Florid (adj): flawr-id
If you describe something as florid, you disapprove of the fact that it is complicated and extravagant rather than plain and simple = ornate, flowery, ruddy
Fluted (adj): floo-tid
Something that is fluted has shallow curves cut into it = grooved
Foolhardy (adj): fool-hahr-dee
If you describe behaviour as foolhardy, you disapprove of it because it is extremely risky = rash
Foppish (adj): fop-ish
If you describe a man as foppish, you disapprove of the fact that he dresses in beautiful, expensive clothes and is very proud of his appearance
Forensic (adj): fuh-ren-sik (455)
Forensic is used to describe the work of scientists who examine evidence in order to help the police solve crimes
Forlorn (adj): fawr-lawrn
If someone is forlorn, they feel alone and unhappy = sad and lonely
Formidable (adj): fawr-mi-duh-buhl
If you describe something or someone as formidable, you mean that you feel slightly frightened by them because they are very great or impressive= threatening
Fortuitous (adj): fawr-too-i-tuhs, -tyoo-
You can describe something as fortuitous if it happens, by chance, to be very successful or pleasant = accidental
Fractious (adj):frak-shuhs
If you describe someone as fractious, you disapprove of them because they become upset or angry very quickly about small unimportant things = irritable, bad - tempered
Frail (adj): freyl (460)
Someone who is frail is not very strong or healthy = weak
Frantic (adj): fran-tik
If you are frantic, you are behaving in a wild and uncontrolled way because you are frightened or worried = wild
Fraternal (adj): fruh-tur-nl
Fraternal actions show strong links of friendship between two people or groups of people = brotherly
Fraudulent (adj): fraw-juh-luhnt
A fraudulent activity is deliberately deceitful, dishonest, or untrue = cheating, deceitful
Fraught (adj): frawt
If a situation or action is fraught with problems or risks, it is filled with them = filled
Frenetic (adj): fruh-net-ik (465)
If you describe an activity as frenetic, you mean that it is fast and energetic, but rather uncontrolled = frantic, frenzied
Frenzied (adj): fren-zeed
Frenzied activities or actions are wild, excited, and uncontrolled = madly excited
Frigid (adj): frij-id
Frigid means extremely cold = icy, intensely cold
Frivolous (adj): friv-uh-luhs
If you describe someone as frivolous, you mean they behave in a silly or light-hearted way, rather than being serious and sensible = silly
Frolicsome (adj): frol-ik-suhm
Frugal (adj): froo-guhl (470)
People who are frugal or who live frugal lives do not eat much or spend much money on themselves.
Froward (adj): froh-werd
Not easily managible = disobedient, stubborn
Frowzy (adj): frou-zee
slovenly; unkempt; dirty
Fulgent (adj): fuhl-juhnt
beaming; radiant
Fulsome (adj): fool-suhm
If you describe expressions of praise, apology, or gratitude as fulsome, you disapprove of them because they are exaggerated and elaborate, so that they sound insincere = excessive
Funereal (adj): fyoo-neer-ee-uhl (475)
A funereal tone, atmosphere, or colour is very sad and serious and would be suitable for a funeral = solemn, sad
Furtive (adj): fur-tiv
If you describe someone’s behaviour as furtive, you disapprove of them behaving as if they want to keep something secret or hidden = hidden, clandestine, covert
Fustian (adj): fuhs-chuhn
pompous; bombastic
Gamley (adv): geym-lee
If you do something gamely, you do it bravely or with a lot of effort = resolutely
Garble (adj): gahr-buhl
A garbled message or report contains confused or wrong details, often because it is spoken by someone who is nervous or in a hurry
Gargantuan (adj): gahr-gan-choo-uhn (480)
If you say that something is gargantuan, you are emphasizing that it is very large = huge, colossal, mammoth
Garish (adj): gair-ish
You describe something as garish when you dislike it because it is very bright in an unattractive, showy way = gaudy, flashy
Garrulous (adj): gar-uh-luhs
If you describe someone as garrulous, you mean that they talk a great deal, especially about unimportant things =
Gauche (adj): gohsh
If you describe someone as gauche, you mean that they are awkward and uncomfortable in the company of other people = clumsy
Gaudy (adj): gaw-dee
If something is gaudy, it is very brightly-coloured and showy = showy
Gaunt (adj): gawnt (485)
If someone looks gaunt, they look very thin, usually because they have been very ill or worried = thin, bony, angular, barren
Generic (adj): juh-ner-ik
You use generic to describe something that refers or relates to a whole class of similar things
Genial (adj): jeen-yuhl
Someone who is genial is kind and friendly = affable
Genteel (adj): jen-teel
A genteel person is respectable and well-mannered, and comes or seems to come from a high social class = courteous
Germane (adj): jer-meyn
Something that is germane to a situation or idea is connected with it in an important way = relevant, suitable
