Boisterous (adj): boi-ster-uhs, -struhs
Someone who is boisterous is noisy, lively, and full of energy = noisy and unruly
Bombastic (adj): bom-bas-tik
If you describe someone as bombastic, you are criticizing them for trying to impress other people by saying things that sound impressive but have little meaning = pompous, grandiloquent
Boorish (adj): boor-ish
Boorish behaviour is rough, uneducated, and rude = insensitive
Bountiful (adj): boun-tuh-fuhl
A bountiful supply or amount of something pleasant is a large one = plentiful, generous; showing bounty
Brackish (adj): brak-ish (155)
Brackish water is slightly salty and unpleasant = saline
Brash (adj): brash
If you describe someone or their behaviour as brash, you disapprove of them because you think that they are too confident and aggressive = rash
Brazen (adj): brey-zuhn
If you describe a person or their behaviour as brazen, you mean that they are very bold and do not care what other people think about them or their behaviour = shameless
Brindled (adj): brin-dld
tawny or grayish with streaks or spots = spotted
Bristling (adj): bris-uhl
Bristling means thick, hairy, and rough It is used to describe things such as moustaches, beards, or eyebrows
Brusque (adj): bruhsk (160)
If you describe a person or their behaviour as brusque, you mean that they deal with things, or say things, quickly and shortly, so that they seem to be rude = blunt, abrupt
Bucolic (adj): byoo-kol-ik
Bucolic means relating to the countryside = rustic, pastoral
Bulbous (adj): buhl-buhs
Something that is bulbous is round and fat in a rather ugly way = swollen, shaped like a bulb
Bumptious (adj): buhmp-shuhs
If you say that someone is bumptious, you are criticizing them because they are very pleased with themselves and their opinions = overconfident, presumptuous
Buoyant (adj): boi-uhnt, boo-yuhnt
If you are in a buoyant mood, you feel cheerful and behave in a lively way = cheerful, optimistic
Buxom (adj): buhk-suhm (165)
If you describe a woman as buxom, you mean that she looks healthy and attractive and has a rounded body = plump
Byzantine (adj): biz-uhn-teen, -tahyn, bahy-zuhn-
If you describe a system or process as byzantine, you are criticizing it because it seems complicated or secretive = arduous, convoluted
Cadaverous (adj): kuh-dav-er-uhs
If you describe someone as cadaverous, you mean they are extremely thin and pale = like a corpse, pale
Cagey (adj): key-jee
If you say that someone is being cagey about something, you mean that you think they are deliberately not giving you much information or expressing an opinion about it = secretive
Callous (adj): kal-uhs
A callous person or action is very cruel and shows no concern for other people or their feelings = heartless, insensitive
Callow (adj): kal-oh (170)
A callow young person has very little experience or knowledge of the way they should behave as an adult = inexperienced, immatured
Calorific (adj): kal-uh-rif-ik
The calorific value of something, or its calorific content, is the number of calories it contains = heat-producing
Candid (adj): kan-did
When you are candid about something or with someone, you speak honestly = honest, sincere
Canny (adj): kan-ee
A canny person is clever and able to think quickly You can also describe a person's behaviour as canny = shrewd; thrifty
Cantankerous (adj): kan-tang-ker-uhs
Someone who is cantankerous is always finding things to argue or complain about = irritable, illhumoured, argumentative
Capacious (adj): kuh-pey-shuhs (175)
Something that is capacious has a lot of space to put things in = spacious, roomy
Capricious (adj): kuh-prish-uhs, -pree-shuhs
Someone who is capricious often changes their mind unexpectedly = unpredictable, fickle
Captious (adj) : kap-shuhs
A captious person is apt to find faults of others = faultfinding, carping
Cardinal (adj): kahr-dn-l
A cardinal rule or quality is the one that is considered to be the most important = chief
Carnal (adj): kahr-nl
Carnal feelings and desires are sexual and physical, without any spiritual element = sexual, fleshly
Carnivorous (adj): kahr-niv-er-uhs (180)
Carnivorous animals eat meat = meat-eating
Carping (adj): kahr-ping
If you say that someone is carping, you mean that they keep criticizing or complaining about someone or something, especially in a way you think is unnecessary or annoying = finding fault
Catholic (adj): kath-uh-lik
If you describe a collection of things or people as catholic, you are emphasizing that they are very varied = wide, broadly sympathetic, liberal
Caustic (adj): kaw-stik
A caustic remark is extremely critical, cruel, or bitter = burning
Celestial (adj): suh-les-chuhl
Celestial is used to describe things relating to heaven or to the sky = heavenly
Celibate (adj): sel-uh-bit, -beyt (185)
Someone who is celibate does not marry or have sex, because of their religious beliefs = sexless
Censorious (adj): sen-sawr-ee-uhs
If you describe someone as censorious, you do not like the way they strongly disapprove of and criticize someone else’s behaviour = critical
Centrifugal (adj): sen-trif-yuh-guhl
Centrifugal is tending away from the center
Centripetal (adj): sen-trip-i-tl
If something or someone takes centre stage, they become very important or noticeable
Cerebral (adj): suh-ree-bruhl
If you describe someone or something as cerebral, you mean that they are intellectual rather than emotional = intellectual
