Vertiginous (adj): ver-tij-uh-nuhs (1251)
A vertiginous cliff or mountain is very high and steep = giddy
Versatile (adj): vur-suh-tl
If you say that a person is versatile, you approve of them because they have many different skills = transliterate
Viable (adj): vahy-uh-buhl
Something that is viable is capable of doing what it is intended to do = feasible
Vicarious (adj): vahy-kair-ee-uhs
A vicarious pleasure or feeling is experienced by watching, listening to, or reading about other people doing something, rather than by doing it yourself = second hand
Vindictive (adj): vin-dik-tiv
If you say that someone is vindictive, you are critical of them because they deliberately try to upset or cause trouble for someone who they think has done them harm = revengeful
Virile (adj): vir-uh (1255)
If you describe a man as virile, you mean that he has the qualities that a man is traditionally expected to have, such as strength and sexual power = potent, manly
Virulent (adj): vir-yuh-luhnt, vir-uh-
Virulent feelings or actions are extremely bitter and hostile
Viscous (adj): vis-kuhs
A viscous liquid is thick and sticky = sticky, gluey
Viscid (adj): vis-id
sticky; adhesive
Visionary (adj): vizh-uh-ner-ee
If you refer to someone as a visionary, you mean that they have strong, original ideas about how things might be different in the future, especially about how things might be improved = fanciful, mystical
Vitriolic (adj): vi-tree-ol-ik (1260)
If you describe someone’s language or behaviour as vitriolic, you disapprove of it because it is full of bitterness and hate, and so causes a lot of distress and pain = corrosive, sarcastic
Vitreous (adj): vi-tree-uhs
Vitreous means made of glass or resembling glass
Vituperative (adj): vahy-too-per-uh-tiv
Vituperative remarks are full of hate, anger, or insults
using abusive language = insulting, offensive
Vivacious (adj): vi-vey-shuhs, vahy-
If you describe someone as vivacious, you mean that they are lively, exciting, and attractive = lively, in high spirits
Vociferous (adj): voh-sif-er-uhs
If you describe someone as vociferous, you mean that they speak with great energy and determination, because they want their views to be heard = emphatic
Volatile (adj): vol-uh-tl (1265)
A situation that is volatile is likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly = changing
Vulnerable (adj): vuhl-ner-uh-buhl
Someone who is vulnerable is weak and without protection, with the result that they are easily hurt physically or emotionally = weak
Voluble (adj): vol-yuh-buhl
If you say that someone is voluble, you mean that they talk a lot with great energy and enthusiasm = talkative
Voluptuous (adj): vuh-luhp-choo-uhs
If you describe a woman as voluptuous, you mean that she has large breasts and hips and is considered attractive in a sexual way = gratifying the senses
Voracious (adj): vaw-rey-shuhs
If you describe a person, or their appetite for something, as voracious, you mean that they want a lot of something = avid
Vulpine (adj): vuhl-pahyn, -pin (1270)
relating to foxes, or similar to a fox = deceitful, crafty
Vying (adj): vahy-ing
Vying is the present participle of vie = contending
Waggish (adj): wag-ish
behaving in a humorous way, or saying humorous things = jocular, humorous
Wan (adj): won
If you describe someone as wan, you mean that they look pale and tired = pallid, pale
Wanton (adj): won-tn
A wanton action deliberately causes harm, damage, or waste without having any reason to = harmful
Wary (adj): wair-ee (1275)
If you are wary of something or someone, you are cautious because you do not know much about them and you believe they may be dangerous or cause problems = cautious, chary
Whimsical (adj): hwim-zi-kuhl, wim-
A whimsical person or idea is unusual, playful, and unpredictable, rather than serious and practical = capricious, fanciful
Wily (adj): wahy-lee
If you describe someone or their behaviour as wily, you mean that they are clever at achieving what they want, especially by tricking people = crafty
Winsome (adj): win-suhm
If you describe a person or their actions or behaviour as winsome, you mean that they are attractive and charming = charming, appealing
Wistful (adj): wist-fuhl
Someone who is wistful is rather sad because they want something and know that they cannot have it = regretful
Witless (adj): wit-lis (1280)
If you describe something or someone as witless, you mean that they are very foolish or stupid = foolish, idiotic
Wizened (adj): wiz-uhnd; wee-zuhnd
A wizened person is old and has a lot of lines on their skin
= wrinkled, aged
Worldly (adj): wurld-lee
Worldly is used to describe things relating to the ordinary activities of life, rather than to spiritual things = not spiritual
A vertiginous cliff or mountain is very high and steep = giddy
Just looking down from the fourth floor makes me feel vertiginous
Versatile (adj): vur-suh-tl
If you say that a person is versatile, you approve of them because they have many different skills = transliterate
Leonardo da Vinci was a versatile genius who excelled in many different fields of art and science
Viable (adj): vahy-uh-buhl
Something that is viable is capable of doing what it is intended to do = feasible
They have their apprehensions regarding solar power a viable alternative to fossil fuel
Vicarious (adj): vahy-kair-ee-uhs
A vicarious pleasure or feeling is experienced by watching, listening to, or reading about other people doing something, rather than by doing it yourself = second hand
Parents get vicarious pleasure from their children’s success
Vindictive (adj): vin-dik-tiv
