Verbs - 16(376-400)

Incarcerate (v):  in-kahr-suh-reyt
If people are incarcerated, they are kept in a prison or other place = to imprison
He was incarcerated for life for speaking against the state

Incarnadine (v):  in-kahr-nuh-dahyn
to make blood red or crimson color

Incite (v):  in-sahyt
If someone incites people to behave in a violent or illegal way, they encourage people to behave in that way, usually by making them excited or angry
He incited his fellow citizens to take their revenge

Incriminate (v):  in-krim-uh-neyt
If something incriminates you, it suggests that you are responsibe for something bad, especially a crime =  to accuse
The criminal was caught red handed at the scene of the crime, thus, the police had no difficulty in incriminating him

Incubate  (v):  in-kyuh-beyt, ing- (380)
When birds incubate their eggs, they keep the eggs warm until the baby birds come out = hatch
In as much as our supply of electricity is cut off, we shall have to rely on the hens to incubate these eggs

Inculcate (v):  in-kuhl-keyt
If you inculcate an idea or opinion in someone’s mind, you teach it to them by repeating it until it is fixed in their mind = teach
The coach has worked hard to inculcate team spirit in the players

 (v):  in-dem-nuh-fahy
To indemnify someone against something bad happening means to promise to protect them, especially financially, if it happens
It doesn’t have the money to indemnify everybody

Indict (v):  in-dahyt
If someone is indicted for a crime, they are officially charged with it = to charge
He was indicted for the murder of his friend

Indemnify (v):   in-dem-nuh-fahy
To indemnify someone against something bad happening means to promise to protect them, especially financially, if it happens = protect
The city will indemnify all home owners whose property is spoiled by this project

Infer (v):  in-fur (385)
If you infer that something is the case, you decide that it is true on the basis of information that you already have  = deduce
From the evidence we can infer that the victim knew her killer   

Infringe (v):  in-frinj
If someone infringes a law or a rule, they break it or do something which disobeys it = encroach
A backup copy of a computer program doesn’t infringe copyright

Ingratiate (v):  in-grey-shee-eyt
If someone tries to ingratiate themselves with you, they do things to try and make you like them = butter up
The visitor tried to ingratitiate himself to the hosts

Inhibit (v):  in-hib-it
To inhibit someone from doing something means to prevent them from doing it, although they want to do it or should be able to do it = prohibit, restrain
An unhappy family life may inhibit children's learning

Insinuate (v):  in-sin-yoo-eyt
If you say that someone insinuates that something bad is the case, you mean that they say it in an indirect way = imply, insert
Are you insinuating that the money was stolen?

Instigate (v):  in-sti-geyt (390)
Someone who instigates an event causes it to happen = initiate, provoke
The company manager accused union leaders of instigating the disturbances

Innovate (v):  in-uh-veyt
To innovate means to introduce changes and new ideas in the way something is done or made = invent
The company has successfully innovated new products and services

Integrate (v):  in-ti-greyt
If someone integrates into a social group, or is integrated into it, they behave in such a way that they become part of the group or are accepted into it = combine

Inter (v):  in-tur
When a dead person is interred, they are buried = to bury
The unanimus stranger was interred in grave

Interdict (v): in-ter-dikt
If an armed force interdicts something or someone, they stop them and prevent them from moving If they interdict a route, they block it or cut it off  = to forbid, prevent
The management is interdicted from conversing with the general public

Intimate (v):  in-tuh-mit (395)
to make people understand what you mean without saying it directly
She had already intimated to me her wish to leave

Intrude (v):  in-trood
If you say that someone is intruding into a particular place or situation, you mean that they are not wanted or welcome there = tresspass
I hope I’m not intruding

Inundate (v):  in-uhn-deyt
If you say that you are inundated with things such as letters, demands, or requests, you are emphasizing that you receive so many of them that you cannot deal with them all = immerse, deluge
The land adjoining the river was inundated with flood water

Inure (v):  in-yoor, ih-noor
to make someone become used to something unpleasant, so that they are no longer upset by it = accustom, to harden
After spending some time in the hospital i became inured to its environment

Invalidate (v):  in-val-i-deyt
To invalidate something such as an argument, conclusion, or result means to prove that it is wrong or cause it to be wrong
Any form of physical activity will invalidate the results

Inveigh (v):  in-vey (400)
If you inveigh against something, you criticize it strongly = criticize
News papers are inveighing the government fruitless projects