Challenging (adj): chal-in-jing (190)
A challenging task or job requires great effort and determination= difficult, hard
Chaotic (adj): key-ot-ik
Something that is chaotic is in a state of complete disorder and confusion = in utter disorder
Chary (adj): chair-ee
If you are chary of doing something, you are fairly cautious about doing it= cautious, wary
Chaste (adj): cheyst
If you describe a person or their behaviour as chaste, you mean that they do not have sex with anyone, or they only have sex with their husband or wife = pure, refined
Checkered (adj): chek-erd
If a person or organization has had a chequered career or history, they have had a varied past with both good and bad periods = changing
Cherubic (adj): cher-uhb (195)
If someone looks cherubic, they look sweet and innocent like a cherub = angelic
Chimerical (adj): ki-mer-i-kuhl
fantastic; highly imaginative
Choleric (adj): kol-er-ik, kuh-ler-ik
A choleric person gets angry very easily You can also use choleric to describe a person who is very angry = bad-tempered
Chronic (adj): kron-ik
A chronic illness or disability lasts for a very long time Compare acute
Churlish (adj): chur-lish
Someone who is churlish is unfriendly, bad-tempered, or impolite = rude, boorish
Ciliated (adj): sil-ee-itid, -eyt (200)
Having a margin or fringe of hairlike projections = hairy
Someone who is boisterous is noisy, lively, and full of energy = noisy and unruly
The children and the dogs raced out of the house to give me a boisterous welcome
Bombastic (adj): bom-bas-tik
If you describe someone as bombastic, you are criticizing them for trying to impress other people by saying things that sound impressive but have little meaning = pompous, grandiloquent
He was disliked due to his bomastic ways
Boorish (adj): boor-ish
Boorish behaviour is rough, uneducated, and rude = insensitive
The villager’s boorish behaviour stunned the forigner
Bountiful (adj): boun-tuh-fuhl
A bountiful supply or amount of something pleasant is a large one = plentiful, generous; showing bounty
State aid is less bountiful than it was before
Brackish (adj): brak-ish (155)
Brackish water is slightly salty and unpleasant = saline
Chilka Lake in Orissa is the largest brackish water lake in India
Brash (adj): brash
If you describe someone or their behaviour as brash, you disapprove of them because you think that they are too confident and aggressive = rash
Beneath his brash exteior, he’s still a little boy inside
Brazen (adj): brey-zuhn
If you describe a person or their behaviour as brazen, you mean that they are very bold and do not care what other people think about them or their behaviour = shameless
She had become brazen about the whole affair
Brindled (adj): brin-dld
tawny or grayish with streaks or spots = spotted
He was disappointed because the puppies were brindled; he had hoped for animals of a uniform color
Bristling (adj): bris-uhl
Bristling means thick, hairy, and rough It is used to describe things such as moustaches, beards, or eyebrows
He wears a bristling white moustache
Brusque (adj): bruhsk (160)
If you describe a person or their behaviour as brusque, you mean that they deal with things, or say things, quickly and shortly, so that they seem to be rude = blunt, abrupt
The doctor spoke in a brusque tone
Bucolic (adj): byoo-kol-ik
Bucolic means relating to the countryside = rustic, pastoral
The painting shows a typically bucolic scene with farmers harvesting crops in the field
Bulbous (adj): buhl-buhs
Something that is bulbous is round and fat in a rather ugly way = swollen, shaped like a bulb
The brawl left him with a Bulbous Nose
If you say that someone is bumptious, you are criticizing them because they are very pleased with themselves and their opinions = overconfident, presumptuous
Our Chairman is unbearably bumptious
Buoyant (adj): boi-uhnt, boo-yuhnt
If you are in a buoyant mood, you feel cheerful and behave in a lively way = cheerful, optimistic
His success in the exam is the reason for his buoyant spirit
Buxom (adj): buhk-suhm (165)
If you describe a woman as buxom, you mean that she looks healthy and attractive and has a rounded body = plump
Melissa was a tall, buxom blonde
Byzantine (adj): biz-uhn-teen, -tahyn, bahy-zuhn-
If you describe a system or process as byzantine, you are criticizing it because it seems complicated or secretive = arduous, convoluted
The whole process of applying to Universities abroad seems so byzantine at first, but we somehow come through it
Cadaverous (adj): kuh-dav-er-uhs
If you describe someone as cadaverous, you mean they are extremely thin and pale = like a corpse, pale
My uncle is a tall man with a long, cadaverous face
If you say that someone is being cagey about something, you mean that you think they are deliberately not giving you much information or expressing an opinion about it = secretive
He was cagey about his future plans, perhaps he is serious about a career in politics
Callous (adj): kal-uhs
A callous person or action is very cruel and shows no concern for other people or their feelings = heartless, insensitive
He is accused of consistently and callously ill-treating his wife
Callow (adj): kal-oh (170)
A callow young person has very little experience or knowledge of the way they should behave as an adult = inexperienced, immatured
