Adj- 22(1051-1100)

Salubrious (adj):  suh-loo-bree-uhs
A place that is salubrious is pleasant and healthy = healthy
We had to move to a house in a less salubrious area

Salutary (adj):  al-yuh-ter-ee
A salutary experience is good for you, even though it may seem difficult or unpleasant at first = beneficial
It was a salutary lesson to see the whole team so easily defeated

Sanctimonious (adj):  sangk-tuh-moh-nee-uhs
If you say that someone is sanctimonious, you disapprove of them because you think that they are trying to appear morally better than other people=  self-righteous
I wish she’d stop being so sanctimonious

Sanguine (adj):  sang-gwin
If you are sanguine about something, you are cheerful and confident that things will happen in the way you want them to = optimistic
He tends to take a sanguine view of the problems involved

Sapid (adj):  sap-id (1055)
savory; tasty; relishable
This chef has the knack of making most foods more sapid and appealing

Sardonic (adj):  sahr-don-ik
If you describe someone as sardonic, you mean their attitude to people or things is humorous but rather critical
She looked at him with sardonic amusement

Sartorial (adj):  sahr-tawr-ee-uhl, -tohr-
Sartorial means relating to clothes and to the way they are made or worn
He was known for his sartorial elegance

Satirical  (adj):  suh-tir-i-kuhl
A satirical drawing, piece of writing, or comedy show is one in which humour or exaggeration is used to criticize something = satiric
It is a satirical novel about London life in the late 80s

Saturnine (adj):  sat-er-nahyn
Someone who is saturnine is serious and unfriendly  = gloomy
He had a rather saturnine manner

Scrupulous (adj):  skroo-pyuh-luhs (1060)
Someone who is scrupulous takes great care to do what is fair, honest, or morally right = conscientious, extremely thorough
Our hotel is scrupulous in maintaining the highest hygienic standards

Scurrilous  (adj):  skur-uh-luhs
Scurrilous accusations or stories are untrue and unfair, and are likely to damage the reputation of the person that they relate to = obscene, indecent
Your scurrilous remarks are especially offensive because they are untrue

Sebaceous (adj):  si-bey-shuhs
oily; fatty

Secular  (adj):  sek-yuh-ler
You use secular to describe things that have no connection with religion = irreligious
The church leaders decided not to interfere in secular matters

Sedate (adj):  si-deyt
If you describe someone or something as sedate, you mean that they are quiet and rather dignified, though perhaps a bit dull = composed, grave
Even after the argument, we continued to walk at a sedate pace

Sedentary (adj):  sed-n-ter-ee (1065)
Someone who has a sedentary lifestyle or job sits down a lot of the time and does not take much exercise = stationary
Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle have been linked with an increased risk of heart disease

Sedulous (adj):  sej-uh-luhs
showing continued hard work, effort, and determination = diligent, assiduous
Ratan Tata has the reputation of being a sedulous professional

Sensuous (adj):  sen-shoo-uhs
Something that is sensuous gives pleasure to the mind or body through the senses
The film is ravishing to look at and boasts a sensuous musical score

Sententious (adj):  sen-ten-shuhs
terse; concise
The whole documentary was sententious

Septic (adj):  sep-tik
If a wound or a part of your body becomes septic, it becomes infected = putridm producing putrefaction
Everywhere, it was like an over-flowing septic tank or something rotting

Sequacious (adj):  si-kwey-shuhs (1070)
eager to follow; ductile

Serrated (adj):  ser-ey-tid
A serrated object such as a knife or blade has a row of V-shaped points along the edge
The beech tree is one of many plants that have serrated leaves

Serried (adj):  ser-eed
Serried things or people are closely crowded together in rows = standing shoulder to shoulder, crowded
His librady shelves are full of serried rows of law books and law reports

Servile  (adj):  sur-vil
If you say that someone is servile, you disapprove of them because they are too eager to obey someone or do things for them = obedient
The smart waiter attended to the guests without appearing totally servile

Shoddy  (adj):  shod-ee
Shoddy work or a shoddy product has been done or made carelessly or badly = poor quality
The record player looked impressive, but its construction was so shoddy that within a few months it seemed to be falling apart

Sibylline (adj):  sib-uh-leen (1075)
prophetic; oracular
The sibylline words of the saints echo through the ages

