Exiguous (adj): ig-zig-yoo-uhs
Exiguous amount or size is very small = paltry, meager, negligible
Ex officio (adj): eks uh-fish-ee-oh
Ex officio is used to describe something such as a rank or privilege that someone is entitled to because of the job or position they have
Exorbitant (adj): ig-zawr-bi-tuhnt
If you describe something such as a price or fee as exorbitant, you are emphasizing that it is much greater than it should be = excessive
Exotic (adj): ig-zot-ik
Something that is exotic is unusual and interesting, usually because it comes from or is related to a distant country
Expedient (adj): ik-spee-dee-uhnt (405)
An expedient is an action that achieves a particular purpose, but may not be morally right = suitable
Expeditiously (adj): ek-spi-dish-uhs
Expeditious means quick and efficient = rapidly and efficiently
Explicit (adj): ik-splis-it
Something that is explicit is expressed or shown clearly and openly, without any attempt to hide anything = overt, definite, open
Expository (adj): ik-spoz-i-tawr-ee
relating to a formal presentation
Extant (adj): ek-stuhnt, ik-stant
If something is extant, it is still in existence, in spite of being very old = in existence
Extempore (adj): ik-stem-puh-ree (410)
spoken or done without any preparation or practice = impromptu
Extenuating (adj): ik-sten-yoo-eyt
If you say that there are extenuating circumstances for a bad situation or wrong action, you mean that there are reasons or factors which partly excuse it = justifying
Extraneous (adj): ik-strey-nee-uhs
Extraneous things are not relevant or essential to the situation you are involved in or the subject you are talking about = not essential, external
Extrinsic (adj): ik-strin-sik
Extrinsic reasons, forces, or factors exist outside the person or situation they affect = external, intrinsi, not inherent; foreign
Exuberant (adj): ig-zoo-ber-uhn
If you are exuberant, you are full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness = abundant; effusive; lavish
Facetious (adj): fuh-see-shuhs (415)
If you say that someone is being facetious, you are criticizing them because they are making humorous remarks or saying things that they do not mean in a situation where they ought to be serious=Joking, humurous
Facile (adj): fas-il or, especially Brit, -ahyl
If you describe someone’s arguments or suggestions as facile, you are criticizing them because their ideas are too simple and indicate a lack of careful, intelligent thinking= easily accomplished, or fluent, superficial
Factious (adj): fak-shuhs
If you describe someone as fractious, you disapprove of them because they become upset or angry very quickly about small unimportant things= causing dissenson
You can very conveniently ignore his factious suggestions as they would just aggravate the already severe problem
Factitious (adj): fak-tish-uhs
Fictitious is used to describe something that is false or does not exist, although some people claim that it is true or exists= artificial, sham
Fain (adj): feyn
Fallacious (adj): fuh-ley-shuhs (420)
If an idea, argument, or reason is fallacious, it is wrong because it is based on a fallacy = misleading, equivocating
Fallible (adj): fal-uh-buhl
If you say that someone or something is fallible, you mean that they are not perfect and are likely to make mistakes or to fail in what they are doing=liable to err
Fallow (adj): fal-oh
Fallow land has been dug or ploughed but nothing has been planted in it, especially so that its quality or strength has a chance to improve = uncultivated
Fancied (adj): fan-seed
imagined, unreal
Fanciful (adj): fan-si-fuhl
If you describe an idea as fanciful, you disapprove of it because you think it comes from someone's imagination, and is therefore unrealistic or unlikely to be true = whimsical, visionary
Fantastic (adj): fan-tas-tik (425)
If you say that something is fantastic, you are emphasizing that you think it is very good or that you like it a lot I thought she was fantastic = great, unreal, grotesque, whimsical
Fastidious (adj): fa-stid-ee-uhs, fuh-
If you say that someone is fastidious, you mean that they pay great attention to detail because they like everything to be very neat, accurate, and in good order = overcritical
Fatalistic (adj): feyt-l-iz-uhm
If someone is fatalistic about something, especially an unpleasant event or situation, they feel that they cannot change or control it, and therefore that there is no purpose in trying = pessimistic
Fatuous (adj): fach-oo-uhs
If you describe a person, action, or remark as fatuous, you think that they are extremely silly, showing a lack of intelligence or thought = idiotic