Sachin was just a callow youth of sixteen when he entered into the arena of international cricket
Calorific (adj): kal-uh-rif-ik
The calorific value of something, or its calorific content, is the number of calories it contains = heat-producing
Fatty foods have a high calorific value
Candid (adj): kan-did
When you are candid about something or with someone, you speak honestly = honest, sincere
I want your candid opinion
Canny (adj): kan-ee
A canny person is clever and able to think quickly You can also describe a person's behaviour as canny = shrewd; thrifty
He was far too canny to risk giving himself away
Cantankerous (adj): kan-tang-ker-uhs
Someone who is cantankerous is always finding things to argue or complain about = irritable, illhumoured, argumentative
His illness has made him increasingly cantankerous
Capacious (adj): kuh-pey-shuhs (175)
Something that is capacious has a lot of space to put things in = spacious, roomy
The room was capacious enough to accommodate 100 persons
Capricious (adj): kuh-prish-uhs, -pree-shuhs
Someone who is capricious often changes their mind unexpectedly = unpredictable, fickle
After marriage he found that his wife was easily bored, capricious and unpredictable
Captious (adj) : kap-shuhs
A captious person is apt to find faults of others = faultfinding, carping
A captious boss would be the most hated man in the world
Cardinal (adj): kahr-dn-l
A cardinal rule or quality is the one that is considered to be the most important = chief
Cleaning hands before eating comes under the cardinal rules
Carnal (adj): kahr-nl
Carnal feelings and desires are sexual and physical, without any spiritual element = sexual, fleshly
Their ruling passion is that of carnal love
Carnivorous (adj): kahr-niv-er-uhs (180)
Carnivorous animals eat meat = meat-eating
With certain carnivores, only the dominant male copulates with the females
Carping (adj): kahr-ping
If you say that someone is carping, you mean that they keep criticizing or complaining about someone or something, especially in a way you think is unnecessary or annoying = finding fault
My carping new boss has been hated by all in our company
Catholic (adj): kath-uh-lik
If you describe a collection of things or people as catholic, you are emphasizing that they are very varied = wide, broadly sympathetic, liberal
He was a catholic taste in music
Caustic (adj): kaw-stik
A caustic remark is extremely critical, cruel, or bitter = burning
He wrote a caustic letter back
Celestial (adj): suh-les-chuhl
Celestial is used to describe things relating to heaven or to the sky = heavenly
The moon is a celestial body
Celibate (adj): sel-uh-bit, -beyt (185)
Someone who is celibate does not marry or have sex, because of their religious beliefs = sexless
The perennial bachelor vowed to remain celibate
Censorious (adj): sen-sawr-ee-uhs
If you describe someone as censorious, you do not like the way they strongly disapprove of and criticize someone else’s behaviour = critical
A censorious boss is an object of hate
Centrifugal (adj): sen-trif-yuh-guhl
Centrifugal is tending away from the center
The juice is extracted by centrifugal force
Centripetal (adj): sen-trip-i-tl
If something or someone takes centre stage, they become very important or noticeable
A rotating body has both centripetal and centripetal forces
Cerebral (adj): suh-ree-bruhl
If you describe someone or something as cerebral, you mean that they are intellectual rather than emotional = intellectual
Our left cerebal hemisphere controls the right hand side of our body
A challenging task or job requires great effort and determination= difficult, hard
Getting admission in IIT is a challenging task
Chaotic (adj): key-ot-ik
Something that is chaotic is in a state of complete disorder and confusion = in utter disorder
The chaotic political situation seems to be settling now
Chary (adj): chair-ee
If you are chary of doing something, you are fairly cautious about doing it= cautious, wary
I am chary about using a book which looks cheap
Chaste (adj): cheyst
If you describe a person or their behaviour as chaste, you mean that they do not have sex with anyone, or they only have sex with their husband or wife = pure, refined
The ascetic is widely respected for his chaste habits
Checkered (adj): chek-erd
If a person or organization has had a chequered career or history, they have had a varied past with both good and bad periods = changing
Rajesh had a checkered career
Cherubic (adj): cher-uhb (195)
If someone looks cherubic, they look sweet and innocent like a cherub = angelic
Her cherubic pink face is adored by all
Chimerical (adj): ki-mer-i-kuhl
fantastic; highly imaginative
He has a highly chimerical mind to be just a clerk
Choleric (adj): kol-er-ik, kuh-ler-ik
A choleric person gets angry very easily You can also use choleric to describe a person who is very angry = bad-tempered
Sunil is a choleric, self-important, little man
Chronic (adj): kron-ik
A chronic illness or disability lasts for a very long time Compare acute
The persistent infighting has led to chronic poverty in the Central African countries
Someone who is churlish is unfriendly, bad-tempered, or impolite = rude, boorish
It would be churlish to refuse his invitation
Ciliated (adj): sil-ee-itid, -eyt (200)
Having a margin or fringe of hairlike projections = hairy
Parameciu, is a one-celled ciliated animal