Sidereal (adj):  sahy-deer-ee-uhl
Sidereal related to stars
The sidereal system is determined by the daily motion of the stars

Simian (adj):  sim-ee-uhn
If someone has a simian face, they look rather like a monkey = monkeylike
His grandfather is small and ancient, with a wrinkled, simian face

Simpering (adj):  sim-per
When someone simpers, they smile in a rather silly way = smirking
The maid lowered her chin and simpered

Sinister (adj):  sin-uh-ster
Something that is sinister seems evil or harmful = evil
There was something sinister about him that she found disturbing

Sinuous (adj):  sin-yoo-uhs (1080)
Something that is sinuous moves with smooth twists and turns  = bending, winding
I drove along the sinuous mountain roads

Skittish (adj):  skit-ish
If you describe a person or animal as skittish, you mean they are easily made frightened or excited  = nervous, lively, frisky
The declining dollar gave heart to skittish investors

Sleazy (adj):  slee-zee
If you describe a place as sleazy, you dislike it because it looks dirty and badly cared for, and not respectable = flimsy, unsubstantial
I dislike sleazy bars

Slovenly (adj):  sluhv-uhn-lee
Slovenly people are careless, untidy, or inefficient  = sloppy, untidy, careless in work habits
Lisa was irritated by the slovenly attitude of her boyfriend Sean 

Solicitous (adj):  suh-lis-i-tuhs
A person who is solicitous shows anxious concern for someone or something = considerate
He was extremely solicitous of his guests

Solvent (adj):  sol-vuhnt (1085)
If a person or a company is solvent, they have enough money to pay all their debts = insolvent
They're going to have to show that the company is now solvent

Somatic (adj):  soh-mat-ik
pertaining to the body; physical

Somnolent (adj):  som-nuh-luhnt
If you are somnolent, you feel sleepy = half asleep
The sedative makes people very somnolent

Sonorous (adj):  suh-nawr-uhs
A sonorous sound is deep and rich = melodious
The opera singers have to have a sonorous voice

Sophomoric (adj):  sof-uh-mawr-ik
Sophistry is the practice of using clever arguments that sound convincing but are in fact false = immature, shallow
Political selection is more dependent on sophistry and less on economic literacy

Soporific (adj):  sop-uh-rif-ik (1090)
Something that is soporific makes you feel sleepy = sedative
The professor’s soporofice voice made it difficult to stay awake in the lecture

Sordid  (adj):  sawr-did
If you describe someone’s behaviour as sordid, you mean that it is immoral or dishonest = dishonest
The social worker was angered by the sordid housing provided for the homeless

Spasmodic (adj):  spaz-mod-ik
Something that is spasmodic happens suddenly, for short periods of time, and at irregular intervals =   intermittent
He managed to stifle the spasmodic sobs of panic rising in his throat

Spatial (adj):  spey-shuhl
Spatial is used to describe things relating to areas = relating to space
The architect needs to have a good grasp of spatial concepts

Specious (adj):  spee-shuhs
Something that is specious seems to exist or be true, but is not real or true = fallacious
“Tire puncture” is one of the most specious reasons given by the late comers

Spectral (adj):  spek-truhl (1095)
If you describe someone or something as spectral, you mean that they look like a ghost = ghostly
We were frightened by the spectral glow that filled the room

Splenetic (adj):  spli-net-ik
If you describe someone as splenetic, you mean that they easily become very angry about things =  ill tempered
Normally sweet and kind, she had a  splenetic side that occassionally shows up

Sporadic (adj):  spuh-rad-ik
Sporadic occurrences of something happen at irregular intervals = intermittent, sporadic, periodic
Apart from sporadic rain the weather was marvellous

Spurious (adj):  spyoor-ee-uhs
Something that is spurious seems to be genuine, but is false = false, counterfeit
To change the complexion within 2 weeks with this cosmetic is spurious

Squalid  (adj):  skwol-id, skwaw-lid
A squalid place is dirty, untidy, and in bad condition = dirty, neglected, poor
How can anyone live in such squalid conditions?

Staccato (adj):  stuh-kah-toh (1110)
A staccato noise consists of a series of short, sharp, separate sounds
He spoke in Arabic, a short staccato burst