Corrosive (adj): kuh-roh-siv
If you say that something has a corrosive effect, you mean that it gradually causes serious harm = damaging
Covert (adj): koh-vert
Covert activities or situations are secret or hidden = secretive, hidden, furtive, clandestine
Covetous (adj): kuhv-i-tuhs
A covetous person has a strong desire to possess something, especially something that belongs to another person = greedy, avaricious
Coy (adj): koi
A coy person is shy, or pretends to be shy, about love and sex= shy, modest; coquettish
Crabbed (adj): krab-id (255)
writing which is crabbed is small, untidy, and difficult to read
Crass (adj): kras
Crass behaviour is stupid and does not show consideration for other people= unrefined
Craven (adj): krey-vuhn
Someone who is craven is very cowardly = cowardly, pusillanimous, timid
Credulous (adj): krej-uh-luhs
If you describe someone as credulous, you have a low opinion of them because they are too ready to believe what people tell them and are easily deceived = unsuspicious
Crepuscular (adj): kri-puhs-kyuh-ler
Crepuscular means relating to twilight = pertaining to twilight
Crestfallen (adj): krest-faw-luhn (260)
If you look crestfallen, you look sad and disappointed about something = dejected, dispirited
Crotchety (adj): kroch-i-tee
A crotchety person is bad-tempered and easily irritated = bad-tempered
Cryptic (adj): krip-tik
A cryptic remark or message contains a hidden meaning or is difficult to understand = misterious, secret
Culinary (adj): kyoo-luh-ner-ee, kuhl-uh-
Culinary means concerned with cooking
Culpable (adj): kuhl-puh-buhl
If someone or their conduct is culpable, they are responsible for something wrong or bad that has happened = blamable
Cursory (adj): kur-suh-ree (265)
A cursory glance or examination is a brief one in which you do not pay much attention to detail = casual
Cursive (adj): kur-siv
written in a style of writing with the letters join together
Dank (adj): dangk
A dank place, especially an underground place such as a cave, is unpleasantly damp and cold = damp, humid
Dapper (adj): dap-er
A man who is dapper has a very neat and clean appearance, and is often also small and thin = neat and trim
Dappled (adj): dap-uhld
You use dappled to describe something that has dark or light patches on it, or that is made up of patches of light and shade = spotted
Dauntless (adj): dawnt-lis, dahnt- (270)
A dauntless person is brave and confident and not easily frightened = bold
Debonair (adj): deb-uh-nair
A man who is debonair is confident, charming, and well-dressed= friendly, aiming to please
Deciduous (adj): dih-sij-oo-uhs
A deciduous tree or bush is one that loses its leaves in the autumn every year = falling off
Décolleté (adj): dey-kol-tey
having a low-necked dress
Decorous (adj): dek-er-uhs
Decorous behaviour is very respectable, calm, and polite = proper
Decrepit (adj): dih-krep-it (275)
Something that is decrepit is old and in bad condition Someone who is decrepit is old and weak = old, delapidated
Deducible (adj): dih-doos
If you say that an idea, problem, or situation is not reducible to something simple, you mean that it is complicated and cannot be described in a simple way = derived by reasoning
Defamatory (adj): dih-fam-uh-tawr-ee
Speech or writing that is defamatory is likely to damage someone’s good reputation by saying something bad and untrue about them = degrading
Defeatist (adj): dih-fee-tist
A defeatist is someone who thinks or talks in a way that suggests that they expect to be unsuccessful
Defiant (adj): dih-fahy-uhnt
If you say that someone is defiant, you mean they show aggression or independence by refusing to obey someone = disobediant
Definitive (adj): dih-fin-i-tiv (280)
Something that is definitive provides a firm conclusion that cannot be questioned = final, complete
Deft (adj): deft
A deft action is skilful and often quick = skillful and quick
Defunct (adj): dih-fuhngkt
If something is defunct, it no longer exists or has stopped functioning or operating = dead
Deleterious (adj): del-i-teer-ee-uhs
Something that has a deleterious effect on something has a harmful effect on it = harmful, pernicious
Delinquent (adj): dih-ling-kwuhnt
Someone, usually a young person, who is delinquent repeatedly commits minor crimes = wrongful
Delirious (adj): dih-leer-ee-uhs (285)
Someone who is delirious is unable to think or speak in a sensible and reasonable way, usually because they are very ill and have a fever = confused, demented
Demoniac (adj): dih-moh-nee-ak
wild, uncontrolled and evil = fiendish
Demotic (adj): dih-mot-ik
Demotic language is the type of informal language used by ordinary people = colloquial
Demure (adj): dih-myoor
If you describe someone, usually a young woman, as demure, you mean they are quiet and rather shy, usually in a way that you like and find appealing, and behave very correctly = shy, sober, modest
Deranged (adj): dih-reynjd
Someone who is deranged behaves in a wild and uncontrolled way, often as a result of mental illness = insane
Derelict (adj): der-uh-likt (290)
A place or building that is derelict is empty and in a bad state of repair because it has not been used or lived in for a long time = deserted, abandoned, negligent
Derivative (adj): dih-riv-uh-tiv
A derivative is something which has been developed or obtained from something else = unoriginal
Derogatory (adj): dih-rog-uh-tawr-ee
