Alliteration (n): uh-lit-uh-rey-shuhn
Alliteration is the use in speech or writing of several words close together which all begin with the same letter or sound
Alloy (n): al-oi
An alloy is a metal that is made by mixing two or more types of metal together = a mixture of metals
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc
Allusion (n): uh-loo-zhuhn
An allusion is an indirect reference to someone or something = refer
The committee made no allusion to the former President in its report
Altercation (n):awl-ter-key-shuhn
An altercation is a noisy argument or disagreement = dispute
I’d like to avoid another altercation with him
Altruism (n): al-troo-iz-uhm (55)
Altruism is unselfish concern for other people’s happiness and welfare = generosity
Politicians are not necessarily motivated by pure altruism
Amazon (n): am-uh-zon
In Greek mythology, the Amazons were a tribe of women who were very good at fighting = female warrior
The present day women’s tennis players are no less than amazons
Ambience (n): am-bee-uhns
The ambience of a place is the character and atmosphere that it seems to have = an environment
The overall ambience of the room is cozy
Ambivalence (n): am-biv-uh-luhns
If you say that someone is ambivalent about something, they seem to be uncertain whether they really want it, or whether they really approve of it = unsure, uncertainty, vacillation
Many people feel some ambivalence towards television and its effect on our lives
Ambrosia (n): am-broh-zhuh
In Greek mythology, ambrosia is the food of the gods
Amenities (n): uh-men-i-tee (60)
Amenities are things such as shopping centres or sports facilities that are provided for people's convenience, enjoyment, or comfort = facility
The hotel amenities include health clubs, conference facilities, and banqueting rooms
Amnesia (n): am-nee-zhuh
If someone is suffering from amnesia, they have lost their memory = loss of memory
People suffering from amnesia dont’t forget their general knowledge of objects
Amnesty (n): am-nuh-stee
An amnesty is an official pardon granted to a group of prisoners by the state = pardon
The president granted a general amnesty for all political prisoners
Amortization (n): am-er-tuh-zey-shuhn
act of reducing a debt through partial payments
Amphitheater (n): am-fuh-thee-uh-ter
a large circular building without a roof and with many rows of seats
The most notable evidence is the amphitheatre
Amulet (n): am-yuh-lit (65)
An amulet is a small object that you wear or carry because you think it will bring you good luck and protect you from evil or injury = charm; talisman
Around her neck she wore the amulet that the tantrika had given her
Anachronism (n): uh-nak-ruh-niz-uhm
You say that something is an anachronism when you think that it is out of date or old-fashioned = inappropriate
The monarchy is something of an anachronism these days
Anaemia (n): uh-nee-mee-uh
Anaemia is a medical condition in which there are too few red cells in your blood, causing you to feel tired and look pale
The doctor ascribes her tiredness to anaemia
Anagram (n): an-uh-gram
An anagram is a word or phrase formed by changing the order of the letters in another word or phrase For example, ‘triangle’ is an anagram of ‘integral’
'Silent' is an anagram of 'listen'
Analogy (n): uh-nal-uh-jee
If you make or draw an analogy between two things, you show that they are similar in some way = similarity; parallelism
The artist drew an analogy between the brain and a fast computer
Anarchy (n): an-er-kee (70)
If you describe a situation as anarchy, you mean that nobody seems to be paying any attention to rules or laws
= chaos
Their nation is in danger of falling into anarchy
Anathema (n): uh-nath-uh-muh
If something is anathema to you, you strongly dislike it = hate
Racial prejudice is an anathema to me
Andirons (n): and-ahy-ern
one of a pair of metal stands, usually of iron or brass, for holding logs in a fireplace
Anesthetic (n): an-uhs-thet-ik
substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness
Chloroform is used to produce an anesthetic state
Animadversion (n): an-uh-mad-vur-zhuhn
critical remark
Most of the nations have strong animadversion against the human cloning
Animosity (n): an-uh-mos-i-tee (75)
Animosity is a strong feeling of dislike and anger Animosities are feelings of this kind = hostility, bitterness
He felt no animosity towards his attackers
