Refractory (adj): ri-frak-tuh-ree
Refractory people are difficult to deal with or control, for example because they are unwilling to obey orders = stubborn
Refulgent (adj): ri-fuhl-juhnt
Regal (adj): ree-guhl
If you describe something as regal, you mean that it is suitable for a king or queen, because it is very impressive or beautiful = royal
Relevant (adj): rel-uh-vuhnt
Something that is relevant to a situation or person is important or significant in that situation or to that person = pertinent
Remediable (adj): ri-mee-dee-uh-buhl (1005)
Remedial (adj): ri-mee-dee-uhl
Remedial education is intended to improve a person's ability to read, write, or do mathematics, especially when they find these things difficult = curative, corrective
Remiss (adj): ri-mis
If someone is remiss, they are careless about doing things which ought to be done = negligent, derelict
Remunerative (adj): ri-myoo-ner-uh-tiv
Remunerative work is work that you are paid for = compensating, rewarding
Rendezvous (adj): rahn-duh-voo
A rendezvous is a meeting, often a secret one, that you have arranged with someone for a particular time and place = meeting place
Repellent (adj): ri-pel-uhnt (1010)
If you think that something is horrible and disgusting you can say that it is repellent = driving away, unattractive
Replete (adj): ri-pleet
To be replete with something means to be full of it = well filled, stuffed
Reprehensible (adj): rep-ri-hen-suh-buhl
If you think that a type of behaviour or an idea is very bad and morally wrong, you can say that it is reprehensible = objectionable
Repugnant (adj): ri-puhg-nuhnt
If you think that something is horrible and disgusting, you can say that it is repugnant = hateful
Resigned (adj) ri-zahynd
If you are resigned to an unpleasant situation or fact, you accept it without complaining because you realize that you cannot change it
Resilient (adj): ri-zil-yuhnt (1015)
Something that is resilient is strong and not easily damaged by being hit, stretched, or squeezed = elastic
Resonant (adj): rez-uh-nuhnt
making you think of or remember a feeling or experience
Resplendent (adj): ri-splen-duhnt
If you describe someone or something as resplendent, you mean that their appearance is very impressive and expensive-looking = dazzling, splendid
Restive (adj): res-tiv
If you are restive, you are impatient, bored, or dissatisfied = unmanageable, fretting under control
Resurgent (adj): ri-sur-juhnt
You use resurgent to say that something is becoming stronger and more popular after a period when it has been weak and unimportant = promising
Retentive (adj): ri-ten-tiv (1020)
If you have a retentive memory, you are able to remember things very well = holding; having a good memory
Reticent (adj): ret-uh-suhnt
Someone who is reticent does not tell people about things= calm
Retroactive (adj): re-troh-ak-tiv
If a decision or action is retroactive, it is intended to take effect from a date in the past = retrospective
Retrograde (adj): re-truh-greyd
A retrograde action is one that you think makes a situation worse rather than better = going backwards; degenerating
Reverent (adj): rev-er-uhnt
If you describe someone’s behaviour as reverent, you mean that they are showing great respect for a person or thing = respectful
Rhetorical (adj): ri-tawr-i-kuhl, -tor- (1025)
A rhetorical question is one which is asked in order to make a statement rather than to get an answer = effective
Rheumy (adj): roo-mee
If someone has rheumy eyes, their eyes are red and watery, usually because they are very ill or old
Ribald (adj): rib-uhld
A ribald remark or sense of humour is rather rude and refers to sex in a humorous way = lwed, vulgar, obscene
Rife (adj): rahyf
If you say that something, usually something bad, is rife in a place or that the place is rife with it, you mean that it is very common = abundant, current
Risible (adj): riz-uh-buhl
If you describe something as risible, you mean that it is ridiculous and does not deserve to be taken seriously = ludicrous
Risqué (adj): ri-skey (1030)
If you describe something as risqué, you mean that it is slightly rude because it refers to sex = off-color
Riveting (adj): riv-it
If you describe something as riveting, you mean that it is extremely interesting and exciting, and that it holds your attention completely = exiting
