Nouns - 3(101-150)

Appurtenances (n):  uh-pur-tn-uhns
a part of something more important
Magazines and CDs are amongst the appurtenances of a student’s life

Aptitude (n):  ap-ti-too
Someone's aptitude for a particular kind of work or activity is their ability to learn it quickly and to do it well = fitness, talent
An aptitude for computing is beneficial for students taking this degree

Arbiter (n):  ahr-bi-ter
An arbiter is a person or institution that judges and settles a quarrel between two other people or groups = adjudicator, judge
The supreme court is the final arbiter in India

Arcade (n):  ahr-keyd
An arcade is a covered passage where there are shops or market stalls
Subhadra Arcade is in Bhanugudi Junction

Archaeology (n):  ahr-kee-ol-uh-jee (105)
Archaeology is the study of the societies and peoples of the past by examining the remains of their buildings, tools, and other objects
You know that she read archeology by correspondence

Archetype (n):  ahr-ki-tahyp
An archetype is something that is considered to be a perfect or typical example of a particular kind of person or thing, because it has all their most important characteristics =  epitome, model
She is the archetype of an American movie star

Archipelago (n):  ahr-kuh-pel-uh-goh
An archipelago is a group of islands, especially small islands
They even partitioned the archipelago into three quite separate military commands

Archives (n):  ahr-kahyv
The archive or archives are a collection of documents and records that contain historical information You can also use archives to refer to the place where archives are stored
Reprinting items retrieved from the archives are for personal use only

Ardor (n):  ahr-der
very strong admiration or excitement =  passion, zeal
They sang with real ardour

Argot (n):  ahr-goh (110)
An argot is a special language used by a particular group  of people, which other people find difficult to understand  =  slang
The jargon of the criminal underworld is often referred to as argot

Armada (n):  ahr-mah-duh, -mey-
An armada is a large group of warships
An armada of US naval vessels creates fear in any opponent country

Armistice (n):  ahr-muh-stis
An armistice is an agreement between countries who are at war with one another to stop fighting and to discuss ways of making peace = agreement
Everyone celebrated the signing of the armistice

Arrogance (n):  ar-uh-guhns
Someone who is arrogant behaves in a proud, unpleasant way towards other people because they believe that they are more important than others= haughtiness
I couldn't believe the arrogance of the man

Arroyo (n):  uh-roi-oh
A gully

Arsenal (n):   ahr-suh-nl, ahrs-nuhl (115)
An arsenal is a large collection of weapons and military equipment held by a country, group, or person = armoury
The arsenal was set ablaze by the spies

Artifacts (n):  ahr-tuh-fakt
an object such as a tool, weapon etc that was made in the past and is historically important
Software, is though, a cultural artifact of the modern world

Artifice (n):  ahr-tuh-fis
Artifice is the clever use of tricks and devices = deception, trickery
No artifice help you to make you a winner

Asceticism (n):  uh-set-uh-siz-uhm
Asceticism is a simple, strict way of life with no luxuries or physical pleasures

Asperison (n):  uh-spur-zhuhn, -shuhn
an unkind remark or an unfair judgment = criticism
How easy it is to cast asperison on another’s character!

Asperity (n):  uh-sper-i-tee (120)
If you say something with asperity, you say it impatiently and severely =  sharpness, sharpness of temper
His words were not heard but the hissing of the voice carried a certain asperity   

Aspirant (n):  uh-spahyuhr-uhnt
Someone who is an aspirant to political power or to an important job has a strong desire to achieve it
CAT aspirants are increasing year by year

Aspiration (n):  as-puh-rey-shuhn
Someone's aspirations are their desire to achieve things = noble ambition
The aspirations of the young generation have to be understood by the elders properly

Assualt (n):  as-puh-rey-shuhn
An assault by an army is a strong attack made on an area held by the enemy = attack
They assaulted him with a baseball bat as he walked home

Asteroid (n):  as-tuh-roid
An asteroid is one of the very small planets that move around the sun between Mars and Jupiter = small planet
Two large asteroids have passed alarmingly close to Earth in the past few years