Feasible (adj): fee-zuh-buhl
If something is feasible, it can be done, made, or achieved = achievable
Febrile (adj): fee-bruhl (430)
Febrile behaviour is intensely and nervously active = feverish
Fecund (adj): fee-kuhnd, -kuhnd
Land or soil that is fecund is able to support the growth of a large number of strong healthy plants = productive, fertile
Felicitous (adj): fi-lis-i-tuhs
If you describe a remark or idea as felicitous, you approve of it because it seems particularly suitable in the circumstances= apt, suitably expressed, well chosen
Fervent (adj): fur-vuhnt
A fervent person has or shows strong feelings about something, and is very sincere and enthusiastic about it= ardent, hot
Fervid (adj): fur-vid
believing or feeling something too strongly = ardent
Festive (adj):(435)
Something that is festive is special, colourful, or exciting, especially because of a holiday or celebration = joyous
Fetid (adj): fet-id, fee-tidstinking
Fetid water or air has a very strong unpleasant smell= malodorous
Fickle (adj): fik-uhl
If you describe someone as fickle, you disapprove of them because they keep changing their mind about what they like or want = changeable, faithless
Fictitious (adj): fik-tish-uhs
Fictitious is used to describe something that is false or does not exist, although some people claim that it is true or exists = imaginary
Fiduciary (adj): fi-doo-shee-er-ee
Fiduciary is used to talk about things which relate to a trust, or to the people who are in charge of a trust
Filial (adj): fil-ee-uhl (440)
You can use filial to describe the duties, feelings, or relationships which exist between a son or daughter and his or her parents
Finicky (adj): fin-i-kee
If you say that someone is finicky, you mean that they are worried about small details and are difficult to please = picky, too particular, fussy
Finite (adj): fahy-nahyt
Something that is finite has a definite fixed size or extent = limited
Fitful (adj): fit-fuhl
Something that is fitful happens for irregular periods of time or occurs at irregular times, rather than being continuous = continuous, spasmodic, intermittent
Flaccid (adj): flak-sid, flas-id
You use flaccid to describe a part of someone’s body when it is unpleasantly soft and not hard or firm= flabby, limp
Flagging (adj): flag-ing (445)
becoming tired or losing strength
Flagrant (adj): fley-gruhnt
You can use flagrant to describe an action, situation, or someone’s behaviour that you find extremely bad or shocking in a very obvious way = outrageous, scandalous
Flamboyant (adj): flam-boi-uhnt
If you say that someone or something is flamboyant, you mean that they are very noticeable, stylish, and exciting = ornate
Flatulent (adj): flach-uh-luhnt
pompous, exaggerated = grandiose
Fledgling (adj): flej-ling
You use fledgling to describe a person, organization, or system that is new or without experience = inexperienced
Flippant (adj): flip-uhnt (450)
If you describe a person or what they say as flippant, you are criticizing them because you think they are not taking something as seriously as they should = facetious
Exiguous amount or size is very small = paltry, meager, negligible
His exiguous salary never discouraged him to go for higher studies
Ex officio (adj): eks uh-fish-ee-oh
Ex officio is used to describe something such as a rank or privilege that someone is entitled to because of the job or position they have
The Vice President is the ex officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha
Exorbitant (adj): ig-zawr-bi-tuhnt
If you describe something such as a price or fee as exorbitant, you are emphasizing that it is much greater than it should be = excessive
The prices of household commodities have become exorbitant after the budget
Exotic (adj): ig-zot-ik
Something that is exotic is unusual and interesting, usually because it comes from or is related to a distant country
We went to the lake to watch exotic birds
Expedient (adj): ik-spee-dee-uhnt (405)
An expedient is an action that achieves a particular purpose, but may not be morally right = suitable
The expedient actions by the Manager finally proved wrong in the end
Expeditious means quick and efficient = rapidly and efficiently
Surprisingly, the bank expeditiously granted loan to me
Explicit (adj): ik-splis-it
Something that is explicit is expressed or shown clearly and openly, without any attempt to hide anything = overt, definite, open
He was very explicit about the norms to be followed in his office
Expository (adj): ik-spoz-i-tawr-ee