Roan (adj): rohn
A roan is a horse that is brown or black with some white hairs
Robust (adj): roh-buhst
Someone or something that is robust is very strong or healthy = vigorous, strong
Rococo (adj): ruh-koh-koh
Rococo is a decorative style that was popular in Europe in the eighteenth century Rococo buildings, furniture, and works of art often include complicated curly decoration = ornate, highly decorated
Roseate (adj): roh-zee-it, -eyt (1035)
A rosette is a large circular decoration made from coloured ribbons which is given as a prize in a competition, or, especially in Britain, is worn to show support for a political party or sports team = red, optimistic
Rubicund (adj): roo-bi-kuhnd
having a healthy reddish color; ruddy; florid
Ruddy (adj): ruhd-ee
If you describe someone’s face as ruddy, you mean that their face is a reddish colour, usually because they are healthy or have been working hard, or because they are angry or embarrassed = red
Rudimentary (adj): roo-duh-men-tuh-ree, -tree
Rudimentary things are very basic or simple and are therefore unsatisfactory = not developed, elementary
Rueful (adj): roo-fuhl
If someone is rueful, they feel or express regret or sorrow in a quiet and gentle way = regretful, sorrowful, dejected
Rustic (adj): ruhs-tik (1040)
You can use rustic to describe things or people that you approve of because they are simple or unsophisticated in a way that is typical of the countryside = uncouth
Ruthless (adj): rooth-lis
If you say that someone is ruthless, you mean that you disapprove of them because they are very harsh or cruel, and will do anything that is necessary to achieve what they want = pitiless
Sacerdotal (adj): sas-er-doht-l
Sacrilegious (adj): sak-ruh-lij-uhs, -lee-juhs
If someone’s behaviour or actions are sacrilegious, they show great disrespect towards something holy or towards something that people think should be respected = blasphemous, profane, impious
Sacrosanct (adj): sak-roh-sangkt
If you describe something as sacrosanct, you consider it to be special and are unwilling to see it criticized or changed = very sacred, holy, inviolable
Sadistic (adj): sey-diz-uhm, sad-iz- (1045)
A sadistic person obtains pleasure from hurting other people and making them suffer physically or mentally = cruel
Saffron (adj): saf-ruhn
Saffron is a yellowish-orange powder obtained from a flower and used to give flavour and colouring to some foods = orange-colored
Sagacious (adj): suh-gey-shuhs
A sagacious person is intelligent and has the ability to make good decisions = wise
Salacious (adj): suh-ley-shuhs
If you describe something such as a book or joke as salacious, you think that it deals with sexual matters in an unnecessarily detailed way = prurient, lecherous, lustful
Salient (adj): sey-lee-uhnt
The salient points or facts of a situation are the most important ones = prominent
Saltatory (adj): sal-tuh-tawr-ee (1050)
relating to leaping
Refractory people are difficult to deal with or control, for example because they are unwilling to obey orders = stubborn
A refractory illness does not improve despite medical treatment
Refulgent (adj): ri-fuhl-juhnt
Regal (adj): ree-guhl
If you describe something as regal, you mean that it is suitable for a king or queen, because it is very impressive or beautiful = royal
Prince Albert had a regal manner
Relevant (adj): rel-uh-vuhnt
Something that is relevant to a situation or person is important or significant in that situation or to that person = pertinent
We have passed all the relevant information on to the police
Remediable (adj): ri-mee-dee-uh-buhl (1005)
It is also the factor most likely to be remediable by practitioners
Remedial (adj): ri-mee-dee-uhl
Remedial education is intended to improve a person's ability to read, write, or do mathematics, especially when they find these things difficult = curative, corrective
The council has come out with remedial measures to reduce tax burden
Remiss (adj): ri-mis
If someone is remiss, they are careless about doing things which ought to be done = negligent, derelict
I would be remiss if I did not do something about it
Remunerative (adj): ri-myoo-ner-uh-tiv