Astigmatism (n):  uh-stig-muh-tiz-uhm (125)
If someone has astigmatism, the front of their eye has a slightly irregular shape, so they cannot see properly
His views on the nature of astigmatism were important and he improved the treatment of acute glaucoma

Atavism (n):  at-uh-viz-uhm
Atavistic feelings or behaviour seem to be very primitive, like the feelings or behaviour of our earliest ancestors = primordial

Atelier (n):  at-l-yey
An atelier is an artist's studio or workshop = workshop; studio

Atheist (n): ey-thee-ist
An atheist is a person who believes that there is no God

Atrocity (n):  uh-tros-i-tee
An atrocity is a very cruel, shocking action = cruelty
The atrocities of the militants are shocking

Atrophy (n):  a-truh-fee (130)
If a muscle or other part of the body atrophies, it decreases in size or strength, often as a result of an illness = shrivel
His muscles had atrophied after the surgery

Attribute (n):  uh-trib-yoot
If you attribute something to an event or situation, you think that it was caused by that event or situation  = ascribe, essential quality
Women tend to attribute their success to external causes such as luck

Attrition (n) :  uh-trish-uhn
the process of gradually destroying your enemy or making them weak by attacking them continuously = rub off
The company plans to cut a quarter of its workforce over six years through natural attrition and fewer hirings

Audacity (n):  aw-das-i-tee
the quality of having enough courage to take risks or say impolite things = boldness
I can't believe he had the audacity to ask me for more money

Audit (n):  aw-dit
When an accountant audits an organization's accounts, he or she examines the accounts officially in order to make sure that they have been done correctly = examination of accounts
Each year they audit our accounts and certify them as being true and fair

Augury (n):  aw-gyuh-ree (135)
An augury is a sign of what will happen in the future = omen, prophecy
The auguries of death are fast gathering round his head

Aureole (n):  awr-ee-ohl
sun's corona; halo

Auscultation (n):  aw-skuhl-tey-shuhn
act of listening to the heart or lungs to discover abnormalities

Austerity (n):  aw-ster-i-tee
Austerity is a situation in which people's living standards are reduced because of economic = difficulties sternness, severity
The government could afford a slight relaxation of its austerity

Autocrat (n):  aw-tuh-krat
An autocrat is a person in authority who has complete power  = monarch
He governed as an autocrat but also as a twentieth-century politician

Automaton (n):  aw-tom-uh-ton (140)
If you say that someone is an automaton, you are critical of them because they behave as if they are so tired or bored that they do things without thinking = robot
The automaton no longer looked so innocent

Autopsy (n):  aw-top-see
An autopsy is an examination of a dead body by a doctor who cuts it open in order to try to discover the cause of death = post-mortem
If she died of a drug overdose, it will show up in the autopsy

Avarice (n):  av-er-is
Avarice is extremely strong desire for money and possessions = greediness
He paid 10 month’s rent in advance, just enough to satisfy the landlord’s avarice

Avatar (n):  av-uh-tahr

Aversion (n):  uh-vur-zhuhn, -shuhn
If you have an aversion to someone or something, you dislike them very much = an intense dislike, antipathy
He had an aversion to getting up early

Aviary (n):  ey-vee-er-ee(145)
An aviary is a large cage or covered area in which birds are kept = enclosure for birds
The aviary at the zoo held nearly 300 birds

Avocation (n):  av-uh-key-shuhn
Your avocation is a job or activity that you do because you are interested in it, rather than to earn your living = parttime
His avocation to teach young children after the office hours finally made him to start a school

Awe (n):  aw
Awe is the feeling of respect and amazement that you have when you are faced with something wonderful and often rather frightening = solemn wonder
She gazed in awe at the great stones

Axiom (n):  ak-see-uhm
An axiom is a statement or idea which people accept as being true = adage, maxim
The old axiom that you can only succeed through hard work is true

Badinage (n):  bad-n-ahzh
Badinage is humorous or light-hearted conversation that often involves teasing someone = teasing
Don’t be irritated by the badinage

Ballast (n):  bal-uhst (150)
Ballast is any substance that is used in ships or hot-air balloons to make them heavier and more stable Ballast usually consists of water, sand, or iron = support
The ship was listing badly to one side; it was necessary to shift the ballast in the hold to get her back on an even keel