er-too-nis-tik, -tyoo
If you describe someone’s behaviour as opportunistic, you are critical of them because they take advantage of situations in order to gain money or power, without thinking about whether their actions are right or wrong
The entry of that company into the school segment has been criticized as an opportunistic move
Opprobrious (adj): uh-proh-bree-uhs
An oppressor is a person or group of people that is treating another person or group of people cruelly or unfairly = disgraceful, abusive
Your loud behaviour at the reception was opprobrious
Optimum (adj): op-tuh-muhm
The optimum or optimal level or state of something is the best level or state that it could achieve = most favorable
This design makes the optimum use of the available space
Orotund (adj): awr-uh-tuhnd (830)
If someone is rotund, they are round and fat
A rotund, smiling, red-faced gentleman appeared
Ornate (adj): awr-neyt
An ornate building, piece of furniture, or object is decorated with complicated patterns or shapes = decorated
In India, ornate houses can be seen at the time of Diwali
Ostensible (adj): o-sten-suh-buhl
Ostensible is used to describe something that seems to be true or is officially stated to be true, but about which you or other people have doubts = pretended
The ostensible reason for his resignation was ill health
Ostentatious (adj): os-ten-tey-shuhs, -tuhn-
If you describe something as ostentatious, you disapprove of it because it is expensive and is intended to impress people = showy
His wealth and ostentatious lifestyle are a source of criticism in press these days
Outright (adj): out-rahyt
You use outright to describe behaviour and actions that are open and direct, rather than indirect.
He finally resorted to an outright lie.
An overbearing person tries to make other people do what he or she wants in an unpleasant and forceful way = bossy
A few success stories turned her overnight from a popular colleague to an overbearing one
Overt (adj): oh-vurt
An overt action or attitude is done or shown in an open and obvious way = open
The youngsters send out overt signals to the opposite sex to attract them
Overweening (adj): oh-ver-wee-ning
If you want to emphasize your disapproval of someone's great ambition or pride, you can refer to their overweening ambition or pride = presumptuous, arrogan
The leader’s overweening pride made him very unpopular
Palatable (adj): pal-uh-tuh-buhl
If you describe food or drink as palatable, you mean that it tastes pleasant = agreeable; pleasing to the taste
The truth, as always, is slightly less palatable
Palatial (adj): puh-ley-shuhl
A palatial house, hotel, or office building is very large and impressive = magnificent
He proudly showed us through his palatial home
Pallid (adj): pal-id (840)
Someone or something that is pallid is pale in an unattractive or unnatural way = pale
The mirror showed her a face as pallid as the pies
Palpable (adj): pal-puh-buhl
You describe something as palpable when it is obvious or intense and easily noticed = tangible, obvious
The tension in the room was almost palpable
Paltry (adj): pawl-tree
A paltry amount of money or of something else is one that you consider to be very small = insignificant, petty
This is a paltry sum to pay for such a masterpiece
Pandemic (adj): pan-dem-ik
A pandemic is an occurrence of a disease that affects many people over a very wide area = widespread
A pandemic of the Spanish flu claimed nearly 22 million lives worldwide
Parallel (adj): par-uh-lel
If something has a parallel, it is similar to something else, but exists or happens in a different place or at a different time If it has no parallel or is without parallel, it is not similar to anything else = equal
Nobody can parallel him in ability
If something is in a parlous state, it is in a bad or dangerous condition = dire, dangerous, perilous
He got out of the parlous situation by the dint of his hard work
Parochial (adj): puh-roh-kee-uhl
If you describe someone as parochial, you are critical of them because you think they are too concerned with their own affairs and should be thinking about more important things = narrow-minded
They need to be better informed and less parochial in their thinking
Parsimonious (adj): pahr-suh-moh-nee-uhs
Someone who is parsimonious is very unwilling to spend money = stingy, miserly
He is too parsimonious to spend anything on his daughter
Partisan (adj): pahr-tuh-zuhn
Someone who is partisan strongly supports a particular person or cause, often without thinking carefully about the matter = one-sided
He is clearly too partisan to be a referee
Passé (adj): pa-sey
If someone describes something as passé, they think that it is no longer fashionable or that it is no longer effective = old hat, old-fashioned, past the prime
Keeping moustaches is slowly but surely becoming a passe
Passive (adj): pas-iv (850)
If you describe someone as passive, you mean that they do not take action but instead let things happen to them = not active
Gandhi urged his followers to pursue a program of passive resistance as
he felt that it was more effective than violence and acts of terrorism