If you make a derogatory remark or comment about someone or something, you express your low opinion of them = contempt, disdain
Despicable (adj): des-pi-kuh-buhl
If you say that a person or action is despicable, you are emphasizing that they are extremely nasty, cruel, or evil
Despondent (adj): dih-spon-duhnt
If you are despondent, you are very unhappy because you have been experiencing difficulties that you think you will not be able to overcome = depressed, gloomy
Destitute (adj): des-ti-toot (295)
Someone who is destitute has no money or possessions = penniless, poor
Desultory (adj): des-uhl-tawr-ee
Something that is desultory is done in an unplanned and disorganized way, and without enthusiasm = aimless
Detached (adj): dih-tacht
Someone who is detached is not personally involved in something or has no emotional interest in it = calm and objective
Detrimental (adj): de-truh-men-tl
Something that is detrimental to something else has a harmful or damaging effect on it = harmful, deleterious
Devious (adj): dee-vee-uhs
If you describe someone as devious you do not like them because you think they are are dishonest and like to keep things secret, often in a complicated way = roundabout, erratic
Devoid (adj): dih-void (300)
If you say that someone or something is devoid of a quality or thing, you are emphasizing that they have none of it = lacking
If you say that something has a corrosive effect, you mean that it gradually causes serious harm = damaging
We must fight the corrosive effect of discrimination
Covert (adj): koh-vert
Covert activities or situations are secret or hidden = secretive, hidden, furtive, clandestine
Every measure both overt and covert is being taken against terrorists
Covetous (adj): kuhv-i-tuhs
A covetous person has a strong desire to possess something, especially something that belongs to another person = greedy, avaricious
The covetous politician can hardly formulate long-term policy of growth and development
Coy (adj): koi
A coy person is shy, or pretends to be shy, about love and sex= shy, modest; coquettish
She was coy in her answers to his questions
Crabbed (adj): krab-id (255)
writing which is crabbed is small, untidy, and difficult to read
His crabbed handwriting fetch him lower marks than his mates
Crass (adj): kras
Crass behaviour is stupid and does not show consideration for other people= unrefined
The philosophers deplored the crass commercialism
Craven (adj): krey-vuhn
Someone who is craven is very cowardly = cowardly, pusillanimous, timid
The suicide bombing is nothing but a craven act
Credulous (adj): krej-uh-luhs
If you describe someone as credulous, you have a low opinion of them because they are too ready to believe what people tell them and are easily deceived = unsuspicious
The young girl’s credulous nature led others to take an advantage of her
Crepuscular (adj): kri-puhs-kyuh-ler
Crepuscular means relating to twilight = pertaining to twilight
Most of the carnivorous animals move out of their den at crepuscular time
Crestfallen (adj): krest-faw-luhn (260)
If you look crestfallen, you look sad and disappointed about something = dejected, dispirited
He came back empty-handed and crestfallen
Crotchety (adj): kroch-i-tee
A crotchety person is bad-tempered and easily irritated = bad-tempered
By the time he returned home, he was tired and crotchety
Cryptic (adj): krip-tik
A cryptic remark or message contains a hidden meaning or is difficult to understand = misterious, secret
He has issued a short, cryptic statement denying the spying charges
Culinary (adj): kyoo-luh-ner-ee, kuhl-uh-
Culinary means concerned with cooking
She improved her culinary skills before getting married
Culpable (adj): kuhl-puh-buhl
If someone or their conduct is culpable, they are responsible for something wrong or bad that has happened = blamable
The accident was the result of a culpable failure to consider the risks involved
Cursory (adj): kur-suh-ree (265)
A cursory glance or examination is a brief one in which you do not pay much attention to detail = casual
I was in a hurry, so I just gave her a cursory look
Cursive (adj): kur-siv
written in a style of writing with the letters join together
A cursive script is faster to write and is more acceptable than a non-cursive one
Dank (adj): dangk
A dank place, especially an underground place such as a cave, is unpleasantly damp and cold = damp, humid
The kitchen was dank and cheerless
Dapper (adj): dap-er
A man who is dapper has a very neat and clean appearance, and is often also small and thin = neat and trim
His dapper appearance made a favourable impression on the interview board
Dappled (adj): dap-uhld
You use dappled to describe something that has dark or light patches on it, or that is made up of patches of light and shade = spotted
The floor was dappled with pale moonlight
Dauntless (adj): dawnt-lis, dahnt- (270)
A dauntless person is brave and confident and not easily frightened = bold
Despite the dangerous nature of the undertaking, the dauntless soldier volunteered for the assignment
Debonair (adj): deb-uh-nair
A man who is debonair is confident, charming, and well-dressed= friendly, aiming to please
The debonair youth was liked by all who met him, because of his cheerful and obliging manner
Deciduous (adj): dih-sij-oo-uhs
A deciduous tree or bush is one that loses its leaves in the autumn every year = falling off
The oak is a deciduous tree
Décolleté (adj): dey-kol-tey
having a low-necked dress
Decorous (adj): dek-er-uhs