Animus (n): an-uh-muhs
If a person has an animus against someone, they have a strong feeling of dislike for them, even when there is no good reason for it = animosity, hostile feeling or intent
Your animus towards him suggests that you are the wrong man for the job
Annals (n): an-lz
If something is in the annals of a nation or field of activity, it is recorded as part of its history = records, history
He has become a legend in the annals of military history
Annuity (n): uh-noo-i-tee
An annuity is an investment or insurance policy that pays someone a fixed sum of money each year
However, income deriving from pension schemes and annuities is subject to income tax
Anomaly (n): uh-nom-uh-lee
If something is an anomaly, it is different from what is usual or expected = oddity, irregularity
In those days, a woman professor was still an anomaly
Antagonism (n): an-tag-uh-niz-uhm (80)
Antagonism between people is hatred or dislike between them Antagonisms are instances of this = active resistance
The antagonism between two groups in the same party resulted in defeat in the elections
Anthropologist (n): an-thruh-pol-uh-jist
A student of the history and science of mankind
Anticlimax (n): an-ti-klahy-maks
You can describe something as an anticlimax if it disappoints you because it happens after something that was very exciting, or because it is not as exciting as you expected = disappointment
Finally, the movie turned into something of an anticlimax
Antipathy (n): an-tip-uh-thee
Antipathy is a strong feeling of dislike or hostility towards someone or something = dislike
I have antipathy towards watching Television
Antiseptic (n): an-tuh-sep-tik
Antiseptic is a substance that kills germs and harmful bacteria = disinfectant
She bathed the cut with antiseptic
Antithesis (n): an-tith-uh-sis (85)
The antithesis of something is its exact opposite = opposite, contrast
Research is the antithesis of randomness
Apathy (n): ap-uh-thee
You can use apathy to talk about someone’s state of mind if you are criticizing them because they do not seem to be interested in or enthusiastic about anything = lack of interest
The campaign failed because of public apathy
Aphasia (n): uh-fey-zhuh
Aphasia is a mental condition in which people are often unable to remember simple words or communicate = loss of speech due to injury
Aperture (n): ap-er-cher
An aperture is a narrow hole or gap = opening, hole
Through the aperture he could see daylight
Apex (n): ey-peks
The apex of an organization or system is the highest and most important position in it = top, summit; climax
He reached the apex of his carrer by the dint of his hard work
Aphorism (n): af-uh-riz-uhm (90)
An aphorism is a short witty sentence which expresses a general truth or comment = witticism, pithy maxim
“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” goes an aphorism
Apiary (n): ey-pee-er-ee
A place where bees are kept
Aplomb (n): uh-plom, uh-pluhm
If you do something with aplomb, you do it with confidence in a relaxed way = confidence, poise
He delivered the speech with his usual aplomb
Apologue (n): ap-uh-lawg
A moral fable
Apostate (n): uh-pos-teyt, -tit
An apostate is someone who has abandoned their religious faith, political loyalties, or principles
Yousuf yohana is called ‘The Apostate’ because he reverted from Christianity to Islam
Apothecary (n): uh-poth-uh-ker-ee (95)
An apothecary was a person who prepared medicines for people = druggist
Many apothecaries practiced alchemy in ancient times
Apotheosis (n): uh-poth-ee-oh-sis
If something is the apotheosis of something else, it is an ideal or typical example of it = epitome, deification, glorification
Aamir Khan reached his apotheosis in the movie ‘Lagan’
Apothegm (n): ap-uh-them
A short, pithy, saying = adage
Many idioms border on apothegms and are turned into familiar sayings
Apparition (n): ap-uh-rish-uhn
An apparition is someone you see or think you see but who is not really there as a physical being = ghost
Apparitions of a woman in white robes have been reported
Appellation (n): ap-uh-ley-shuhn
An appellation is a name or title that a person, place, or thing is given = epithet, name; title
He earned the appellation `rebel priest'
Approbation (n): ap-ruh-bey-shuhn (100)
Approbation is approval of something or agreement to it = approval, consent
The King received the official approbation of the church