Tumid (adj): too-mid, tyoo-
pompous; bombastic
Turbid (adj): tur-bid
Turbid water or liquid is dirty and muddy
Turgid (adj): tur-jid
If you describe something such as a piece of writing or a film as turgid, you think it is boring and difficult to understand = boring
Tutelary (adj): toot-l-er-ee (1205)
protective; pertaining to a guardianship
Ubiquitous (adj): yoo-bik-wi-tuhs
If you describe something or someone as ubiquitous, you mean that they seem to be everywhere = omnipresent
Ulterior (adj): uhl-teer-ee-er
If you say that someone has an ulterior motive for doing something, you believe that they have a hidden reason for doing it = hidden
Ultimate (adj): uhl-tuh-mit
You use ultimate to describe the final result or aim of a long series of events = eventual, final
Unassuaged (adj): uh-sweyj
unsatisfied; not soothed
Unassuming (adj): uhn-uh-soo-ming (1210)
If you describe a person or their behaviour as unassuming, you approve of them because they are quiet and do not try to appear important = modest
Unbridled (adj): uhn-brahyd-ld
If you describe behaviour or feelings as unbridled, you mean that they are not controlled or limited in any way = violent
Uncanny (adj): uhn-kan-ee
If you describe something as uncanny, you mean that it is strange and difficult to explain = unnatural, mysterious, weird, strange, mysterious
Unconscionable (adj): uhn-kon-shuh-nuh-buhl
Uncouth (adj): uhn-kooth
If you describe a person as uncouth, you mean that their behaviour is rude, noisy, and unpleasant = coarse
Unctuous (adj): uhngk-choo-uhs (1215)
If you describe someone as unctuous, you are critical of them because they seem to be full of praise, kindness, or interest, but are obviously insincere = servile, sycophantic
Unearthly (adj): uhn-urth-lee
You use unearthly to describe something that seems very strange and unnatural = not earthly; weird
Unequivocal (adj): uhn-i-kwiv-uh-kuhl
If you describe someone’s attitude as unequivocal, you mean that it is completely clear and very firm = certain
Unfaltering (adj): fawl-ter
steadfast = stubborn
Unfeigned (adj): uhn-feynd
genuine; real
Ungainly (adj): uhn-geyn-lee (1220)
If you describe a person, animal, or vehicle as ungainly, you mean that they look awkward or clumsy, often because they are big = clumsy, awkward
Unilateral (adj): yoo-nuh-lat-er-uhl
A unilateral decision or action is taken by only one of the groups, organizations, or countries that are involved in a particular situation, without the agreement of the others = one-sided
Unimpeachable (adj): uhn-im-pee-chuh-buhl
If you describe someone as unimpeachable, you mean that they are completely honest and reliable = blameless and exemplary
Unique (adj): yoo-neek
Something that is unique is the only one of its kind = without an equal, single in kind
Unkempt (adj): uhn-kempt
If you describe something or someone as unkempt, you mean that they are untidy, and not looked after carefully or kept neat = disheveled
Unmitigated (adj): uhn-mit-i-gey-tid (1225)
You use unmitigated to emphasize that a bad situation or quality is totally bad = sheer, absolute
Unruly (adj): uhn-roo-lee
If you describe people, especially children, as unruly, you mean that they behave badly and are difficult to control
not easily controlled = disobedient
Unseemly (adj): uhn-seem-lee
If you say that someone's behaviour is unseemly, you disapprove of it because it is not polite or not suitable for a particular situation or occasion = unbecoming, indecent
Unsullied (adj): suhl-ee
If something is unsullied, it has not been spoiled or made less pure by the addition of something unpleasant or unacceptable = sullied, tainted, untarnished
Untenable (adj): uhn-ten-uh-buhl
An argument, theory, or position that is untenable cannot be defended successfully against criticism or attack = unsupportable
Untoward (adj): uhn-tawrd, -tohrd (1230)
If you say that something untoward happens, you mean that something happens that is unexpected and causes difficulties = unfortunate, annoying
Unsolicited (adj): un-suh-lis-itd
Something that is unsolicited has been given without being asked for and may not have been wanted = unwanted
Unwitting (adj): uhn-wit-ing
