Evince (v): ih-vins
If someone or something evinces a particular feeling or quality, they show that feeling or quality, often indirectly = show
She evinced no surprise at seeing them together in the park
Eviscerate (v): ih-vis-uh-reyt
To eviscerate a person or animal means to remove their internal organs, such as their heart, lungs, and stomach = remove organs
Police have found an eviscerated body near the highway
Evoke (v): ih-vohk
To evoke a particular memory, idea, emotion, or response means to cause it to occur = remind
The photographs evoked strong memories of my childhood
Exacerbate (v): ig-zas-er-beyt, ek-sas-
If something exacerbates a problem or bad situation, it makes it worse = worsen
The pain reliever exacerbated the pain instead of acting as a reliever
Excoriate (v): ik-skohr-ee-eyt, (280)
To excoriate a person or organization means to criticize them severely, usually in public = scold, criticize
I was taken aback and did not know how to react when he excoriated me in front of my friends
Exculpate (v): ek-skuhl-peyt, ik-skuhl-peyt
to prove that someone is not guilty of something = clear from blame
The eminent lawyer, through his clear arguments, was able to exculpate his client
Execrate (v): ek-si-kreyt
to express strong disapproval or hatred for someone or something
He execrated all who opposed him
Exhort (v): ig-zawrt
If you exhort someone to do something, you try hard to persuade or encourage them to do it = urge
Police exhorted the crowd to remain calm
Exhume (v): ig-zoom, -zyoom, eks-hyoom
If a dead person’s body is exhumed, it is taken out of the ground where it is buried, especially so that it can be examined in order to find out how the person died = dig out
The dead body was exhumed out of the ground so that an autopsy could be performed
Exonerate (v): ig-zon-uh-reyt (285)
If a court, report, or person in authority exonerates someone, they officially say or show that that person is not responsible for something wrong or unpleasant that has happened = acquit, exculpate
She went through the report and exonerated the customer from the charges of manhandling the manager
Exorcise (v): ek-sawr-sahyz
To exorcize an evil spirit or to exorcize a place or person means to force the spirit to leave the place or person by means of prayers and religious ceremonies = drive out
They came to our house and exorcised me
Expatiate (v): ik-spey-shee-eyt
to speak or write in detail about a particular subject
He expatiated on his own work for the whole evening
Expedite (v): ek-spi-dahyt
If you expedite something, you cause it to be done more quickly = speed up, hasten
The new computerized referral system will greatly expedite the processing of complaints by customers
Expiate (v): ek-spee-eyt
If you expiate guilty feelings or bad behaviour, you do something to indicate that you are sorry for what you have done = make amends, sorry for, atone
She expiated her crime by becoming a nun
Explicate (v): ek-spli-keyt (290)
To explicate something means to explain it and make it clear = explain
The research assistants did not know how to proceed because the Manager had not explicated the goals of the experiment
Expound (v): ik-spound
If you expound an idea or opinion, you give a clear and detailed explanation of it = explain
Father then sat down and expounded his views on the virtues of hard work and punctuality
Expunge (v): ik-spuhnj
If you expunge something, you get rid of it completely, because it causes problems or bad feelings = to cancel, remove
All the allegations against him were expunged by the court, when he behaved properly for a year
Expurgate (v): ek-sper-geyt
If someone expurgates a piece of writing, they remove parts of it before it is published because they think those parts will offend or shock people = clean, remove
I still have no clue as to who must have expurgated my contribution to the magazine
Extenuate (v): ik-sten-yoo-eyt
weaken mitigate
He was found guilty of theft, but because of extenuating circumstances was not sent to prison
Extol (v): laud (295)
If you extol something or someone, you praise them enthusiastically = praise
The Ramayana extols the virtues of Lord Rama
Extricate (v): ek-stri-keyt
If you extricate yourself or another person from a difficult or serious situation, you free yourself or the other person from it = set free
The fireman took five hours to extricate people from the blazing building
Extirpate (v): ek-ster-peyt
to completely destroy something that is unpleasant or unwanted = root up
The military rulers tried their level best to extirpate democratic forces
Extort (v): ik-stawrt
If someone extorts money from you, they get it from you using force, threats, or other unfair or illegal means
Corrupt government officials were extorting money from him
Extrude (v): ik-strood
If a substance is extruded, it is forced or squeezed out through a small opening
The police had to use force to extrude demonstrators from the office
Exude (v): ig-zood, ik-sood (300)
If someone exudes a quality or feeling, or if it exudes, they show that they have it to a great extent = possess
The students exuded confidence when they came out of the examination hall