Adj - 20(951-1000)

Promiscuous (adj):  pruh-mis-kyoo-uhs
Someone who is promiscuous has sex with many different people = haphazard; irregular
She is perceived as vain, spoilt and promiscuous

Prone (adj):  prohn
To be prone to something, usually something bad, means to have a tendency to be affected by it or to do it = inclined to, prostrate
This patch of the road is highly accident prone

Prophylactic (adj):  proh-fuh-lak-tik
Prophylactic means concerned with preventing disease = = preventive
Vaccination and other prophylactic measures can be carried out

Propitious (adj):  pruh-pish-uhs
If something is propitious, it is likely to lead to success = favorable, well-disposed
The propitious weather is expetcted to give success

Propulsive (adj):  pruh-puhl-shuhn (955)
driving forward

Prosaic (adj):  proh-zey-ik
Something that is prosaic is dull and uninteresting =  mundane, lackluster
The instructor asked the boy to work on his prosaic writing style

Protean (adj):  proh-tee-uhn
If you describe someone or something as protean, you mean that they have the ability to continually change their nature, appearance, or behaviour = fluctuating, varying
Sachin is so protean as a bowler that the analysts cannot categorize his bowling style

Provident (adj):  prov-i-duhnt
careful and sensible in the way you plan things, especially by saving money for the future = shrewd
The more provident of them had taken out insurance against flooding

Provincial (adj):  pruh-vin-shuhl
Provincial means connected with the parts of a country away from the capital city = limited
Jeremy Styles, 34, was the house manager for a provincial theatre for ten years

Provocative  (adj):  pruh-vok-uh-tiv (960)
If you describe something as provocative, you mean that it is intended to make people react angrily or argue against
His behavior was called provocative and antisocial

Prudent (adj):  prood-nt
Someone who is prudent is sensible and careful = careful, circumspect, provident
It is always prudent to start any exercise program gradually at first

Prurient (adj):  proor-ee-uhnt
If you describe someone as prurient, you mean that they show too much interest in sexual matters  = salacious
The prurient newspaper is very popular among the youngsters

Psychopathic (adj):  sahy-kuh-path-ik
Someone who is psychopathic is a psychopath
The psychopath, even so, falls far short of the ideal of philosophical egoism

Puerile (adj):  pyoo-er-il
If you describe someone or something as puerile, you mean that they are silly and childish = childish
He becomes puerile when he’s had a couple of drinks

Pugnacious (adj):  puhg-ney-shuhs (965)
Someone who is pugnacious is always ready to quarrel or start a fight = combative, disposed to fight
The President was in a pugnacious mood when he spoke to journalists about the rebellion

Puissant (adj):  pyoo-uh-suhnt
powerful, strong
A puissant man’s influences are awesome

Pulmonary (adj):  puhl-muh-ner-ee
Pulmonary means relating to your lungs
The criminal got himself admitted in the hospital on the pretext of pulmonary infection

Punctilious (adj):  puhngk-til-ee-uhs
Someone who is punctilious is very careful to behave correctly = precise
My mother is very punctilious about cleanliness

Pungent (adj):  puhn-juhnt
Something that is pungent has a strong, sharp smell or taste which is often so strong that it is unpleasant = stinging, caustic
The pungency of the cigarette smoke made me cough

Punitive (adj):  pyoo-ni-tiv (970)
Punitive actions are intended to punish people = punishing
The government is expected to take puntitive steps against offenders

Puny (adj):  pyoo-nee
Someone or something that is puny is very small or weak  = feeble, insignificant, tiny,  weak
Our efforts to stop flood proved punny

Purblind (adj):  pur-blahynd
dim-sighted; obolete

Pusillanimous (adj):  pyoo-suh-lan-uh-muhs
If you say that someone is pusillanimous, you mean that they are timid or afraid = frightened, cowardly
The authorities have been too pusillanimous in merely condemning the violence

Putative (adj):  pyoo-tuh-tiv
If you describe someone or something as putative, you mean that they are generally thought to be the thing mentioned = supposed, reputed
The putative leader of the terrorist organization was arrested by the army yesterday

Putrid (adj):  pyoo-trid (975)
Something that is putrid has decayed and smells very unpleasant =  rotten
The putrid smell from the slaughterhouse has made it impossible for us to reside here

Quanit (adj) : kweynt
Something that is quaint is attractive because it is unusual and rather old-fashioned.
Mylapur is a small, quaint town with narrow streets and traditional half-timbered houses

Qualified  (adj):  kwol-uh-fahyd
Qualified support or agreement is not completely positive because someone has some doubts or criticism = limited
Unble to give the candidate full support, the mayor gave him only a qualified support

