Adj - 11(501-550)

Graduated  (adj):  graj-oo-ey-tid
Graduated means increasing by regular amounts or grades
In India, graduated rates of personal income tax are followed

Grandiose (adj):  gran-dee-ohs
If you describe something as grandiose, you mean it is bigger or more elaborate than necessary = pretentious
His grandiose manner impressed those who met him for the first time

Gratis (adv or adj):  grat-is, grey-tis
If something is done or provided gratis, it does not have to be paid for = free
The orphans were allowed into the theatre gratis

Gratuitous (adj):  gruh-too-i-tuhs, -tyoo-
If you describe something as gratuitous, you mean that it is unnecessary, and often harmful or upsetting
There's too much crime and gratuitous violence on TV

Gregarious (adj):  gri-gair-ee-uhs (505)
Someone who is gregarious enjoys being with other people = sociable
Gregarious people are better at work situations that involve group activity

Grisly (adj):  griz-lee
Something that is grisly is extremely unpleasant, and usually involves death and violence = ghastly
The town was shaken by a series of grisly murders

Guileless (adj):  gahyl-lis
If you describe someone as guileless, you mean that they behave openly and truthfully and do not try to deceive people = artless
He is naive, simple, and guileless; he cannot be guilty of fraud

Gullible (adj):  guhl-uh-buhl
If you describe someone as gullible, you mean they are easily tricked because they are too trusting = easily deceived
The gullible tourist was robbed of his money by an auto - driver

Hackneyed (adj):  hak-need
If you describe something such as a saying or an image as hackneyed, you think it is no longer likely to interest, amuse or affect people because it has been used, seen, or heard many times before = trite, chiched
‘Old is gold’ is a hackneyed expression

Haggard (adj):  hag-erd (510)
Someone who looks haggard has a tired expression and shadows under their eyes, especially because they are ill or have not had enough sleep = fatigued, exhausted
She looked haggard from loss of sleep

Halcyon (adj):  hal-see-uhn
A halcyon time is a time in the past that was peaceful = calm
The old man often recalls the halcyon days of his youth

Hallowed (adj):hal-ohd;
Hallowed is used to describe something that is respected and admired, usually because it is old, important, or has a good reputation = blessed, consecrated
The hallowed politician announced his retirement from active politics

Haphazard (adj):   hap-haz-erd
If you describe something as haphazard, you are critical of it because it is not at all organized or is not arranged according to a plan = random, by chance
His haphazard reading left him unacquainted with the authors of the books

Hapless (adj):  hap-lis
A hapless person is unlucky = unfortunate
The hapless victims were stranded by the strom which blew away their houses

Harlequin (adj):  hahr-luh-kwin, -kin (515)
You use harlequin to describe something that has a lot of different colours, often in a diamond pattern

Harrowing (adj):  har-oh-ing
A harrowing experience is extremely upsetting or disturbing = distressing, traumatic
Many young women complain about the harrowing experience they have to get through daily in buses and trains

Haughty  (adj):  haw-tee
You use haughty to describe someone’s behaviour or appearance when you disapprove of the fact that they seem to be very proud and to think that they are better than other people = pride, arrogance
The haughty celebrity lost many of his fans by his behaviour

Hazardous (adj):  haz-er-duhs
Something that is hazardous is dangerous, especially to people's health or safety = dangerous
The chemicals in paint can be hazardous to health

Hazy (adj):  hey-zee
Hazy weather conditions are those in which things are difficult to see, because of light mist, hot air, or dust = clear, slightly obscure
He was a little hazy about the details

Heedless (adj):  heed-lis (520)
If you are heedless of someone or something, you do not take any notice of them = not noticing; disregarding
The heedless destruction of forests is contributing to global warming

Heinous (adj):  hey-nuhs
If you describe something such as a crime as heinous, you mean that it is extremely evil or horrible = atrocious
Murder for revenge is a heinous crime

Hermetically (adj):  hur-met-ik-lee
If a container has a hermetic seal, the seal is very tight so that no air can get in or out = airtight
Space and time can not be regarded as hermetically sealed domains

Heterogeneous (adj):  het-er-uh-jee-nee-uhs
A heterogeneous group consists of many different types of things or people = diverse, homogeneous
Mumbai is a heterogenous metropolitan of different cultures

Hindmost (adj):  hahynd-mohst
furthest behind
The coward could always be found in the hindmost lines whenever a battle was being waged

Hirsute (adj):  hur-soot, hur-soot (525)
If a man or an animal is hirsute, it is hairy  = hairy
My hirsute dog has begun shedding his hair again