If you describe a person or their actions as unwitting, you mean that the person does something or is involved in something without realizing it = unintentional, not knowing
Unwonted (adj): uhn-wawn-tid
not usual for a particular person or thing and therefore unexpected = unusual
Urbane (adj): ur-beyn
Someone who is urbane is polite and appears comfortable in social situations = suave, refined, elegant
Ursine (adj): ur-sahyn (1235)
bearlike; pertaining to a bear
Uxorious (adj): uhk-sawr-ee-uh
Having or showing a great or excessive fondness for one’s wife
Vacuous (adj): vak-yoo-uhs
If you describe a person or their comments as vacuous, you are critical of them because they lack intelligent thought or ideas = empty, inane
Vainglorious (adj): veyn-glawr-ee-uhs
If you describe someone as vainglorious, you are critical of them because they are very proud of what they have done and boast a lot about it = boastful, excessively conceited
Valedictory (adj): val-i-dik-tuh-ree
A valedictory speech, letter, or performance is one that is intended as a way of saying goodbye when someone leaves another person, a place, or a job = farewell
Vapid (adj): vap-id (1240)
If you describe someone or something as vapid, you are critical of them because they are dull and uninteresting = dull, boring
Variegated (adj): vair-ee-i-gey-tid
A variegated leaf or plant has different colours on it = many-colored
Vaunted (adj): vawn-tid, vahn-
If you describe something as vaunted or much vaunted, you mean that people praise it more than it deserves = high-flying
Vehement (adj): vee-uh-muhnt
If a person or their actions or comments are vehement, the person has very strong feelings or opinions and expresses them forcefully = deterministic
Venal (adj): veen-l
If you describe someone as venal, you disapprove of them because they are prepared to do almost anything in return for money, even things which are dishonest or immoral = corrupt
Venerable (adj): ven-er-uh-buhl (1245)
A venerable person deserves respect because they are old and wise = respected, esteemed, august, honoured
Her Chinese frineds referred to the Empress as their venerable ancestor
Venial (adj): vee-nee-uhl
forgivable, trivial
Venturous (adj): ven-cher-uhs
Ventral (adj): ven-truhl
Vernal (adj): vur-nl
pertaining to spring
Veracious (adj): vuh-rey-shuhs (1250)
If you describe a person, or their appetite for something, as voracious, you mean that they want a lot of something = truthful
Verbatim (adj): ver-bey-tim
If you repeat something verbatim, you use exactly the same words as were used originally = word for word
Verbose (adj): ver-bohs
If you describe a person or a piece of writing as verbose, you are critical of them because they use more words than are necessary, and so make you feel bored or annoyed = wordy, prolix
Verdant (adj): vur-dnt
If you describe a place as verdant, you mean that it is covered with green grass, trees, and plants = greenary
Vermicular (adj): ver-mik-yuh-ler
pertaining to a worm
pompous; bombastic
I especially dislike his tumid style; I prefer writing which is less swollen and bombastic
Turbid water or liquid is dirty and muddy
Several species of fish inhabit these turbid shallow waters
Turgid (adj): tur-jid
If you describe something such as a piece of writing or a film as turgid, you think it is boring and difficult to understand = boring
The articles she writes are very turged which makes them very difficult to read
Tutelary (adj): toot-l-er-ee (1205)
protective; pertaining to a guardianship
Ubiquitous (adj): yoo-bik-wi-tuhs
If you describe something or someone as ubiquitous, you mean that they seem to be everywhere = omnipresent
It is said that god is ubiquitous
Ulterior (adj): uhl-teer-ee-er
If you say that someone has an ulterior motive for doing something, you believe that they have a hidden reason for doing it = hidden
He's just being nice I don't think he has any ulterior motives
Ultimate (adj): uhl-tuh-mit
You use ultimate to describe the final result or aim of a long series of events = eventual, final
The ultimate aim is to expand the network further
Unassuaged (adj): uh-sweyj
unsatisfied; not soothed
