Verbs - 24(576-600)

Stymie (v):  stahy-mee  
If you are stymied by something, you find it very difficult to take action or to continue what you are doing = deadlock, obstruct
The detective was stymied by the contradictory evidence in the robbery investigation

Subjugate  (v):  suhb-juh-geyt
If someone subjugates a group of people, they take complete control of them, especially by defeating them in a war = conquer, bring under control
It is not our aim to subjugate our foe; we are interested only in establishing peaceful relations

Sublimate (v):  suhb-luh-meyt
If you sublimate a strong desire or feeling, you express it in a way that is socially acceptable = refine, purify
We must strive to sublimate our desires and emotions into worthwhile activities

Subside (v):  suhb-sahyd
If a feeling or noise subsides, it becomes less strong or loud = come down
The doctor assured us that the fever would eventually subside

Substantiate (v):  suhb-stan-shee-eyt (580)
To substantiate a statement or a story means to supply evidence which proves that it is true = support
I intend to substantiate my statement by producing witness  

Succor (v):  suhk-er
If you succour someone who is suffering or in difficulties, you help them = to help, assist
Helicopters fly in appalling weather to succor shipwrecked mariners

Suffuse  (v):  suh-fyooz
If something, especially a colour or feeling, suffuses a person or thing, it gradually spreads over or through them
spread over = spread
A blush suffused her cheeks when we teased her about her love affair

Sully (v):  suhl-ee
If something is sullied by something else, it is damaged so that it is no longer pure or of such high value = damaged
His good name was sullied by the scandal

Sunder (v):  suhn-der
If people or things are sundered, they are separated or split by something = separate
Bengal was politically and religiously sundered by the British in 1905

Superimpose (v):  soo-per-im-pohz (585)
If one image is superimposed on another, it is put on top of it so that you can see the second image through it
His picture was superimposed on a muscular body

Supersede (v):  soo-per-seed
If something is superseded by something newer, it is replaced because it has become old-fashioned or unacceptable
No sooner do you buy the latest mobile handset than they bring out a new one which supersedes it

Supplant (v):  suh-plant, -plahnt
If a person or thing is supplanted, another person or thing takes their place = replace
Computers have supplanted typewriters in most of the offices

Supplicate (v):  suhp-li-keyt
A supplicant is a person who prays to God or respectfully asks an important person to help them or to give them something that they want very much
The convict’s family supplicated the president of India to grant him amnesty

Suppurate (v):  suhp-yuh-reyt
1 to  produce  or  discharge  pus,  as  a  wound
2  maturate

Surmise (v):  ser-mahyz (590)
If you surmise that something is true, you guess it from the available evidence, although you do not know for certain = to guess, conjecture
Charles was glad to have his surmise confirmed
Swathe (v):  swoth, sweyth
A swathe of land is a long strip of land = wrap around
When I visited him in the hospital, I found him swathed in bandages

Swelter (v):  swel-ter
If you swelter, you are very uncomfortable because the weather is extremely hot
I am planning to buy an AC as I do not intend to swelter through another hot and humid summer

Tantalize  (v):  tan-tl-ahyz
If someone or something tantalizes you, they make you feel hopeful and excited about getting what you want, usually before disappointing you by not letting you have what they appeared to offer = tease
Tom loved to tantalize his younger brother

Tarry (v):  tar-ee
If you tarry somewhere, you stay there longer than you meant to and delay leaving = to delay, linger
Two  boys tarried on the street corner discussing the latest movie

Teem  (v):  teem (595)
If you say that a place is teeming with people or animals, you mean that it is crowded and the people and animals are moving around a lot = abound
The exhibition was teeming with people

Temporize (v):  tem-puh-rahyz
If you say that someone is temporizing, you mean that they keep doing unimportant things in order to delay something important such as making a decision or stating their real opinion
I can’t allow you to temporize any longer; I must have a definite answer today

Tether  (v):  teth-er
If you say that you are at the end of your tether, you mean that you are so worried, tired, and unhappy because of your problems that you feel you cannot cope = tie
Before we went to sleep, we tethered the horses to prevents their wandering off during the night

Throttle (v):  throt-l
To throttle someone means to kill or injure them by squeezing their throat or tightening something around it and preventing them from breathing = strangle
The attacker then tried to throttle her with wire

Thwart (v):  thwawrt
If you thwart someone or thwart their plans, you prevent them from doing or getting what they want = to prevent, hinder
She was thwarted in her attempt to take control of the company

Titillate (v):  tit-l-eyt (600)
If something titillates someone, it pleases and excites them, especially in a sexual way =  tickle
The pictures were not meant to titillate audiences