Histrionic (adj):  his-tree-on-ik
If you refer to someone's behaviour as histrionic, you are critical of it because it is very dramatic, exaggerated, and insincere = theatrical
Dorothea let out a histrionic groan

Hoary (adj):  hawr-ee, hohr-ee
If you describe a problem or subject as hoary, you mean that it is old and familiar = white with age
The man was hoary and wrinkled when he was 70

Homespun (adj):  hohm-spuhn
You use homespun to describe opinions or ideas that are simple and not based on special knowledge = domestic,  made at home
The book is simple homespun philosophy

Homogeneous (adj):   hoh-muh-jee-nee-uhs
Homogeneous is used to describe a group or thing which has members or parts that are all the same = similiar
The unemployed are not a homogeneous group

Horrendous (adj):    haw-ren-duhs, ho- (530)
Something that is horrendous is very unpleasant or shocking = horrible
The earthquake caused horrendous sufferings to the victims

Hortatory (adj):  hawr-tuh-tawr-ee

Humane (adj):  hyoo-meyn
Humane people act in a kind, sympathetic way towards other people and animals, and try to do them as little harm as possible = kind
Being developed also means a better, more humane society

Humdrum (adj):  huhm-druhm
If you describe someone or something as humdrum, you mean that they are ordinary, dull, or boring = dull; monotonous
We went for a holiday just to get a rspite from our humdrum routine

Humid (adj):  hyoo-mid
You use humid to describe an atmosphere or climate that is very damp, and usually very hot = sticky, heavy, dry, damp
Visitors can expect hot and humid conditions

Hyperborean (adj):  hahy-per-bawr-ee-uhn (535)
situated in extreme north; arctic; cold

Hypocritical (adj):  hip-uh-kriti-kal
If you accuse someone of being hypocritical, you mean that they pretend to have qualities, beliefs, or feelings that they do not really have = insincere
It's hypocritical of these universities to call their football players student-athletes

Hypothetical  (adj):  hahy-puh-thet-i-kuhl
If something is hypothetical, it is based on possible ideas or situations rather than actual ones = theoretical
The advocate brought up a hypothetical pointto prove his point of view

Iconic (adj):  ahy-kon-ik
An iconic image or thing is important or impressive because it seems to be a symbol of something = famous
The astounding success of the movie Magadheera gave SS Rajamouli an iconic status

Iconoclastic (adj):  ahy-kon-uh-klast
If you describe someone or their words or ideas as iconoclastic, you mean that they contradict established beliefs = non-conformist
Einstein's theories were revolutionary and iconoclastic

Idiosyncratic (adj): id-ee-uh-sing-kruh-see (540)
If you describe someone’s actions or characteristics as idiosyncratic, you mean that they are rather unusual = odd, weird
The journalist was surprised to discover that the actress had idiosyncratic traits such as keeping a reptile as a domestic pet

Idyllic (adj):  ahy-dil-ik
If you describe something as idyllic, you mean that it is extremely pleasant, simple, and peaceful without any difficulties or dangers = peaceful
We went for an idyllic vacation in a seashore cottage

Igneous (adj):  ig-nee-uhs
In geology, igneous rocks are rocks that were once so hot that they were liquid
Lavam pumice, and other igneous rocks are found in great abundance around live Valcanos

Ignoble (adj):  ig-noh-buhl
If you describe something as ignoble, you mean that it is bad and something to be ashamed of = unworthy
He was accused of playing an ignoble part in the movie

Ignominious (adj):  ig-nuh-min-ee-uhs
If you describe an experience or action as ignominious, you mean it is embarrassing because it shows a great lack of success = shameful
Australia’s defeat against Bangladesh is considered as ignominious by many cricket critics

Illimitable (adj):  ih-lim-i-tuh-buhl (545)
Human beings having explored the far corners of the earth are now reaching out into illimitable space

Illusive (adj):  ih-loo-siv
deceiving = tricky
This is only a mirage; let us not fooled by its lllusive effect

Immaculate (adj):  ih-mak-yuh-lit
If you describe something as immaculate, you mean that it is extremely clean, tidy, or neat = very neat & clean
He was dressed in an immaculate white shit

Imminent  (adj):  im-uh-nuhnt
If you say that something is imminent, especially something unpleasant, you mean it is almost certain to happen very soon = near, impending
The secret agencies have warned that a terrorist attack is imminent in the capital

Immune  (adj):  ih-myoon
If you are immune to a particular disease, you cannot be affected by it = exempt
He was fortunately immune from the disease and could take care of the sick

Immutable (adj):  ih-myoo-tuh-buhl (550)
Something that is immutable will never change or cannot be changed = unchangeable
Some people regard grammar as an immutable set of rules that must be followed