Queasy (adj):  kwee-zee
If you feel queasy or if you have a queasy stomach, you feel rather ill, as if you are going to be sick = easily nauseated,  squeamish
The sea got rougher, and I begin to feel queasy

Querulous (adj):  kwer-uh-luhs
Someone who is querulous often complains about things  =  complaining, whining
He became increasingly dissatisfied and querulous in his old age

Quiescent (adj):  kwee-es-uhnt (980)
Someone or something that is quiescent is quiet and inactive = inactive, inert
The valcano had been quiescent for twenty years when the eruption occurred

Quixotic (adj):  kwik-sot-ik
If you describe someone’s ideas or plans as quixotic, you mean that they are imaginative or hopeful but unrealistic = impractical, utopian
He has always lived his by a hopelessly quixotic code of honour

Quotidian (adj):  kwoh-tid-ee-uhn
Quotidian activities or experiences are basic, everyday activities or experiences = ordinary, common, daily
Television has become a part of our quotidian existence

Quizzical  (adj):  kwiz-i-kuhl
If you give someone a quizzical look or smile, you look at them in a way that shows that you are surprised or amused by their behaviour = teasing, bantering
The little boy gave me a quizzical look

Rabid (adj):  rab-id
You can use rabid to describe someone who has very strong and unreasonable opinions or beliefs about a subject, especially in politics = opinionated
He was a rabid follower of the Congress

Rampant (adj):  ram-puhnt (985)
If you describe something bad, such as a crime or disease, as rampant, you mean that it is very common and is increasing in an uncontrolled way = unrestricted
The government has to do something of the rampant poverty and unemployment in the country

Rancid (adj):  ran-sid
If butter, bacon, or other oily foods are rancid, they have gone bad and taste old and unpleasant = foul, putrid, stale
There was a rancid smell coming from the kitchen

Rapacious (adj):  ruh-pey-shuhs
If you describe a person or their behaviour as rapacious, you disapprove of their greedy or selfish behaviour = plundering, greedy
The oil fields have been depleted by a rapacious exploitation policy

Rarefied (adj):  rair-uh-fahy
If you talk about the rarefied atmosphere of a place or institution, you are expressing your disapproval of it, because it has a special social or academic status that makes it very different from ordinary life
It is important for the state's future administrators to get out of the rarefied air of the capital

Raucous (adj):  raw-kuhs
A raucous sound is loud, harsh, and rather unpleasant = harsh
His raucous laughter irritated me

Ravenous (adj):  rav-uh-nuhs (990)
If you are ravenous, you are extremely hungry =  starving, wildly, hungry, voracious
The ravenous dog upset several garbage bins in its search for food

Reactionary (adj):  ree-ak-shuh-ner-ee
A reactionary person or group tries to prevent changes in the political or social system of their country = retrograde
Reactionaries in the industry are preventing its progress

Recalcitrant (adj):  ri-kal-si-truhnt
If you describe someone or something as recalcitrant, you mean that they are unwilling to obey orders or are difficult to deal with = resistant, stubborn, unmanageable
The new teacher was put into a class of recalcitrant sixteen-year olds

Recherché (adj):  ruh-shair-shey
If you describe something as recherché, you mean that it is very sophisticated or is associated with people who like things which are unusual and of a very high quality = choice, sought after; rare
The restaurant prides itself on its recherche menu

Reciprocal  (adj):  ri-sip-ruh-kuhl
A reciprocal action or agreement involves two people or groups who do the same thing to each other or agree to help each another in a similar way = mutual
The two nations signed a reciprocal trade agreement

Recondite (adj): rek-uhn-dahyt (995)
Recondite areas of knowledge or learning are difficult to understand, and not many people know about them = abstruse, profound, secret
He read many recondite books in order to obtain the material for his scholarly thesis

Recumbent (adj):  ri-kuhm-buhnt
A recumbent figure or person is lying down = lying down, reclining, leaning
The artist was giving finishing touches to the recumbent statues

Recurrent (adj): ri-kur-uhnt
A recurrent event or feeling happens or is experienced more than once = occurring again and again
Race is a recurrent theme in the work

Redolent (adj):  red-l-uhnt
1.  If something is redolent of something else, it has features that make you think of that other thing = reminding
The building was redolent of the 1950s
2.  Smelling of something
The bar was redolent with the smell of stale cigarette smoke

Redoubtable (adj):  ri-dou-tuh-buhl
If you describe someone as redoubtable, you respect them because they have a very strong character, even though you are slightly afraid of them = formidable, fearsome, imposing
Mr Suddam Hussein is a redoubtable fighter

Redundant (adj):  ri-duhn-duhnt (1000)
If you are made redundant, your employer tells you to leave because your job is no longer necessary or because your employer cannot afford to keep paying you = excess
As the economy weakened, more and more jobs were made redundant