relating to a formal presentation
The students want to develop their creative and expository writing skills
Extant (adj): ek-stuhnt, ik-stant
If something is extant, it is still in existence, in spite of being very old = in existence
Few of the manuscripts are still extant in the museum
Extempore (adj): ik-stem-puh-ree (410)
spoken or done without any preparation or practice = impromptu
His extempore speech received a standing ovation
Extenuating (adj): ik-sten-yoo-eyt
If you say that there are extenuating circumstances for a bad situation or wrong action, you mean that there are reasons or factors which partly excuse it = justifying
He told the judge that he committed the crime under extenuating circumstances
Extraneous (adj): ik-strey-nee-uhs
Extraneous things are not relevant or essential to the situation you are involved in or the subject you are talking about = not essential, external
Such details are extraneious to the matter in hand
Extrinsic (adj): ik-strin-sik
Extrinsic reasons, forces, or factors exist outside the person or situation they affect = external, intrinsi, not inherent; foreign
The rising inflation is a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors
Exuberant (adj): ig-zoo-ber-uhn
If you are exuberant, you are full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness = abundant; effusive; lavish
His speeches were famous for his exuberant language and vivid imagery
Facetious (adj): fuh-see-shuhs (415)
If you say that someone is being facetious, you are criticizing them because they are making humorous remarks or saying things that they do not mean in a situation where they ought to be serious=Joking, humurous
His facetious comments got his family in embarrassment
Facile (adj): fas-il or, especially Brit, -ahyl
If you describe someone’s arguments or suggestions as facile, you are criticizing them because their ideas are too simple and indicate a lack of careful, intelligent thinking= easily accomplished, or fluent, superficial
Since she was a facile speaker, she made an effective politician
Factious (adj): fak-shuhs
If you describe someone as fractious, you disapprove of them because they become upset or angry very quickly about small unimportant things= causing dissenson
You can very conveniently ignore his factious suggestions as they would just aggravate the already severe problem
Factitious (adj): fak-tish-uhs
Fictitious is used to describe something that is false or does not exist, although some people claim that it is true or exists= artificial, sham
He has cooked a factitious story about his past to get a job
Fain (adj): feyn
They were fain to go
Fallacious (adj): fuh-ley-shuhs (420)
If an idea, argument, or reason is fallacious, it is wrong because it is based on a fallacy = misleading, equivocating
His research is based on totally fallacious reasoning
Fallible (adj): fal-uh-buhl
If you say that someone or something is fallible, you mean that they are not perfect and are likely to make mistakes or to fail in what they are doing=liable to err
We all are falliable at one time or the other
Fallow (adj): fal-oh
Fallow land has been dug or ploughed but nothing has been planted in it, especially so that its quality or strength has a chance to improve = uncultivated
Farmers leave the land follow between two cropping seasons to improve its fertility
Fancied (adj): fan-seed
imagined, unreal
You should not worry about the fancied opinions of the people
Fanciful (adj): fan-si-fuhl
If you describe an idea as fanciful, you disapprove of it because you think it comes from someone's imagination, and is therefore unrealistic or unlikely to be true = whimsical, visionary
The suggestion that there was a conspiracy is not entirely fanciful
Fantastic (adj): fan-tas-tik (425)
If you say that something is fantastic, you are emphasizing that you think it is very good or that you like it a lot I thought she was fantastic = great, unreal, grotesque, whimsical
Kids spend fantastic amounts of money on CDs
Fastidious (adj): fa-stid-ee-uhs, fuh-
If you say that someone is fastidious, you mean that they pay great attention to detail because they like everything to be very neat, accurate, and in good order = overcritical
He is fastidious about cleanliness
If someone is fatalistic about something, especially an unpleasant event or situation, they feel that they cannot change or control it, and therefore that there is no purpose in trying = pessimistic
People we spoke to today were really rather fatalistic about what’s going to happen
Fatuous (adj): fach-oo-uhs