If you say that someone is vindictive, you are critical of them because they deliberately try to upset or cause trouble for someone who they think has done them harm = revengeful
She seems to be a vindictive woman desperate for revenge against the man who loved and left her
Virile (adj): vir-uh (1255)
If you describe a man as virile, you mean that he has the qualities that a man is traditionally expected to have, such as strength and sexual power = potent, manly
He wanted his sons to become strong, virile, and athletic like himself
Virulent (adj): vir-yuh-luhnt, vir-uh-
Virulent feelings or actions are extremely bitter and hostile
A very virulent from of the disease appeared in China
A viscous liquid is thick and sticky = sticky, gluey
Melted tar is a viscous substance
Viscid (adj): vis-id
sticky; adhesive
During training, the commandos are made to run in viscid clay of marshlands to increase their stamina
Visionary (adj): vizh-uh-ner-ee
If you refer to someone as a visionary, you mean that they have strong, original ideas about how things might be different in the future, especially about how things might be improved = fanciful, mystical
An entrepreneur is more than just a risk taker He is a visionary
Vitriolic (adj): vi-tree-ol-ik (1260)
If you describe someone’s language or behaviour as vitriolic, you disapprove of it because it is full of bitterness and hate, and so causes a lot of distress and pain = corrosive, sarcastic
Such vitriolic criticism is uncalled for
Vitreous (adj): vi-tree-uhs
Vitreous means made of glass or resembling glass
We could see through the vitreous surface of the container that it contained liquid gas
Vituperative (adj): vahy-too-per-uh-tiv
Vituperative remarks are full of hate, anger, or insults
using abusive language = insulting, offensive
He is often the victim of vituperative remarks concerning his wealth
Vivacious (adj): vi-vey-shuhs, vahy-
If you describe someone as vivacious, you mean that they are lively, exciting, and attractive = lively, in high spirits
He had three pretty, vivacious daughters
If you describe someone as vociferous, you mean that they speak with great energy and determination, because they want their views to be heard = emphatic
The vociferous crowd demanded to see the President of the council
Volatile (adj): vol-uh-tl (1265)
A situation that is volatile is likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly = changing
The poor guy was caught unaware in the highly volatile stock market
Someone who is vulnerable is weak and without protection, with the result that they are easily hurt physically or emotionally = weak
Achilles was vulnerable only in his heel
If you say that someone is voluble, you mean that they talk a lot with great energy and enthusiasm = talkative
Out voluble professor approaches each topic with unfalling enthusiasm
Voluptuous (adj): vuh-luhp-choo-uhs
If you describe a woman as voluptuous, you mean that she has large breasts and hips and is considered attractive in a sexual way = gratifying the senses
He is seeing a voluptuous woman these days
Voracious (adj): vaw-rey-shuhs
If you describe a person, or their appetite for something, as voracious, you mean that they want a lot of something = avid
Rohan is a voracious reader
Vulpine (adj): vuhl-pahyn, -pin (1270)
relating to foxes, or similar to a fox = deceitful, crafty
A vulpine attitude can never help
Vying (adj): vahy-ing
Vying is the present participle of vie = contending
Loan companies are vying with each other to attract customer by offering lower rates of interest
Waggish (adj): wag-ish
behaving in a humorous way, or saying humorous things = jocular, humorous
The waggish jokes of this comedian are very popular with the crowd
Wan (adj): won
If you describe someone as wan, you mean that they look pale and tired = pallid, pale
After the meeting he looked wan and bleary-eyed
Wanton (adj): won-tn
A wanton action deliberately causes harm, damage, or waste without having any reason to = harmful
Wanton violence is now becoming a regular feature of urban life
Wary (adj): wair-ee (1275)
If you are wary of something or someone, you are cautious because you do not know much about them and you believe they may be dangerous or cause problems = cautious, chary
The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town
Whimsical (adj): hwim-zi-kuhl, wim-
A whimsical person or idea is unusual, playful, and unpredictable, rather than serious and practical = capricious, fanciful
The man has a wonderful whimsical sense of humour
Wily (adj): wahy-lee
If you describe someone or their behaviour as wily, you mean that they are clever at achieving what they want, especially by tricking people = crafty
His wily opponent outwitted him
Winsome (adj): win-suhm
If you describe a person or their actions or behaviour as winsome, you mean that they are attractive and charming = charming, appealing
She gave him a winsome smile
Wistful (adj): wist-fuhl
Someone who is wistful is rather sad because they want something and know that they cannot have it = regretful
I can't help feeling slightly wistful about the perks I'm giving up
If you describe something or someone as witless, you mean that they are very foolish or stupid = foolish, idiotic
That’s witless, nasty piece of journalism
A wizened person is old and has a lot of lines on their skin
= wrinkled, aged
Even at the age od seventy, he has not wizened
Worldly is used to describe things relating to the ordinary activities of life, rather than to spiritual things = not spiritual
He seemed very calm and far removed from worldly concerns out using too much scientific terminology