Her anger is unasuaged by your apology
If you describe a person or their behaviour as unassuming, you approve of them because they are quiet and do not try to appear important = modest
He's a man of few words, very polite and unassuming
If you describe behaviour or feelings as unbridled, you mean that they are not controlled or limited in any way = violent
He unbridled lust for money landed him behind the bars
If you describe something as uncanny, you mean that it is strange and difficult to explain = unnatural, mysterious, weird, strange, mysterious
Some people have the uncanny knack of reading one’s innermost thoughts
Unconscionable (adj): uhn-kon-shuh-nuh-buhl
The two World Wars caused an unconscionable amount of suffering
Uncouth (adj): uhn-kooth
If you describe a person as uncouth, you mean that their behaviour is rude, noisy, and unpleasant = coarse
Under his instruction, the uncouth youth was transformed into a gentleman
Unctuous (adj): uhngk-choo-uhs (1215)
If you describe someone as unctuous, you are critical of them because they seem to be full of praise, kindness, or interest, but are obviously insincere = servile, sycophantic
Dave is genuinely friendly without being unctuous
Unearthly (adj): uhn-urth-lee
You use unearthly to describe something that seems very strange and unnatural = not earthly; weird
The sound was so serene that it seemed unearthly
If you describe someone’s attitude as unequivocal, you mean that it is completely clear and very firm = certain
My answer to your proposal is an unequivocal and absolute “No”
Unfaltering (adj): fawl-ter
steadfast = stubborn
genuine; real
Sachin had that unfeigned interest in cricket since childhood
Ungainly (adj): uhn-geyn-lee (1220)
If you describe a person, animal, or vehicle as ungainly, you mean that they look awkward or clumsy, often because they are big = clumsy, awkward
Paul swam in his ungainly way to the side of the pool
Unilateral (adj): yoo-nuh-lat-er-uhl
A unilateral decision or action is taken by only one of the groups, organizations, or countries that are involved in a particular situation, without the agreement of the others = one-sided
Indian National Congress, in its Lahore session in 1929, announced unilateral declaration of independence for India
Unimpeachable (adj): uhn-im-pee-chuh-buhl
If you describe someone as unimpeachable, you mean that they are completely honest and reliable = blameless and exemplary
He said all five were men of unimpeachable character
Unique (adj): yoo-neek
Something that is unique is the only one of its kind = without an equal, single in kind
The area has its own unique language, Catalan
Unkempt (adj): uhn-kempt
If you describe something or someone as unkempt, you mean that they are untidy, and not looked after carefully or kept neat = disheveled
His hair was unkempt and filthy
You use unmitigated to emphasize that a bad situation or quality is totally bad = sheer, absolute
The meeting turned out to be an unmitigated disastor
Unruly (adj): uhn-roo-lee
If you describe people, especially children, as unruly, you mean that they behave badly and are difficult to control
not easily controlled = disobedient
The unruly child was expelled from school
Unseemly (adj): uhn-seem-lee
If you say that someone's behaviour is unseemly, you disapprove of it because it is not polite or not suitable for a particular situation or occasion = unbecoming, indecent
She thought it unseemly to kiss her husband in the party
Unsullied (adj): suhl-ee
If something is unsullied, it has not been spoiled or made less pure by the addition of something unpleasant or unacceptable = sullied, tainted, untarnished
He smiled, unsullied by doubt
Untenable (adj): uhn-ten-uh-buhl
An argument, theory, or position that is untenable cannot be defended successfully against criticism or attack = unsupportable
This argument is untenable from an intellectual, moral and practical standpoint
Untoward (adj): uhn-tawrd, -tohrd (1230)
If you say that something untoward happens, you mean that something happens that is unexpected and causes difficulties = unfortunate, annoying
The doctor’s report mentioned nothing untoward
Unsolicited (adj): un-suh-lis-itd