Germinal (adj): jur-muh-nl (490)
pertaining to a germ; creative
Ghastly (adj): gast-lee
If you describe someone or something as ghastly, you mean that you find them very unpleasant = awful, horrible
Gigantic (adj) : jahy-gan-ti
If you describe something as gigantic, you are emphasizing that it is extremely large in size, amount, or degree = collossal, huge
Glacial (adj): gley-shuhl
If you say that a person, action, or atmosphere is glacial, you mean that they are very unfriendly or hostile
Glib (adj): glib
If you describe what someone says as glib, you disapprove of it because it implies that something is simple or easy, or that there are no problems involved, when this is not the case = fluent
Glossy (adj): glos-ee (495)
Glossy means smooth and shiny = smooth and shining
Glutinous (adj): gloot-n-uhs
Something that is glutinous is very sticky = viscous
Gluttonous (adj): gluht-n-uhs
If you think that someone eats too much and is greedy, you can say they are gluttonous
Gnarled (adj): nahrld
A gnarled tree is twisted and strangely shaped because it is old = twisted
Gory (adj): gawr-ee, gohr-ee
Gory situations involve people being injured or dying in a horrible way = bloody, gruesome
Gossamer (adj): gos-uh-mer (500)
You use gossamer to indicate that something is very light, thin, or delicate
If you describe something as florid, you disapprove of the fact that it is complicated and extravagant rather than plain and simple = ornate, flowery, ruddy
The doctor was a middle-aged man with a florid complexion
Fluted (adj): floo-tid
Something that is fluted has shallow curves cut into it = grooved
The tall fluted walls were blue
Foolhardy (adj): fool-hahr-dee
If you describe behaviour as foolhardy, you disapprove of it because it is extremely risky = rash
It was foolhardy of you to try and climb that mountain in a single go
Foppish (adj): fop-ish
If you describe a man as foppish, you disapprove of the fact that he dresses in beautiful, expensive clothes and is very proud of his appearance
Forensic (adj): fuh-ren-sik (455)
Forensic is used to describe the work of scientists who examine evidence in order to help the police solve crimes
Forensic experts found poison in his blood
Forlorn (adj): fawr-lawrn
If someone is forlorn, they feel alone and unhappy = sad and lonely
She was forolorn and lovesick and could not concentrate on her sport
Formidable (adj): fawr-mi-duh-buhl
If you describe something or someone as formidable, you mean that you feel slightly frightened by them because they are very great or impressive= threatening
The problem seemed formidable for anyone to take lightly
Fortuitous (adj): fawr-too-i-tuhs, -tyoo-
You can describe something as fortuitous if it happens, by chance, to be very successful or pleasant = accidental
His promotion is extremely fortuitous and was not expected at all
Fractious (adj):frak-shuhs
If you describe someone as fractious, you disapprove of them because they become upset or angry very quickly about small unimportant things = irritable, bad - tempered
The children avoided the fractious, old woman
Frail (adj): freyl (460)
Someone who is frail is not very strong or healthy = weak
She lay in bed looking particularly frail
Frantic (adj): fran-tik
If you are frantic, you are behaving in a wild and uncontrolled way because you are frightened or worried = wild
A bird had been locked in and was by now quite frantic
Fraternal (adj): fruh-tur-nl
Fraternal actions show strong links of friendship between two people or groups of people = brotherly
There’s always been a lot of fraternal rivalry among us
Fraudulent (adj): fraw-juh-luhnt
A fraudulent activity is deliberately deceitful, dishonest, or untrue = cheating, deceitful
He was accused of using a fraught with difficulties
Fraught (adj): frawt
If a situation or action is fraught with problems or risks, it is filled with them = filled
Their marriage has been faught with difficulties
Frenetic (adj): fruh-net-ik (465)
If you describe an activity as frenetic, you mean that it is fast and energetic, but rather uncontrolled = frantic, frenzied
He hops from one job to another in a frenetic pace
Frenzied (adj): fren-zeed
Frenzied activities or actions are wild, excited, and uncontrolled = madly excited
The man was stabbed to death in a frenzied attack
Frigid (adj): frij-id
Frigid means extremely cold = icy, intensely cold
The guard looked at us with a frigid glare
Frivolous (adj): friv-uh-luhs
If you describe someone as frivolous, you mean they behave in a silly or light-hearted way, rather than being serious and sensible = silly
I just decided I was a bit too frivolous to be a doctor
The visiting team was greeted with frolicsome crowd wherever it went
People who are frugal or who live frugal lives do not eat much or spend much money on themselves.
She lives a frugal life.