If you describe a person, action, or remark as fatuous, you think that they are extremely silly, showing a lack of intelligence or thought = idiotic
His fatuous remarks disrupted the meeting
Feasible (adj): fee-zuh-buhl
If something is feasible, it can be done, made, or achieved = achievable
This is an entirely feasible proposal I suggest we adopt it
Febrile (adj): fee-bruhl (430)
Febrile behaviour is intensely and nervously active = feverish
She sings with febrile intensity
Fecund (adj): fee-kuhnd, -kuhnd
Land or soil that is fecund is able to support the growth of a large number of strong healthy plants = productive, fertile
Black soil is fecund for the growth of cotton
Felicitous (adj): fi-lis-i-tuhs
If you describe a remark or idea as felicitous, you approve of it because it seems particularly suitable in the circumstances= apt, suitably expressed, well chosen
His suggestions are widely recognized as felicitious
Fervent (adj): fur-vuhnt
A fervent person has or shows strong feelings about something, and is very sincere and enthusiastic about it= ardent, hot
Ram is a fervent supporter of Deccan chargers
believing or feeling something too strongly = ardent
Her fervid enthusiasm for work resulted in her rapid growth in the organisation
Festive (adj):(435)
Something that is festive is special, colourful, or exciting, especially because of a holiday or celebration = joyous
Their wedding in the part was a festive occasion
Fetid (adj): fet-id, fee-tidstinking
Fetid water or air has a very strong unpleasant smell= malodorous
The black fetid water of the lake has made living here
Fickle (adj): fik-uhl
If you describe someone as fickle, you disapprove of them because they keep changing their mind about what they like or want = changeable, faithless
His fickle nature made her disappointed
Fictitious (adj): fik-tish-uhs
Fictitious is used to describe something that is false or does not exist, although some people claim that it is true or exists = imaginary
Some people have a habit of filling fictitious addresses in surveys
Fiduciary (adj): fi-doo-shee-er-ee
Fiduciary is used to talk about things which relate to a trust, or to the people who are in charge of a trust
Every company has a fiduciary duty towards its customers
Filial (adj): fil-ee-uhl (440)
You can use filial to describe the duties, feelings, or relationships which exist between a son or daughter and his or her parents
One should always remember to take care of their filial obiligations towards their parents
Collocations: Filial duty, filial responsibilities
Finicky (adj): fin-i-kee
If you say that someone is finicky, you mean that they are worried about small details and are difficult to please = picky, too particular, fussy
She’s very finicky about what she wears
Finite (adj): fahy-nahyt
Something that is finite has a definite fixed size or extent = limited
Is the number of stars in the universe finite?
Fitful (adj): fit-fuhl
Something that is fitful happens for irregular periods of time or occurs at irregular times, rather than being continuous = continuous, spasmodic, intermittent
One such fitful wins won’t make him a great player
Flaccid (adj): flak-sid, flas-id
You use flaccid to describe a part of someone’s body when it is unpleasantly soft and not hard or firm= flabby, limp
Lack of regular physical activity had left him with flaccid muscles
Flagging (adj): flag-ing (445)
becoming tired or losing strength
He presents himself as the man to revive the party's flagging fortunes
You can use flagrant to describe an action, situation, or someone’s behaviour that you find extremely bad or shocking in a very obvious way = outrageous, scandalous
There was a flagrant violation of rules in the examination hall
Flamboyant (adj): flam-boi-uhnt
If you say that someone or something is flamboyant, you mean that they are very noticeable, stylish, and exciting = ornate
She has red hair and a rather flamboyant appearance
Flatulent (adj): flach-uh-luhnt
pompous, exaggerated = grandiose
His desire to imitate the flatulent lifestyle of the rich made him ruin his fortune
Fledgling (adj): flej-ling
You use fledgling to describe a person, organization, or system that is new or without experience = inexperienced
The fledgling young man did not realise the internal politics in the institution and kept fighting for his cause
Flippant (adj): flip-uhnt (450)
If you describe a person or what they say as flippant, you are criticizing them because you think they are not taking something as seriously as they should = facetious
This is not time to make flippant remarks