Remunerative work is work that you are paid for = compensating, rewarding
A doctor advised her to seek remunerative employment
Rendezvous (adj): rahn-duh-voo
A rendezvous is a meeting, often a secret one, that you have arranged with someone for a particular time and place = meeting place
The restaurent is a popular rendezvous for the lovers
If you think that something is horrible and disgusting you can say that it is repellent = driving away, unattractive
The steps were repellent to Tom, but Marge thought them very romantic
Replete (adj): ri-pleet
To be replete with something means to be full of it = well filled, stuffed
The apartment was replete with expensive antiques
Reprehensible (adj): rep-ri-hen-suh-buhl
If you think that a type of behaviour or an idea is very bad and morally wrong, you can say that it is reprehensible = objectionable
The politicians of every party uniformly condemned the reprehensible act of terrorism
Repugnant (adj): ri-puhg-nuhnt
If you think that something is horrible and disgusting, you can say that it is repugnant = hateful
Experiments on animals are morally repugnant to many people
Resigned (adj) ri-zahynd
If you are resigned to an unpleasant situation or fact, you accept it without complaining because you realize that you cannot change it
He is resigned to the noise and mess
Resilient (adj): ri-zil-yuhnt (1015)
Something that is resilient is strong and not easily damaged by being hit, stretched, or squeezed = elastic
The company proved remarkably resilient during the recession
Resonant (adj): rez-uh-nuhnt
making you think of or remember a feeling or experience
Her art is resonant with centuries of tradition
Resplendent (adj): ri-splen-duhnt
If you describe someone or something as resplendent, you mean that their appearance is very impressive and expensive-looking = dazzling, splendid
She looks resplendent in that silk dress of hers
Restive (adj): res-tiv
If you are restive, you are impatient, bored, or dissatisfied = unmanageable, fretting under control
The audience grew restive as they waited for the performance to begin
You use resurgent to say that something is becoming stronger and more popular after a period when it has been weak and unimportant = promising
The resurgent nation surprised everyone by its quick recovery after total defeat
Retentive (adj): ri-ten-tiv (1020)
If you have a retentive memory, you are able to remember things very well = holding; having a good memory
He has a retentive memory regarding financial matters even after ten years of retirement
Reticent (adj): ret-uh-suhnt
Someone who is reticent does not tell people about things= calm
She’s strangely reticent about her son
Retroactive (adj): re-troh-ak-tiv
If a decision or action is retroactive, it is intended to take effect from a date in the past = retrospective
There are few precedents for this sort of retroactive legislation
Retrograde (adj): re-truh-greyd
A retrograde action is one that you think makes a situation worse rather than better = going backwards; degenerating
The development of new nuclear weapons is actually a retrograde step
Reverent (adj): rev-er-uhnt
If you describe someone’s behaviour as reverent, you mean that they are showing great respect for a person or thing = respectful
His reverent attitude was appropriate in a house of worship
Rhetorical (adj): ri-tawr-i-kuhl, -tor- (1025)
A rhetorical question is one which is asked in order to make a statement rather than to get an answer = effective
The speaker used every rhetorical trick in the book to win his audience
Rheumy (adj): roo-mee
If someone has rheumy eyes, their eyes are red and watery, usually because they are very ill or old
Ribald (adj): rib-uhld
A ribald remark or sense of humour is rather rude and refers to sex in a humorous way = lwed, vulgar, obscene
She made some ribald comments about a fellow guest’s body language
Rife (adj): rahyf
If you say that something, usually something bad, is rife in a place or that the place is rife with it, you mean that it is very common = abundant, current
Hollywood soon became rife with rumors
Risible (adj): riz-uh-buhl
If you describe something as risible, you mean that it is ridiculous and does not deserve to be taken seriously = ludicrous