Froward (adj): froh-werd
Not easily managible = disobedient, stubborn
Surya Rao’s only worry is about his froward son
Frowzy (adj): frou-zee
slovenly; unkempt; dirty
Fulgent (adj): fuhl-juhnt
beaming; radiant
Fulsome (adj): fool-suhm
If you describe expressions of praise, apology, or gratitude as fulsome, you disapprove of them because they are exaggerated and elaborate, so that they sound insincere = excessive
The guests were fulsome in their praise for the food
Funereal (adj): fyoo-neer-ee-uhl (475)
A funereal tone, atmosphere, or colour is very sad and serious and would be suitable for a funeral = solemn, sad
The local weather was always funereal
Furtive (adj): fur-tiv
If you describe someone’s behaviour as furtive, you disapprove of them behaving as if they want to keep something secret or hidden = hidden, clandestine, covert
There was something furtive about his actions
Fustian (adj): fuhs-chuhn
pompous; bombastic
The readers were taken in by author’s fustian style of describing things
Gamley (adv): geym-lee
If you do something gamely, you do it bravely or with a lot of effort = resolutely
He gamely defended his organisation's decision
Garble (adj): gahr-buhl
A garbled message or report contains confused or wrong details, often because it is spoken by someone who is nervous or in a hurry
He left a garbled message for me on my table
Gargantuan (adj): gahr-gan-choo-uhn (480)
If you say that something is gargantuan, you are emphasizing that it is very large = huge, colossal, mammoth
The gargantuan wrestler was terrified of mice
Garish (adj): gair-ish
You describe something as garish when you dislike it because it is very bright in an unattractive, showy way = gaudy, flashy
Clowns in the circus normally wear garish outfits
Garrulous (adj): gar-uh-luhs
If you describe someone as garrulous, you mean that they talk a great deal, especially about unimportant things =
Most of my friends are garrulous so I hardly find time to study
Gauche (adj): gohsh
If you describe someone as gauche, you mean that they are awkward and uncomfortable in the company of other people = clumsy
We’re all a bit gauche when we’re young
Gaudy (adj): gaw-dee
If something is gaudy, it is very brightly-coloured and showy = showy
She wore gaudy orange-and-purple floral hat
Gaunt (adj): gawnt (485)
If someone looks gaunt, they look very thin, usually because they have been very ill or worried = thin, bony, angular, barren
Poverty and hunger made her face gaunt
Generic (adj): juh-ner-ik
You use generic to describe something that refers or relates to a whole class of similar things
Fine Arts is a generic t erm for subjects such as painting, music and sculpture
Genial (adj): jeen-yuhl
Someone who is genial is kind and friendly = affable
His genial nature made him popular not only in his own class but also across all other sections
Col: genial smile/ manner / nature
Genteel (adj): jen-teel
A genteel person is respectable and well-mannered, and comes or seems to come from a high social class = courteous
He came from a genteel famlly
Something that is germane to a situation or idea is connected with it in an important way = relevant, suitable
He raised a germane issue during the meeting
Germinal (adj): jur-muh-nl (490)
pertaining to a germ; creative
All artists have to endure the theories of long periods of little germinal activity
Ghastly (adj): gast-lee
If you describe someone or something as ghastly, you mean that you find them very unpleasant = awful, horrible
Finally he admitted that the whole thing was a ghastly mistake
Gigantic (adj) : jahy-gan-ti
If you describe something as gigantic, you are emphasizing that it is extremely large in size, amount, or degree = collossal, huge
The semister end project work is gigantic
Glacial (adj): gley-shuhl
If you say that a person, action, or atmosphere is glacial, you mean that they are very unfriendly or hostile
Inside the hostel, the atmosphere is glacial
Glib (adj): glib
If you describe what someone says as glib, you disapprove of it because it implies that something is simple or easy, or that there are no problems involved, when this is not the case = fluent
He is glib and articulate speaker
Glossy (adj): glos-ee (495)
Glossy means smooth and shiny = smooth and shining
The leaves were dark and glossy
Glutinous (adj): gloot-n-uhs
Something that is glutinous is very sticky = viscous
Molten lava has a glutinous texture
Gluttonous (adj): gluht-n-uhs
If you think that someone eats too much and is greedy, you can say they are gluttonous
His gluttonous behaviour at the dinner surprised everyone
Gnarled (adj): nahrld
A gnarled tree is twisted and strangely shaped because it is old = twisted
The gnarled oak tree infront of my house is home for many birds
Gory (adj): gawr-ee, gohr-ee
Gory situations involve people being injured or dying in a horrible way = bloody, gruesome
It was a gory horror movie that we saw last night
Gossamer (adj): gos-uh-mer (500)
You use gossamer to indicate that something is very light, thin, or delicate
Her gossamer gown seemed to float behind her