Something that is unsolicited has been given without being asked for and may not have been wanted = unwanted
Unsolicited mails are filling my inbox
If you describe a person or their actions as unwitting, you mean that the person does something or is involved in something without realizing it = unintentional, not knowing
We're unwitting victims of the system
Unwonted (adj): uhn-wawn-tid
not usual for a particular person or thing and therefore unexpected = unusual
‘Let’s go,’ she said, with unwonted enthusiasm
Urbane (adj): ur-beyn
Someone who is urbane is polite and appears comfortable in social situations = suave, refined, elegant
He was urbane and sophisticated
Ursine (adj): ur-sahyn (1235)
bearlike; pertaining to a bear
Uxorious (adj): uhk-sawr-ee-uh
Having or showing a great or excessive fondness for one’s wife
His friends laugh at him because he’s so uxorious and submissive to this wife’s desires
Vacuous (adj): vak-yoo-uhs
If you describe a person or their comments as vacuous, you are critical of them because they lack intelligent thought or ideas = empty, inane
The vacuous remarks of the politician annoyed the audience, who had hoped to hear more than empty platitudes
Vainglorious (adj): veyn-glawr-ee-uhs
If you describe someone as vainglorious, you are critical of them because they are very proud of what they have done and boast a lot about it = boastful, excessively conceited
Valedictory (adj): val-i-dik-tuh-ree
A valedictory speech, letter, or performance is one that is intended as a way of saying goodbye when someone leaves another person, a place, or a job = farewell
Mr Walker, making his valedictory address after two years as chairman
Vapid (adj): vap-id (1240)
If you describe someone or something as vapid, you are critical of them because they are dull and uninteresting = dull, boring
The vapid conversation at the career seminar bored her
Variegated (adj): vair-ee-i-gey-tid
A variegated leaf or plant has different colours on it = many-colored
The leaves are a variegated red
Vaunted (adj): vawn-tid, vahn-
If you describe something as vaunted or much vaunted, you mean that people praise it more than it deserves = high-flying
This much vaunted project proved a disappointment when it collapsed
Vehement (adj): vee-uh-muhnt
If a person or their actions or comments are vehement, the person has very strong feelings or opinions and expresses them forcefully = deterministic
He objected vehemently to a vote taking place in the absence of a quorum
Venal (adj): veen-l
If you describe someone as venal, you disapprove of them because they are prepared to do almost anything in return for money, even things which are dishonest or immoral = corrupt
Some politicians are corrupt and throughly venal
Venerable (adj): ven-er-uh-buhl (1245)
A venerable person deserves respect because they are old and wise = respected, esteemed, august, honoured
Her Chinese frineds referred to the Empress as their venerable ancestor
Syn : respected, esteemed, august, honoured
Venial (adj): vee-nee-uhl
forgivable, trivial
So my secret can be hidden behind the sleight of a venial fib after all
Venturous (adj): ven-cher-uhs
Ventral (adj): ven-truhl
Vernal (adj): vur-nl
pertaining to spring
Veracious (adj): vuh-rey-shuhs (1250)
If you describe a person, or their appetite for something, as voracious, you mean that they want a lot of something = truthful
Government white papers are seldom veracious
Verbatim (adj): ver-bey-tim
If you repeat something verbatim, you use exactly the same words as were used originally = word for word
Their stories were taped and transcribed verbatim
Verbose (adj): ver-bohs
If you describe a person or a piece of writing as verbose, you are critical of them because they use more words than are necessary, and so make you feel bored or annoyed = wordy, prolix
Many critics hae dismissed his works as verbose, but i find them meaningful
Verdant (adj): vur-dnt
If you describe a place as verdant, you mean that it is covered with green grass, trees, and plants = greenary
After the showers, the whole countryside looked like a vibrant verdant painting
Vermicular (adj): ver-mik-yuh-ler
pertaining to a worm