Quail (v): kweyl
If someone or something makes you quail, they make you feel very afraid, often so that you hesitate = cower, lose heart
He quailed at the very thought of spending the night in prison
Qualify (v): kwol-uh-fahy
When someone qualifies, they pass the examinations that they need to be able to work in a particular profession = suitable
She is well qualified for teaching music
Quell (v): kwel
To quell opposition or violent behaviour means to stop it = put down, quiet
Sepoy mutiny in 1857 was brutally quelled by the british
Quibble (v): kwib-uhl
A quibble is a small and unimportant complaint about something
These are minor quibbles Dont bother about them
Ramify (v): ram-uh-fahy (505)
1 To have complicating consequences
2 divide into branches or subdivisions
The problem merely ramified after the unsuccessful meeting
If an event or situation rankles, it makes you feel angry or bitter afterwards, because you think it was unfair or wrong = nettle, irritate
His comments still rankled
Rant (v): rant
If you say that someone rants, you mean that they talk loudly or angrily, and exaggerate or say foolish things
= rave, speak bombastically
Why don't you stop ranting and raving for a minute and listen?
Rationalize (v): rash-uh-nl-ahyz
If you try to rationalize attitudes or actions that are difficult to accept, you think of reasons to justify or explain them
Do not try to rationalize your behavior by blaming your companions
Ravage (v): rav-ij
A town, country, or economy that has been ravaged is one that has been damaged so much that it is almost completely destroyed = damage
Srilanka is a country which ravaged by internal war
Raze (v): reyz (510)
If buildings, villages or towns are razed or razed to the ground, they are completely destroyed = devastate
WTC towers were completely razed by terrorist attacks
Rebuff (v): ri-buhf
If you rebuff someone or rebuff a suggestion that they make, you refuse to do what they suggest = refusal, beat back
He rebuffed all her suggestions
Recapitulate (v): ree-kuh-pich-uh-leyt
You can say that you are going to recapitulate the main points of an explanation, argument, or description when you want to draw attention to the fact that you are going to repeat the most important points as a summary
= recap, sum up
Let us recapitulate the word-list before going ahead
Recant (v): ri-kant
If you recant, you say publicly that you no longer hold a set of beliefs that you had in the past = take back
After meeting the management, the union leaders completely recanted their views
Reciprocate (v): ri-sip-ruh-keyt
If your feelings or actions towards someone are reciprocated, the other person feels or behaves in the same way towards you as you have felt or behaved towards them = give in return
If you show trust to somebody, that trust will be reciprocated
Reconcile (v): rek-uhn-sahyl (515)
If you reconcile two people, you make them become friends again after a quarrel or disagreement
My attempt to reconcile him with Gopal failed
Rectify (v): rek-tuh-fahy
If you rectify something that is wrong, you change it so that it becomes correct or satisfactory = correct
I did my best to rectify the situation, but the damage was already done
Recuperate (v): ri-koo-puh-reyt
When you recuperate, you recover your health or strength after you have been ill or injured = recover
I went away to the country to recuperate
Reek (v): reek
To reek of something, usually something unpleasant, means to smell very strongly of it = stink, emit odor
The entire house reeked for a long time
Refurbish (v): ree-fur-bish
To refurbish a building or room means to clean it and decorate it and make it more attractive or better equipped = renovate
We have spent money on refurbishing the offices
Refute (v): ri-fyoot (520)
If you refute an argument, accusation, or theory, you prove that it is wrong or untrue = disprove
She refuted any allegations of malpractice
Regale (v): ri-geyl
If someone regales you with stories or jokes, they tell you a lot of them, whether you want to hear them or not = fascinate
My father regaled us all night with stories of his adventures
Rehabilitate (v): ree-huh-bil-i-teyt
If someone is rehabilitated, they begin to be considered acceptable again after a period during which they have been rejected or severely criticized
A lot of the older houses have now been rehabilitated
Reimburse (v): ree-im-burs
If you reimburse someone for something, you pay them back the money that they have spent or lost because of it= repay
The airline reimbursed me for the amount they had overcharged me
Reiterate (v): ree-it-uh-reyt
If you reiterate something, you say it again, usually in order to emphasize it = repeat
I shall reiterate this message until all have understood it
Rejuvenate (v): ri-joo-vuh-neyt (525)
If something rejuvenates you, it makes you feel or look young again = revive, revitalize
I came back from holidays feeling rejuvenated