Decorous behaviour is very respectable, calm, and polite = proper
Shocked by the unruly behavior, the teacher criticized the class for its lack of decorum
Decrepit (adj): dih-krep-it (275)
Something that is decrepit is old and in bad condition Someone who is decrepit is old and weak = old, delapidated
The film had been shot in a decrepit old police station
Deducible (adj): dih-doos
If you say that an idea, problem, or situation is not reducible to something simple, you mean that it is complicated and cannot be described in a simple way = derived by reasoning
The structure of the universe may not be reducible to a problem in physics
Defamatory (adj): dih-fam-uh-tawr-ee
Speech or writing that is defamatory is likely to damage someone’s good reputation by saying something bad and untrue about them = degrading
The young businessman ignores all the defamatory articles that are written about him
Defeatist (adj): dih-fee-tist
A defeatist is someone who thinks or talks in a way that suggests that they expect to be unsuccessful
Students must leave their defeatest attitude while preparing for CAT
Defiant (adj): dih-fahy-uhnt
If you say that someone is defiant, you mean they show aggression or independence by refusing to obey someone = disobediant
The terrorists sent a defiant message to the government
Definitive (adj): dih-fin-i-tiv (280)
Something that is definitive provides a firm conclusion that cannot be questioned = final, complete
There are no deinitive answers to this complex problem
Deft (adj): deft
A deft action is skilful and often quick = skillful and quick
He is very deft at handling critical situations
Defunct (adj): dih-fuhngkt
If something is defunct, it no longer exists or has stopped functioning or operating = dead
Myanmar has a largely defunct railway network
Deleterious (adj): del-i-teer-ee-uhs
Something that has a deleterious effect on something has a harmful effect on it = harmful, pernicious
Smoking causes deleterious effects on the health of the smoker
Delinquent (adj): dih-ling-kwuhnt
Someone, usually a young person, who is delinquent repeatedly commits minor crimes = wrongful
He was known to be a delinquent young man
Delirious (adj): dih-leer-ee-uhs (285)
Someone who is delirious is unable to think or speak in a sensible and reasonable way, usually because they are very ill and have a fever = confused, demented
He became delirious and could not recognize people
Demoniac (adj): dih-moh-nee-ak
wild, uncontrolled and evil = fiendish
Demotic (adj): dih-mot-ik
Demotic language is the type of informal language used by ordinary people = colloquial
Demotic language should not be used in official communication
Demure (adj): dih-myoor
If you describe someone, usually a young woman, as demure, you mean they are quiet and rather shy, usually in a way that you like and find appealing, and behave very correctly = shy, sober, modest
The little girl gave the stranger a demure smile
Deranged (adj): dih-reynjd
Someone who is deranged behaves in a wild and uncontrolled way, often as a result of mental illness = insane
Three years ago today a deranged man shot and killed 14 people in the main square
Derelict (adj): der-uh-likt (290)
A place or building that is derelict is empty and in a bad state of repair because it has not been used or lived in for a long time = deserted, abandoned, negligent
The house has been lying derelict for many years
Derivative (adj): dih-riv-uh-tiv
A derivative is something which has been developed or obtained from something else = unoriginal
The newly published text by the publisher is derivative
Derogatory (adj): dih-rog-uh-tawr-ee
If you make a derogatory remark or comment about someone or something, you express your low opinion of them = contempt, disdain
The MP’s statement was very derogatory towards his colleague
Despicable (adj): des-pi-kuh-buhl
If you say that a person or action is despicable, you are emphasizing that they are extremely nasty, cruel, or evil
“I hate you! You are despicable,” she said
Despondent (adj): dih-spon-duhnt
If you are despondent, you are very unhappy because you have been experiencing difficulties that you think you will not be able to overcome = depressed, gloomy
She was becoming increasingly despondent about the way things were going
Destitute (adj): des-ti-toot (295)
Someone who is destitute has no money or possessions = penniless, poor
When he died, his family was left completely destitute
Desultory (adj): des-uhl-tawr-ee
Something that is desultory is done in an unplanned and disorganized way, and without enthusiasm = aimless
He talked briefly in a desultory manner
Detached (adj): dih-tacht
Someone who is detached is not personally involved in something or has no emotional interest in it = calm and objective
She described what had happened in a cold and detached manner
Detrimental (adj): de-truh-men-tl
Something that is detrimental to something else has a harmful or damaging effect on it = harmful, deleterious
The policy will be detrimental to the peace process
Devious (adj): dee-vee-uhs
If you describe someone as devious you do not like them because you think they are are dishonest and like to keep things secret, often in a complicated way = roundabout, erratic
He got rich by devious means
Devoid (adj): dih-void (300)
If you say that someone or something is devoid of a quality or thing, you are emphasizing that they have none of it = lacking
The movie was devoid of humour