His remarks were so risible that the audience burst into laughter
Risqué (adj): ri-skey (1030)
If you describe something as risqué, you mean that it is slightly rude because it refers to sex = off-color
His risque sense of humor raised many eyebrows in the party
Riveting (adj): riv-it
If you describe something as riveting, you mean that it is extremely interesting and exciting, and that it holds your attention completely = exiting
I find football riveting, eventhough i dont play it
Roan (adj): rohn
A roan is a horse that is brown or black with some white hairs
Robust (adj): roh-buhst
Someone or something that is robust is very strong or healthy = vigorous, strong
Our country’s political system has continued to be robust in spite of the problems on the economic front
Rococo (adj): ruh-koh-koh
Rococo is a decorative style that was popular in Europe in the eighteenth century Rococo buildings, furniture, and works of art often include complicated curly decoration = ornate, highly decorated
Rococo style in furniture isn’t my cup of tea as I prefer the simple, yet elegant one
Roseate (adj): roh-zee-it, -eyt (1035)
A rosette is a large circular decoration made from coloured ribbons which is given as a prize in a competition, or, especially in Britain, is worn to show support for a political party or sports team = red, optimistic
I am afraid you will have to change your roseate views in the light of the bad news that has just arrived
Rubicund (adj): roo-bi-kuhnd
having a healthy reddish color; ruddy; florid
Ruddy (adj): ruhd-ee
If you describe someone’s face as ruddy, you mean that their face is a reddish colour, usually because they are healthy or have been working hard, or because they are angry or embarrassed = red
He had a naturally ruddy complexion, even more flushed now from dancing
Rudimentary (adj): roo-duh-men-tuh-ree, -tree
Rudimentary things are very basic or simple and are therefore unsatisfactory = not developed, elementary
His dancing was limited to a few rudimentary steps
Rueful (adj): roo-fuhl
If someone is rueful, they feel or express regret or sorrow in a quiet and gentle way = regretful, sorrowful, dejected
Then she pulled a rueful face
Rustic (adj): ruhs-tik (1040)
You can use rustic to describe things or people that you approve of because they are simple or unsophisticated in a way that is typical of the countryside = uncouth
The road-side restaurant had a certain rustic charm
Ruthless (adj): rooth-lis
If you say that someone is ruthless, you mean that you disapprove of them because they are very harsh or cruel, and will do anything that is necessary to achieve what they want = pitiless
The dictator has been showing ruthless disregard for basic human rights
Sacerdotal (adj): sas-er-doht-l
Sacrilegious (adj): sak-ruh-lij-uhs, -lee-juhs
If someone’s behaviour or actions are sacrilegious, they show great disrespect towards something holy or towards something that people think should be respected = blasphemous, profane, impious
Leading clerics criticised the book as a sacrilegious attack on their faith
Sacrosanct (adj): sak-roh-sangkt
If you describe something as sacrosanct, you consider it to be special and are unwilling to see it criticized or changed = very sacred, holy, inviolable
Freedom of press is sacrosanct and remains so
Sadistic (adj): sey-diz-uhm, sad-iz- (1045)
A sadistic person obtains pleasure from hurting other people and making them suffer physically or mentally = cruel
He took sadistic pleasure in teasing the boy
Saffron (adj): saf-ruhn
Saffron is a yellowish-orange powder obtained from a flower and used to give flavour and colouring to some foods = orange-colored
Sagacious (adj): suh-gey-shuhs
A sagacious person is intelligent and has the ability to make good decisions = wise
He is regarded as a wise and sagacious leader
If you describe something such as a book or joke as salacious, you think that it deals with sexual matters in an unnecessarily detailed way = prurient, lecherous, lustful
The papers concentrated on the more salacious aspects of the case
Salient (adj): sey-lee-uhnt
The salient points or facts of a situation are the most important ones = prominent
He read the salient facts quickly
Saltatory (adj): sal-tuh-tawr-ee (1050)
relating to leaping